From the Email & Notifications pages, you can view and edit messages that Vault sends to users as both emails and in-application notifications.

Vault Summary Emails

System Administrators and Vault Owners can configure email preferences for individual users. By default, Vault sends an email notification for every occurrence of user tasks, user mentions, and send as link, and does not send email notifications for shared views.

Instead of a notification for every occurrence, Admins can also configure Vault to send notifications in the form of a summary email delivered at regular intervals. For example, you may want users to receive a distinct notification for every occurrence of a user mention, but only need one summary email of all shared views once every 24 hours. System Admins and Vault Owners can configure the content and delivery frequency of summary emails. Email preference fields can also be set via Bulk Update.

Configuring Notification Preferences

Before configuring notification preferences for an individual user, you’ll need to add the following fields to the page layout on the User object:

  • Tasks
  • User Mentions
  • Shared Views
  • Send As Link
  • Annotation Replies

To configure notification preferences for an individual user:

  1. From the Admin tab collection, click Users & Groups.
  2. Click a user’s name, then expand the Email Preferences section.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select a value for each Notification Type: Never disables notifications for that type; Summary holds notifications for a specified interval; Every Occurrence sends an email for each notification of that type and is the default.
  5. Click Save.

You can also add notification settings to the User Profile layout in Admin > Configuration > Pages > User Profile Page, allowing users to configure their own preferences on the user profile page.

Configuring Summary Emails

To configure summary emails for a Vault:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Email Settings.
  2. In the Email Summaries section, click Edit.
  3. Optional: To rearrange the order of notification types within the summary email, select a notification type for each Section. Leaving a section blank means nothing will appear in that section. If you have set a notification template’s Notification Category value to a custom category and set its Email Preferences to Summary, you must add the custom category to a Section field or the notifications corresponding to that template will not be added to the summary emails. Summary-eligible notifications with their Notification Category set to None will appear in the last section, labeled None in the Email Settings, and Other Notifications in summary emails.
  4. Enter the notification limit per type. By default, the limit is 20 notifications per type but can be set to a maximum of 100. Notifications that exceed this amount are not included in the summary email, excluding the oldest notification first.
  5. Select a Delivery Interval from the picklist.
  6. Click Save. Vault uses the updated message configuration for any new emails sent to users.

Configuring the Summary Notification Template

You can edit the summary notification template from Admin > Configuration > User Account Emails > Notification Summary using HTML and tokens.

Configuring the Email Burst Threshold

By default, Vault does not limit the number of notification emails that it sends, regardless of how many email notifications are triggered. If needed, you can choose to limit the number of notification emails Vault can send for a given notification template within a 30-minute period. To configure this notification email burst threshold:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Email Settings.
  2. In the General Settings section, click Edit.
  3. Enter an Email Burst Threshold value. This value is the maximum number of emails Vault will send per notification template within a 30-minute period.
  4. Click Save.

Accessing Message Administration

You can manage email and notification messages from Admin > Configuration > Notification Templates and User Account Emails. While Vault allows you to create, edit, and delete entries in the Notification Templates page, you can only edit in the User Account Emails page. You must have the correct Admin permissions to work with messages.

Creating New Messages

You can create email and notification messages for documents and objects in Vault. For example, you may want to create a notification message specifically for task reminders on document workflows. Keep in mind when creating message notifications for workflows that multi-document workflows use object messages while single document workflows use document messages. This behavior applies to the notification step as well as task actions, such as task assignment, reassignment, and reminders.

Document Messages

To create a new document message:

  1. From the Notification Templates page, click Create.
  2. Select Document and click Continue.
  3. Enter values in each field. See field details below.
  4. Click Save.

Object Messages

To create a new object message:

  1. From the Notification Templates page, click Create.
  2. Select Object.
  3. Select an object or All objects from the Create Object Message picklist. This allows you to create a message that applies to a specific object or all objects.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Enter values in each field. See field details below.
  6. Click Save.

Editing Messages

To edit an existing message:

  1. From the Notification Templates or User Account Emails page, click on the message to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change the entries in each field as needed. See field details below.
  4. Click Save. Vault uses the updated messages for any notifications sent out after you save.

Deleting Messages

To delete a message:

  1. From the Notification Templates page, find the message in the list to be deleted. Only custom messages can be deleted.
  2. From the Actions menu to the right of the message label, click Delete.

You cannot delete a message which is currently in use.

Message Fields

Each message has the following fields:

  • Label is a unique identifier for the message, which is only visible to Admins. We recommend that you provide a descriptive name to help Admins select the message in other configuration pages.
  • Name is a unique identifier for the message that can be used through the API.
  • Email Preferences allows you to set the email frequency for each notification. You can select Every Occurrence, Summary, or Never. For notification templates belonging to System categories, users can override this field value from the User Profile page and Admins can override it from the User object. Email preferences for custom categories can’t be overridden for users. Emails are still sent immediately for tracked emails regardless of the frequency selected in this field.
  • Notification Category allows you to set the type of notification. You can configure up to five (5) custom categories, select None, or select one of the following System categories: User Mentions, Annotation Replies, Shared Views, Send As Link, or Tasks. With one exception, notification templates associated with System categories are assigned to their respective categories automatically. Admins will need to manually add any new notification templates associated with workflow tasks to the Tasks category. Templates assigned to inactive custom notification categories and with Email Preferences set to Summary will not be included in the summary email.

  • Subject is the subject of the email sent to the notification recipient. This field can contain tokens, but cannot contain hyperlinks.
  • Notification Text is the message that appears in the notification bell panel and notifications pages for the notification recipient. This field can contain tokens, rich text, and hyperlinks. It is not available for user account emails because those are only sent via email.
  • Email Body is the body of the email sent to the notification recipient. This field can contain tokens, hyperlinks, rich text, and basic HTML.

You can only add rich text formatting to rich text field tokens. Adding the ;richtext modifier to a non-rich text field token results in an error.

Vault does not resolve document or object message tokens to hyperlinks in emails sent to delegate users.

Sender Display Name for Emails

You can use the Admin > Configuration > Email Settings page to modify the “display name” that appears in the From field for Vault-generated emails. This value is separate from the actual email address, which is not configurable. For example, the display name is “Veeva Vault” in the default “Veeva Vault”. You may want to modify this to show your company name, for example, “VeevaPharm PromoMats Vault”.

To modify the display name, edit the Email From Name field. Note that you should not use the following characters within this field due to standard email restrictions: " ( ) , : ; < > @ [ ]

Document Message Tokens

Tokens are special bits of text that are replaced at the time the message is used. You can use the following tokens within the email content for document messages:


  • docInfoUrl: Doc Info page for related document
  • notificationHome: Notifications page
  • taskHome: Home > My Tasks page

Task Information

  • taskDecisionComments: For the related workflow, all participant names, task names, verdicts, completion dates, and comments; requires additional setup in a notification step of a workflow
  • taskInstructions: Workflow start comments entered by the workflow owner

Workflow Recipient Information

  • recipientMobilePhone: Message recipient’s mobile phone number
  • recipientOfficePhone: Message recipient’s office phone number
  • recipientName: Message recipient’s full name
  • recipientEmail: Message recipient’s email address
  • recipientFirstName: Message recipient’s first name
  • recipientLastName: Message recipient’s last name
  • recipientTitle: Message recipient’s title

Workflow Owner (Initiator) Information

  • workflowInitiatorMobilePhone: Workflow owner’s mobile phone number
  • workflowInitiatorOfficePhone: Workflow owner’s office phone number
  • workflowInitiatorName: Workflow owner’s full name
  • workflowInitiatorEmail: Workflow owner’s email address
  • workflowInitiatorFirstName: Workflow owner’s first name
  • workflowInitiatorLastName: Workflow owner’s last name
  • workflowInitiatorTitle: Workflow owner’s title

Sender Information

  • senderFirstName: First name of the document’s Coordinator, or the workflow owner if the Coordinator is not defined
  • senderLastName: Last name of the document’s Coordinator, or the workflow owner if the Coordinator is not defined

Document Owner Information

  • docOwnerMobilePhone: Document owner’s mobile phone number
  • docOwnerOfficePhone: Document owner’s office phone number
  • docOwnerName: Document owner’s full name
  • docOwnerEmail: Document owner’s email address
  • docOwnerFirstName: Document owner’s first name
  • docOwnerLastName: Document owner’s last name
  • docOwnerTitle: Document owner’s title

Document Fields & Information

  • docNumber: Document number
  • docType: Document type
  • docSubType: Document subtype
  • docProduct: Product, as a space-separated list if multiple products are selected
  • docMajor: Major version number
  • docMinor: Minor version number
  • docNameNoLink: Document name, as plain text
  • docName: Document name, as a link to the document’s Doc Info page
  • docStatus: Status/lifecycle state
  • docTitle: Title
  • daysToExpire: Number of days before the expiration date
  • taskDueDate: Workflow due date
  • linkToAnnotation: Link to a specific annotation; this token relates to the User Mentions functionality.
  • noteComment: Text from an annotation’s Comment field (email templates only); this token relates to the User Mentions functionality.

