Searching Your Safety Vault

Vault uses a powerful search engine to help you find objects and documents.

Note Beginning with 24R2 in August 2024, this site will no longer be available. The new Vault Safety Help site is the official site for all Vault Safety Help content. For the latest information, visit the new site.

You can perform basic searches from the primary search bar or carry out more detailed searches using the Advanced Search window.

For object records, when using the search bar, Vault searches the field values of the specific object’s records.

If you wish to include object attachments in your search, you must perform an Advanced Search.

Search Your Vault

  1. Select the Search field in the navigation bar.
    Search Bar
    Vault automatically displays the up to ten (10) potential results. If you’re looking for one of these, select it from the preview list. If not, continue with the next steps.
  2. From the drop-down list, select which record type to search for.
  3. Start typing one or more terms in the Search field.
    When searching for a certain Subject record, you may type the Subject ID value.
  4. (Optional) As you type, the preview list updates with each character you enter to suggest up to 10 potential results. If you are looking for one of these, select the result to open that record.
  5. Press Enter or select search-icon to see all results.
  6. Select the object record name to view it.

View Search Results

The search results page displays your results, with columns for certain fields on the object records. Note that searching will only return object records that you have permission to view.

If there are more than 20 search results, the system paginates your results.

Use the Left and Right arrow buttons to move through the search result pages. You can also enter a page number to jump directly to that page of your search results.

When searching for a Subject, the search results page is titled Subjects, and displays columns for the Subject name, Study, Site, Subject Status, and Signature Completed status.

Sort Search Results

You can sort your results by any of the available columns. Select the column header to sort by that value.

Missing Search Results

If you cannot find an object record by searching, there are several possible reasons:

  • You do not have permission to view the object record.
  • Your search term does not match because of a spelling error in your search entry or in the object record.
  • The object record does not exist or has been deleted.

Smart Search Filters

The smart filtering feature converts your search terms into relevant filters.

For example, searching for Cholecap Aggregate would automatically create a filter for the Cholecap Product and the Aggregate document type.

If no relevant filters are found for your search terms, Vault runs a text search.

If smart filtering does not return the documents you wanted, you can click the Run as text Search link to run the search again without smart filtering.

Smart filtering creates filters for the following items:

  • Document Type
  • Document Sub-Type
  • Document Classification
  • Lifecycle State
  • Product
  • Country
  • Study
  • Study Country
  • Site

Filter Records by Study

Use the Study Selector to filter records by Study. The Study Selector filter appears on the following tabs:

  • Inbox
  • Cases
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
Study Selector

By default, the Study Selector displays All Studies, which means that no filtering is active.

You can type in the selector field to see all matching studies (based on the Study Number value) and select a specific Study. Select the binoculars icon to access the advanced search window to find a Study.

Using Workflows
Vault Safety Keyboard Shortcuts