Add a Document

Vault Safety makes it easy to add and manage documents.

Note Beginning with 24R1 in April 2024 and for all subsequent releases, the new Vault Safety Help site is the official site for all Vault Safety Help content. This site reflects updates until the 23R3 release only. For the latest information, visit the new site.

This page provides basic information about adding documents. Vault Help provides more detailed information about document management.

Upload a Document to the Library

  1. Go to the Library tab.
  2. From the menu bar, select Create. The Create Document window appears.
    If you do not see the Create button, you do not have permission to upload documents.
  3. On the Create Document window, select Upload > Continue.
  4. On the Upload Files (Step 1) page, drag and drop the files into the blue area or select Choose to browse for the files on your device.
  5. Select whether to classify the documents with a document type immediately or later.
    Unclassified documents are visible only to you.
  6. If you chose Classify documents now, under Choose document type, select the document type.
  7. Select Next.
    Vault immediately begins uploading the files and shows the progress on the page.
  8. On the Upload Files (Step 2) page, complete the fields.
    An asterisk (*) indicates a required field
  9. Select Save.
    If the Save button is disabled, the upload is not complete or required fields are blank.

Note Only newer versions of Internet Explorer (v10+) support the drag and drop tool for selecting source files.


View and manage the uploaded document on the Library tab. Depending on the file size, the thumbnail and viewable rendition can take up to several minutes to appear.

Add a Document to an Object Record

  1. Go to the object record to which you want to attach a document.
  2. Expand Documents.
    add document to an object record
    Add a Document
  3. Select Add.
    The Search: Documents window appears.
  4. To upload a document to the library, perform the following steps:
    1. Select Create.
      The Upload File (Step 1) window appears.
    2. Select Choose.
    3. Choose the file from your computer, and then select Open.
    4. In the Upload File (Step 1) window, under Choose document type, select the document type.
    5. Select Next.
    6. In the Upload File (Step 2) window, complete the document information fields, and then select Save.
  5. Enter a document search term, and then select execute-search-button.
    The table displays the documents that match your search criteria.
  6. To attach a document to the case, select the checkbox beside it:
    search documents window
    Search Documents Window
  7. Select Close.


The document is attached to the object record.

Documents Section

Remove a Document from an Object Record

  1. On the object record page, expand Documents.
  2. Select Add.
    The Search: Documents window appears.
  3. Use the search bar or filters to find the document.
  4. To remove a document from the case, unselect the checkbox beside it.
  5. Select Close.


The document remains in the library but is no longer associated with the case or listed under Documents.

Track a Manual Transmission
Edit a Document