Generate a Regulatory Report

Vault Safety can export Cases to fully compliant and submittable regulatory reports.

Note Beginning with 24R2 in August 2024, this site will no longer be available. The new Vault Safety Help site is the official site for all Vault Safety Help content. For the latest information, visit the new site.

Note Depending on your Admin's configuration, object, field, and section labels, lifecycle states, and workflows may differ from the general information on this page. Refer to your organization's business processes for guidance.

Report Generation Overview

Vault Safety maps Case data to generate Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) that are fully compliant, maintain Case versions, and support multiple Submission and Distribution destinations.

You can generate regulatory reports automatically as part of the Transmission workflow or manually. You can also preview the Case in a regulatory report format to assist with reviewing and assessing the Case. Generated files appear in the Vault Library and are versioned during regeneration.

Supported ICSR Report Formats

Vault Safety supports generating the following ICSR formats:

File Type Format Description
PDF Form FDA 3500A Generates the FDA MedWatch 3500A form.
CIOMS I Generates the CIOMS I form.
E2B(R2) XML ICH E2B(R2) Generates an E2B(R2) file compliant with the ICH common standard guidelines.
FDA E2B(R2) Generates an E2B(R2) file for electronic submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gateway.
HC E2B(R2) Generates an E2B(R2) file for electronic submissions to Health Canada (HC) gateway.
E2B(R3) XML ICH E2B(R3) Generates an E2B(R3) file compliant with the ICH common standard guidelines.
EMA E2B(R3) Generates an E2B(R3) file for electronic submissions to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gateway.
FDA VAERS E2B(R3) Generates an E2B(R3) file for vaccine-related electronic submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) VAERS gateway.

The links in the above table provide information on how Vault Safety maps case data to generate reports in each of these formats. For more information on which report formats to generate for different regulatory agencies, see the report formats detailed on Standard Agency ICSR Submissions.

Automatic Generation of Reports for Transmissions

When a Submission record to a regulatory agency is created, Vault Safety automatically generates a regulatory report in the appropriate submission format, determined by the associated Transmission Profile.

When a Distribution record for a Partner Distribution Family or Reporting Obligation is created, Vault Safety automatically generates a regulatory report in the format specified on the Distribution record or associated Transmission Profile.

Manually Generate a Submittable Report

You can generate any supported report format from a Submission or Distribution record using the Generate Transmission Document(s) user action.

Note You cannot generate Transmission documents for Imported Cases. The Generate Transmission Document(s) user action is visible for these Case types but the action does not generate a document. If you must generate a report, you can convert the Imported Case to a Case or Follow-Up Case.

  1. Go to the Submission or Distribution record.
  2. Check that the report type in the Transmission Document Type field is the report that you want to generate.
  3. To change the report type, select Edit, and then choose a different report in the Transmission Document Type field.
  4. Expand the All Actions (All Actions) menu, and then select Generate Transmission Document(s).


The system generates the Case Report document and adds a link to the document in the File field. If you do not see the file, refresh the page.

Note If the Transmission document name exceeds 100 characters (the maximum length), the system automatically truncates it to 100 characters so that the Transmission document can generate successfully.

Generate a Report Preview from the Case

By default, users assigned the Data Entry, Reviewer, or Medical Reviewer role can generate reports from the Case page. However, your Admin may have configured your Vault differently.

Note Reports generated from the Case page are intended to be used as previews and are not intended for Submissions. Generate reports from the Submission or Distribution record for a final version.

  1. Go to the Case for which you want to generate a regulatory report preview.
  2. Expand the All Actions (All Actions) menu, and then select the format you want to generate.
    The options available depend on your Admin's configuration. The following options are available by default in most Vaults:
    • Generate Preview: CIOMS I: Generates a CIOMS I Suspect Adverse Reaction Report.
    • Generate Preview: E2B(R3): Generates an ICH E2B(R3) file.
    • Generate Preview: MedWatch (3500A): Generates a MedWatch FDA 3500A form.
      The system generates the report and attaches it to the Case under Documents.
  3. To view the report, expand Documents, and then select the name of the report.
    The Classification column identifies the report type.

Tip Your Admin can configure actions to generate forms in other E2B formats.

