Vault makes it easy to add content: upload a document from your computer, create a content placeholder, or create a document from a configured template, select the document type, and provide required document fields. Vault adds the document to the Library and (if possible) generates an image thumbnail and PDF viewable rendition. See a list of supported formats for viewable renditions.

When you create a new document in Vault, the generated Document ID may not be in sequential order.

How to Create Documents from Uploaded Files

To create one or more documents using files on your computer or local file server as source files:

  1. From the menu bar, click Create > Document. If you do not see this option, you do not have permission to upload documents.
  2. Select Upload from the Create Document menu and click Continue.
  3. To select files, drag and drop them into the blue area or click the upload icon. If your Vault uses the Google Drive integration, select one of the icons. Uploading multiple files creates multiple documents.
  4. If prompted, choose whether to classify the documents with a document type immediately or later. For unclassified documents, you will skip the steps to select a document type and populate fields.
  5. If you chose to classify the documents, select a document type using the document type selector. This selection determines the relevant document fields, lifecycles, and workflows.
  6. Click Next. Vault immediately begins uploading the files and shows the progress on the page. If Duplicate Content Detection is enabled, Vault will notify you if the same file already exists.
  7. Complete the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates required fields. You can complete these fields before the upload completes. You can edit fields for multiple documents at one time.
  8. Click Save. If the Save button is disabled, the upload is not complete or required fields are blank.
  9. The uploaded document is now available in the Library. Depending on the file size, the thumbnail and viewable rendition can take up to several minutes to appear.

How to Create Unclassified Documents from Document Inbox

You can drag and drop documents directly to your Document Inbox. See Creating Unclassified Documents for more information.

How to Create Documents from Uploaded Files in EDL Items

You can also create one or more documents by uploading files from your computer or local file server in an EDL Item. To upload a document from an EDL Item, you must have permission to create at least one document type (other than Unclassified).

  1. From the EDL Item Actions menu, click Upload. If you do not see this option, you do not have permission to upload the documents.
  2. Select the EDL type from the Create EDL menu and click Continue.
  3. To select files, drag and drop them into the blue area or click the upload icon and select a file. If your Vault uses the Google Drive integration, select one of the icons. Uploading multiple files creates multiple documents.
  4. The option to Classify documents now is selected by default. Vault will classify the document and populate all of the document fields based on the fields in the EDL Item. Note that if you select Classify later, the normal unclassified document creation process is followed, and none of the unclassified document’s field values will be auto-populated based on the EDL Item.
  5. Click Next. Vault immediately begins uploading the files and shows the progress on the page. If Duplicate Content Detection is enabled, Vault will notify you if the same file already exists.
  6. Review the fields populated from the EDL Item, and fill any other fields as necessary.
  7. Click Save.
  8. One or more Vault documents are now created and auto-matched to the EDL Item. The uploaded document is now available in the Library. Depending on the file size, the thumbnail and viewable rendition can take up to several minutes to appear.

How to Create Content Placeholders

Vault allows you to add content placeholders when the associated content is not yet available and then, add the source file at a later date.

How to Create Documents from Templates

Document templates allow quick creation of new documents from a configured template. This option only appears if there are active templates for the selected document type. When creating the new document, Vault copies the template file and uses that copy as the source file for the new document. To create from a template:

  1. From the Vault navigation bar, click Create > Document.
  2. Select From Template from the Create Document menu and click Continue.
  3. Select a document type using the document type selector. This selection determines the relevant templates, document fields, lifecycles, and workflows.
  4. Choose a template from the picklist and click Next.
  5. Complete the document fields. An asterisk (*) indicates required fields.
  6. Click Save. If the button is disabled, required fields are blank.
  7. The new document is now available in the Library. Vault copies the template file to create the document’s source file, so changes to the file do not affect the template. Admins can also update the template file without affecting your document.

How to Create Binders

Binders allow you to organize and group documents in a flexible structure.

How to Create Content from Other Contexts

You are also able to add documents and placeholders to a Vault from other contexts. Adding content from within binders, EDL items, or object records provides context for Vault to autofill various fields and assign document types.


You can create documents and placeholders when editing a binder.

EDL Items

You can also create documents from uploaded files in EDL Items. The Upload, Create Placeholder, and Create Document From Template actions are available in the EDL Item Actions menu. This process is the same as creating a document elsewhere in Vault, but the document type is already selected and document fields are automatically filled with the EDL item information.

Object Records

When configured by an Admin, you can create documents from inside an object record. In the related documents section of the object record, click Add. From here, you can do any of the following:

  • Select an existing document (for which you have the Edit Fields permission) to add to the object record. If an Admin has configured filters to constrain which related documents you can add, Vault only shows documents that fit the defined criteria. If applicable, you must have Read permission on all fields used in the filter in order to view this section.
  • Upload a new document by clicking Create and then selecting Upload. Uploading a new document will automatically relate the document to this object. This option is not available if an Admin has configured filters to constrain which related documents you can add to the section.
  • Create a new document from a template by clicking Create and then selecting Document from Template. Creating a new document from a template will automatically relate the document to this object. Admin has configured filters to constrain which related documents you can add to the section.

For example, Teresa is editing a Marketing Campaign record when she notices that one of the campaign’s documents is missing. She clicks Add, but that campaign document is missing. She clicks Create, then selects Upload to create a new document. This new document is now related to the Marketing Campaign record through the document’s Campaign field.

Source & Rendition File Limits

Vault imposes some limits when uploading files:

  • Most files must be under 4 GB in size.
  • Video source files must be under 4 GB in size.
  • Source files up to 500 GB in size must be uploaded using Vault File Manager.
  • When creating multiple documents, you cannot upload more than 100 source files.
  • File names cannot exceed 218 bytes, including the file extension. Note that one (1) character does not always equal one (1) byte. For example, the character 菌 is three (3) bytes.
  • You cannot upload zero (0) byte files.