Replace a Gateway Profile with an AS2 Connection

Learn how to replace an existing Gateway Profile in your Vault with an AS2 Connection.

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About Vault Safety AS2 Connections

Vault Safety AS2 Connections are replacing Vault Safety Gateways. AS2 Connections provide significant technical improvements including Admin management of Internet Protocol (IP) lists, more concise outbound IP lists, and improved Certificate Management.

If your Vault currently uses a Gateway Profile to communicate with a Health Authority or Partner (destination), we recommend that you create an equivalent AS2 Connection and reconfigure your Transmission Profile to use the AS2 Connection instead of the Gateway Profile, as described in this article.

Note If your Vault uses more than one Gateway Profile, you can switch each Gateway Profile to an AS2 Connection individually.

Create an AS2 Connection

Depending on the required destination, refer to the corresponding article for detailed steps to create and configure the AS2 Connection for the destination:

Reconfigure the Transmission Profile

Complete the following steps to switch the Transmission Profile from the Gateway Profile to the AS2 Connection.

  1. Go to Business Admin > Transmission Profiles and select the Transmission Profile you want to update.
  2. Select the Edit (edit-icon) icon.
  3. Update the following fields:
    • Gateway Profile: Remove the current selection (select the blank entry at the top of the drowdown list)
    • Connection: From the dropdown list, select the AS2 Connection you created in the previous section
  4. Select Save.


The Transmission Profile is configured to use an AS2 Connection instead of a Gateway Profile to communicate with the destination.

Custom AS2 Connections
Configure FDA Gateway