Blind-Protection on Report Previews

For blinded Study Cases, people without privileges to view unblinded data can generate regulatory report previews with all unblinded data masked or removed from the generated file.

Note Study Product dosage is unblinded on report previews if dosage blinding has not been enabled by your Admin. Dosage Masking for Study Products provides more information.

See the following table for details on which regulatory report previews are generated based on blinding setup on Studies, Cases, and Study Arms:

Study Blinding Setup Case Blind Protection Setup Study Arm Setup Regulatory Report Previews Generated
Blinded Not blinded Blinded Masked only
Blinded Not blinded Unarmed Masked only
Blinded Not blinded Open Unmasked only
Blinded Blinded N/A Masked and unmasked
Not blinded N/A N/A Unmasked only

E2B Export Size Limits

For EMA E2B submissions, attachment file size cannot exceed 15 MB. All Vault Safety E2B transmissions have a maximum total size limit of 100 MB.

E2B Document Attachments and Literature References

Case documents that meet the appropriate criteria are included with E2B transmissions. Add a Case Attachment or Literature Document provides more information on adding these documents to a Case.

Note Vault Safety does not support the .wpd file format for E2B(R3) export.

The system handles attachment transmissions differently for E2B(R2) and (R3). The following list provides more information:

  • E2B(R3) Transmissions: For E2B(R3) formats, attachments and literature documents are encoded directly in the E2B file.
  • FDA E2B(R2) Transmissions: For FDA E2B(R2) gateway transmissions, the system sends attachments separately after receiving an acknowledgment (ACK) acceptance from the health authority for the ICSR E2B transmission. Once sent, each attachment receives its own ACK.

    Note The E2B(R2) attachment feature works with FDA gateway transmissions, but not with configurable (custom) synchronous gateways.

You must verify that E2B transmision attachments are supported by the destination gateway. The following list provides links with more information on verification with various destination gateways:

Document Attachments

To attach a document (A.1.8.1/C.1.6.1.r.2), the Vault document fields must be completed as follows:

  • The Case field must link to the Case for which the E2B is being generated.
  • The Organization field must link to the same Organization as the Case.
  • The document must be classified with the Case > Source > Attachment document type.
  • The Retransmit field must be set to Yes.
  • To populate the E2B Documents Held by Sender (A.1.8.2/C.1.6.1.r.1) data element, complete the Description and Description(continue) fields. In E2B(R3), attachment descriptions are always exported regardless of the Retransmit field value.
  • For Cases with over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, to attach OTC carton images to FDA E2B(R2) Transmissions being sent through an AS2 Gateway, you must also set the Attachment Type field to FDA Carton Attachment.

Literature Attachments

To attach a literature reference document (A.2.2/C.4.r.1-2), the Vault document fields must be completed as follows:

  • The Case field must link to the Case for which the E2B is being generated.
  • The Organization field must link to the same Organization as the Case.
  • The document must be classified with the Case > Source > Literature document type.
  • To populate the E2B Literature Reference(s) (A.2.2/C.4.r.1) data element, complete the Reference field. References are always exported regardless of the Retransmit field value.
  • To export the document content to the Included Documents (C.4.r.2) data element, you must set the Retransmit field to Yes.

Exclude Attachments and Literature Documents

You can choose whether E2B(R3) files will include or exclude attachments and literature documents, while considering the destination of the Transmission.

  1. For Literature Documents, go to the respective Transmission and select the Exclude picklist option for Literature Documents.
  2. After your Admin performs the enablement, Attachment Documents are excluded by default. To include attachments, you must:
    • Set the Retransmit field to Yes on the document.
    • Select the Include picklist option for the Attachment Documents field on the Transmission.
Exclude Documents on Transmission Record

Note When the Transmission Document Type field is set to E2B(R2), the picklist options are available only when the Destination field is set to FDA.

Case Access Groups

When Transmission documents, Case Attachments, and Literature References are generated, the system populates the Case Access Group field on the document. The Case Access Group is inherited from the associated Case and is read-only.

To view the Case Access Group for a document, go to the Document Information pane, expand the Case Information section, and check the Case Access Group field.

Note For the Case Access Group field to appear, your Admin must enable Case Access Group Security.

Add a Follow-Up Case
Generate Masked Safety Reports