Read & Understood (R&U) workflows are a special class of workflow that allows users to assign one or more documents or binders to specific users for review. When users complete their review, they can mark the document as “Read & Understood” and provide an eSignature as proof that they’ve completed the task.

How to Create Read & Understood Workflows

You can create and manage R&U workflows in much the same way as for other document workflows. See the document workflow configuration content for detailed instructions on general workflow creation.

To set up a R&U workflow, create a new document workflow and set the Class field to Read & Understood. This class selection enables the R&U Workflow Task step. Once you’ve selected the Read & Understood class and saved the workflow, you cannot change the Class value.

Read & Understood Workflow Limitations

Selecting the Read & Understood class disables some workflow step types, including state changes, tasks, action, and user decisions. Read & Understood workflows do not support role-based participants, prompts for fields, or workflow variables.

By default, the maximum number of participants that users can assign to any workflow participant control is 5,000. To configure a limit between 1 and 5,000, navigate to Admin > Settings and enable Limit workflow participants. Provide a Max number of participants per participant control. Users will encounter an error if they attempt to assign more participants than the configured limit.

Read & Understood workflows allow up to 20 documents.

How to Define the Read & Understood Task

Read & Understood workflow tasks allow some of the same options as standard Document Task steps. To define a task step:

  1. In the Workflow Steps section of the workflow detail page, hover over the workflow and click Create Step, or click into an existing placeholder step.
  2. Set the Type to R&U Workflow Task.
  3. Enter a Task Label to identify the task.
  4. Add Tags if necessary.
  5. In Assign Task To, select a participant group. Each participant group is defined in the Start step as a Participants Control.
  6. Enter Instructions for the task owner. These appear with the task in the Home tab and in the Show more portion of the workflow heading within the document viewer.
  7. Optional: Select Do not allow workflow owner to receive this task. This option makes the task unavailable to the workflow owner even if the workflow owner is part of a group assigned to the task.
  8. Optional: Select a Due Date.
  9. Optional: Under Update Document Sharing Settings, create rules to update roles under certain conditions.
  10. In the Prompts section, configure the verdict. In a R&U Workflow Task there is only one type of verdict, which collects an eSignature from the user. See below for more information.
  11. Optional: Under Notification, select an Email Template to use when sending an automatic notification to the task owner. You can select Include verdicts from previous tasks and select one or more previous tasks in the Select Tasks field.
  12. Optional: Add Task Reminders. Task reminders allow you to configure notifications to send task owners about open tasks.

R&U Workflow Task Verdicts

Verdicts allow a task owner to indicate a result when completing a workflow task. Within a document workflow, task owners assign verdicts individually for each document. By default, the R&U Workflow Task has the Sign for Read & Understood verdict.

How to Set Up the R&U Workflow Task Verdict

To add verdicts to a workflow task:

  1. Click Add Verdict to create each verdict.
  2. Enter a Verdict Label, which the task owner will see when selecting a verdict. This label also appears within workflow details.
  3. Optional: Select Short-circuit tasks with the configured tags if you want the verdict to short-circuit other workflow tasks.

Optional Verdict Settings

  • Click Add Comments to prompt the user to enter comments. Enter a label for the prompt, for example, “Explanation for verdict.” Select the Required checkbox to require the task owner to enter comments before they can complete the task.
  • Click Add Capacities if task owners selecting this verdict need to provide a capacity.
  • R&U task owners must provide an electronic signature by entering their login credentials. You can optionally add instructions for users. Deselect the Manifest eSig on Documents checkbox if you do not want the signature page to be attached to downloaded documents.
  • Click Add Reasons to prompt the task owner to select a reason for their verdict. Select the Required checkbox to require the task owner to select a reason before they can complete the task. Enter a label for the prompt, for example, “Reason for verdict.” Enter each Reason Value, which the task owner will see when selecting a reason.

How to Activate Read & Understood Workflows

When finished defining the workflow, make it active and create a new user action for each lifecycle state in which the R&U workflow should be available. Generally, these workflows will only be available for documents that are in some kind of approved status that is available in your vault, such as “Ready for Training.”

When defining the R&U user action, you can make the action conditional based on a given condition, such as Document Type. For example, users would only be able to start the R&U workflow for documents of a given type.