Vault Loader Information

  • vaultLoaderFileLink: Link to access the input file
  • vaultLoaderFileName: Input file name
  • vaultLoaderObjectType: Object type
  • vaultLoaderActionType: Action type
  • vaultLoaderSettings: Loader settings
  • vaultLoaderWhereClause: Where clauses applied on extract
  • vaultLoaderStartTime: Start time
  • vaultLoaderDuration: Total duration
  • vaultLoaderRecordsPerSecond: Number of records processed per second
  • vaultLoaderNumSuccesses: Number of successfully processed records
  • vaultLoaderSuccessLink: Link to access the success log file
  • vaultLoaderNumFailures: Number of records that failed to be processed
  • vaultLoaderFailureLink: Link to access the failure log file
  • vaultLoaderFailureReason: Reason for the failure

Web Action Tokens

You can use the following tokens within the email content for web actions:

  • ${}: Object record ID
  • ${}: Session ID
  • ${Vault.domain}: Vault domain
  • ${}: Vault ID
  • ${}: User’s ID
  • ${User.email__v}: User’s email
  • ${User.name__v}: User’s username
  • ${Vault.domain}: Vault domain name

Object Message Tokens

You can use the following tokens within the email content for object messages:

  • ${Object.name__v}: Object record name
  • ${Object.status__v}: Object record status
  • ${Object.state__v}: Object record state
  • ${Object.[custom field name]__c}: Object record’s custom field name to be used for object-specific messages. Use the ;richtext modifier to display the content in rich text format.
  • ${objectType}: Object type
  • ${Object.welcome_email_subject__sys}: Email subject line (Checklists only)
  • ${Object.welcome_notification_text__sys}: Notification text (Checklists only)
  • ${Object.welcome_email_text__sys}: Email text (Checklists only)
  • ${taskName}: Task name
  • ${taskDueDate}: Task due date
  • ${recipientName}: Task recipient name
  • ${taskHome}: Link to the My Tasks page
  • ${taskVerdicts}: Task verdicts
  • ${taskComments}: Task comments
  • ${taskInstructionsByInitiator}: Instructions provided by the workflow owner
  • ${notificationMessage}: Notification message
  • ${workflowLabel}: Label of the workflow
  • ${multiDocWorkflowLink}: Document workflow name, with link
  • ${workflowTargetNoLink}: Non-linked document workflow name
  • ${multiDocDocumentsList}: Linked list of documents in a workflow
  • ${multiDocDocumentsListDocNumber}: Linked list of documents in a workflow with each document’s document number preceding the document name
  • ${workflowContentsNoLink}: Non-linked list of documents in a workflow
  • ${workflowInitiatorEmail}: Workflow owneremail
  • ${workflowInitiatorFirstName}: Workflow owner first name
  • ${workflowInitiatorLastName}: Workflow owner last name
  • ${workflowInitiatorMobilePhone}: Workflow owner mobile phone
  • ${workflowInitiatorName}: Workflow owner name
  • ${workflowInitiatorOfficePhone}: Workflow owner office phone
  • ${workflowInitiatorTitle}: Workflow owner title
  • ${workflowErrorMessage}: Workflow error message
  • ${vaultName}: Name of user’s Vault
  • ${uiBaseExtUrl}: Base URL of user’s Vault

Summary Email Tokens

You can use the following tokens within the summary notification template:

  • vaultName: Name of user’s Vault
  • currentDate: Date when the summary email was sent
  • Notification category name
  • category.viewAllLink: Launches notifications page with all notifications related to that category. This page is available for only 30 days.
  • notification.senderImage: Sender’s user profile image
  • notification.content: Content of the notification. Corresponds to the Notification Text field of the notification template
  • Date when the notification was generated