To easily add multiple localized sections, questions, and answers at once, export and import tools are available from the Actions menu on a Checklist Design record. The exported translation file is a CSV that you can edit in Excel, any text editor, or translation software. You can also manage checklist translations in the Visual Checklist Designer.

Supported Fields for Checklist Design Translation

Only text fields (excluding Long Text or Rich Text) are currently supported for checklist design translation. For more details, refer to the following table:

Object Supported Fields Unsupported Fields
Checklist Design name__v welcome_email_subject__sys
Section Design name__v
Question Design question_text__sys
Available Answer Design answer_text__sys name__v

Exporting Checklist Design Translations

To export a CSV file for translations:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > Checklist Designs and select the Checklist Design record for the checklist you want to translate.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Export Translations.
  3. Select the language you’re translating to and click Continue. Only languages available in your Vault (excluding its base language, as Checklist Design text should be created in the Vault’s base language) are displayed in the picklist. If you select more than one language, the download will be a .zip file containing separate translation files for each language.
  4. In the downloaded translation file, you can view all the fields available for translations and any existing translations for the selected language.
  5. Update existing translations or enter new translations for new values in the Translated Value column.
  6. When done, save the file. If editing in Excel, it is important that you only execute Save on the file and do not use Save As to save the file as a CSV file in a different location or save it as a native Excel file. To move or rename the file, use your operating system, rather than Excel’s Save As option.

At present, if you export a translation file for an aggregate checklist, only the Checklist Design’s Name field is available for translation. You must ensure that the Checklist Designs comprising the aggregate checklist are translated individually.

Bulk Exporting Checklist Design Translations

You can also export translation files for multiple Checklist Design records at once in much the same way as exporting a single translation file. Instead of navigating to a specific Checklist Design record, you can begin a bulk export from the Actions menu in Business Admin > Objects > Checklist Designs.

The steps are the same as above, except that you will be prompted with a Select Checklist Design dialog where you can choose which Checklist Design records you would like to translate. In this dialog, you can search for specific records or apply filters to narrow the list of records. By default, the following filters are applied:

  • Lifecycle State in Draft or Approved.
  • Translated Checklist equals Yes.

You can remove these filters if desired.

Importing Checklist Design Translations

To import an updated translation file:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > Checklist Designs and select the Checklist Design record for the checklist you have translated.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Import Translations. You can only import a translation file if the Checklist Design record is in the Draft state. This option may be unavailable if the record is in the incorrect lifecycle state.
  3. Select the updated translation file and click Submit. Vault applies any new translations immediately. Rows without any changes are ignored – that is there only for reference.

Bulk Importing Checklist Design Translations

As with exporting, you can bulk import checklist design translation files from the Actions menu in Business Admin > Objects > Checklist Designs. When bulk importing, you may include translations for multiple Checklist Design records in the same CSV.

About CSV File Validation

During import, Vault validates the CSV file and reports any errors in order based on the rows in which they appear. The following circumstances may cause import errors:

  • The file is not a CSV or does not have the .csv file extension.
  • The file is empty or contains only column headers.
  • The file size exceeds 1GB.
  • The file has missing or extra columns.
  • The file has blank or invalid column headers.
  • The file has an invalid language value. For example, the language code is inactive in your Vault, is the Vaults base language, or does not match any Vault language.
  • The file contains extra rows. This may occur if a multiple-choice answer or optional text field value was deleted in Vault but is still present in the translation file.
  • A value in the file exceeds the text character limit for its respective field.
  • The file includes invalid row values such as unsupported fields or invalid objects.

Managing and Approving Checklist Design Translations

When a checklist translation is successfully imported, Vault creates a Checklist Design Translation record as a child of the Checklist Design record and Checklist Field Translation records as children of the Checklist Design Translation, which house the actual translated text for each field. When a Checklist Design Translation record is created, Vault also sets the Translated Checklist field of the parent Checklist Design record to Yes. Admins can use the Checklist Design Translation record to track and manage the translation status of the checklist design for a specific language. This includes moving the translation’s lifecycle state from Draft to Approved or vice versa. Translations must be approved before they will be visible to users in the checklist.

Checklist Field Translation records also contain a Question Reference Document Translation object type that allows you to upload translated reference documents. You can then add reference documents in the translated language to the checklist.

Before a Checklist Design record can be approved, all of its child Checklist Design Translation records must be approved. While the Checklist Design record is in a stable state, you cannot make changes to or add new Checklist Design Translation records.

When translations are available, they are also included when executing the following actions: