Learn how to update your Vault’s configuration to enable Domestic Case Processing for Agency Jurisdictions.

About the Feature

To support domestic case processing, administrators can manage a Country State/Province library with configurable support for state and province codes. Users can select the Country State/Province from a picklist during intake and case processing. The system maps the domestic state codes during E2B(R3) import and export. This enhancement is for Domestic Cases originating in a country, such as Spain or Italy, where the state code is required in submissions to a specific agency, such as the EMA.

Administrators can also manage the type and scope of localization for domestic case processing. The localization scope can be for all fields or specific to Narratives and/or Reporter Comments. If configured, the localized values for Reporter Comments and Narratives will also be exported in E2B formats.

Additionally, this feature includes two Vault Settings for system administrators. One setting configures Inbox Item localization to default based on Reporter Country and Language. Another setting prevents auto-submissions when a Case contains unapproved Localized Cases.

Vaults originally deployed in 22R2 (August 2022) or later include most of the necessary configuration for this feature.

Feature Enhancements in Vault Safety 22R2.0.2

Contact Veeva Support to enable the following enhancements added to Vault Safety in 22R2.0.2:

Enhancement Details
Primary Reporter on Global Cases
  • If the Country is within the EMA jurisdiction, the system checks if the state/province is mapped to a Domestic State Code on a Country State/Province record. If a record exists, the Domestic State Code is exported to this field. If there is no Domestic State Code, the coded Country State/Province name is exported.
  • If the Country is outside the EMA jurisdiction, the system exports the coded Country State/Province name. If the coded name is unavailable, the text value entered in the State/Province field is exported.
Primary Reporter on Localized Cases
  • If the Country is within the EMA jurisdiction and:
    • The Use Domestic State Code checkbox for the Primary Reporter is enabled: The system exports the mapped Domestic State Code on the associated Country State/Province record. If there is no Domestic State Code, the coded Country State/Province name is exported.
    • The Use Domestic State Code checkbox is not enabled: The system exports the text value entered in ‌the State/Province field.
  • If the Country is outside the EMA jurisdiction and:
    • The Use Domestic State Code checkbox for the Primary Reporter is enabled: The system exports the coded Country State/Province name.
    • The Use Domestic State Code checkbox is not enabled: The system exports the text value entered in the State/Province field.
Non-primary Reporter on Global and Localized Cases
  • For Global Cases, the system exports the coded Country State/Province name. If the coded name is not available, the system exports the text value entered in the State/Province field.
  • For Localized Cases, the system checks if the Use Domestic State Code checkbox is enabled:
    • If the checkbox is enabled, the system exports the coded Country State/Province name.
    • If the checkbox is not enabled, the system exports the text value entered in the State/Province field.

Enable Vault System Settings

This feature introduces the following Vault Settings:

Vault Setting Location Usage
Enable auto-select Inbox Item Localization by Reporter Country Safety General Settings Enable this setting to automatically set Inbox Item localization based on the reporter's locale.
Enable State/Province Selector Safety General Settings Enable this setting to use the Country State/Province library for domestic state code mapping.
Cancel Auto-Submit for Translations ICSR Reporting Settings Enable this setting to prevent auto-submissions when a Case contains unapproved Localized Cases.

Enable Domestic Case Processing for Agency Jurisdictions Settings

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > Safety General Settings.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. In the Domestic Cases section, select the following checkboxes:
    • Enable auto-select Inbox Item Localization by Reporter Country
    • Enable State/Province Selector
  4. Select Save.

Enable Domestic Cases Settings

Enable ICSR Reporting Settings for Localized Auto-Submissions

To prevent auto-submissions when a Case contains unapproved Localized Cases, enable the “Cancel Auto-Submit for Translations” option.

  1. Go to Admin > Settings > ICSR Reporting Settings.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. In the Submissions section, select the Cancel Auto-Submit for Translations checkbox.
  4. Select Save.

Enable Cancel Auto-Submit for Translations

Grant Permissions

Ensure your permissions sets are granted the appropriate level of access to objects and fields according to your organization’s process. Manage object permissions from Admin > Users & Groups > Permission Sets > [Permission Set] > Objects.

The following table summarizes the objects and fields this feature introduces, and the recommended level of access for system-provided permission sets.

Object Fields Recommended Access for System-Provided Permission Sets
Country State/Province All Read access for:
  • Case Intake Actions
  • Case Entry Actions
  • Case Review Actions
  • Case Translation Actions
Localized Country State/Province All Read access for:
  • Case Intake Actions
  • Case Entry Actions
  • Case Review Actions
  • Case Translation Actions
Case Contact State/Province
Read access for:
  • Case Intake Actions
  • Case Review Actions
  • Case Translation Actions

Edit access for:
  • Case Entry Actions

Manage Country State and Province Codes

Vault Safety provides options for both bulk upload and manual entry of Country State and Province codes.

The following table describes the default Country State/Province fields:

Field Name Description
Name The label for the State/Province record, for example "Cataluna". The label determines how this option will appear on an Inbox Item or Domestic Case in the State/Province field of the Reporter Case Contact. Names have a limit of 40 characters.
Country The country for the record, for example "Spain".

Start typing for instant search or select the binoculars icon to browse the available options.

Domestic State Code The code that identifies the state within the country, for example "09" for Cataluna.

Refer to the EMA guidelines for the approved list of Reporter State codes for Spanish and Italian ICSRs.

ISO 3166-2 The subdivision code that represents the name of a principal subdivision (e.g province or state) of countries coded in ISO 3166-1, for example "ES-CT".

Bulk Import Country State and Province Codes Using Vault Loader

You can use Vault Loader to load Country State and Province codes to Vault Safety.

For Italy and Spain, download the following CSV Input File that includes all of the current codes required for E2B(R3) submissions to the EMA:

Download Vault Loader CSV

To upload the file through Vault Loader, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Business Admin (Quick Access) > Loader.
  2. In the CSV File field, select Choose.
    • Select the file and then select Open.
  3. In the Object Type field, start typing for instant search or use the picklist to select Country States/Provinces ( country_state_province__v ).
  4. In the Action Type field, select Create.
  5. Select Map Fields. The system automatically maps the file to system fields.
  6. Select Start Load.

For more information, see About Vault Loader

Bulk Upload of Domestic State Codes for Italy and Spain

Manually Add Country State and Province Codes

  1. Go to Business Admin > Country States/Provinces.
  2. On the All Country States / Provinces page, select Create.
  3. Complete the Create Country States / Province page.
  4. Save the page.

Display the Country State/Province Codes

  1. Go to Business Admin > Country States/Provinces.
  2. Select the Actions menu, and then select Edit Columns.
  3. Add the Country, Domestic State Code, and ISO 3166-2 columns.
  4. Select Save.

Country State/Province Records for Italy and Spain

Add Localized Country State and Province Codes

You can add Country State and Province codes in local languages. These appear on Localized Cases in the Reporter Case Contact section in the State/Province field.

  1. Go to Business Admin > Localized Country States / Provinces.
  2. On the All Localized Country States / Provinces page, select Create.
  3. In the Name field, enter the state or province name in the local language, up to 40 characters.
  4. In the Country State/Province field, start typing for instant search or use the binoculars to select a state or province.
    • When you select a state or province, the system automatically populates the Country field based on the associated Country State/Province record.
  5. In the Localization field, start typing for instant search or use the binoculars to select the locale of the record.
  6. Save the page.

Localized Country State/Province Record

Update Case Contact Layouts for Country State/Province Selection

When a country’s states and provinces are mapped to state codes, the domestic state code of the primary reporter on a Case is exported to EMA E2B(R3) files. To enable this feature, you must replace the standard State/Province field with the State/Province control field on all Case Contact layouts.

To replace the standard State/Province field with the control field:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Case Contact > Layouts > [Layout].
  2. Remove the standard State/Province field.
  3. Add the State/Province control field with the Slider (slider) icon.
  4. Optional: Drag and drop the fields to rearrange their placement.
  5. Select Done.
  6. Select Save.

State / Province Control Field on Case Contact Reporter Detail Page Layout

Update Localized Case Contacts Layout to See Localized Country States and Provinces

On Localized Cases, you can include the reporter’s Country State or Province in the local language based on Localized Country State/Province records.

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Localized Case Contact > Layouts.
  2. Open the Localized Case Contact Detail Page Layout for editing.
  3. In the Address section, add the State/Province object field (state_province__v).
    • This is in addition to the existing State/Province text field (state_province_value__v).
  4. To rearrange fields, drag and drop. We recommend arranging the Address fields in the following order:
    • Contact Country
    • State / Province (object field)
    • State / Province (text field)
    • Street
    • Street Line 2
    • City
  5. Save the page.

Localized Case Contact Detail Page Layout

Configure the Administration of Localization Scope

Administrators can manage the scope of localization for domestic case processing. By default, localized Inbox Items and Cases include dual-language entry on all text fields. To limit localization to only Narratives, Company Comments, or both, add or edit the Localization Scope on the associated Localization record.

If the Localization Scope field does not appear on a Localization record, update the layout.

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Localization > Layouts.
  2. Open the Localization Detail Page Layout for editing.
  3. In the Details section, add the Localization Scope field.
  4. To rearrange fields, drag and drop.
  5. Save the page.

Localization Scope Field on Localization Page Layout

Update Localizations with Localization Scope

  1. Go to Business Admin > Localizations.
  2. Select an existing Localization, or select Create to add a new Localization Record.
  3. In the Localization Scope field, select the drop-down list, and then add one or more of Narrative and Company Comments.
  4. Save the page.

Localization Scope on Localization


Only the options selected in the Localization Scope field are available for dual-text data entry on the Case. The localized text is included in E2B file exports.

(22R2.0.2) Add the Case Type Field to the Localization Layout

Update the Localization object to add the Case Type field to Localization records.

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Localization > Layouts.
  2. Open the Localization Detail Page Layout.
  3. In the Details section, add the Case Type field after the Localization Type field.
  4. Save the page.

(22R2.0.2) Add the Localization Field to the Case Compare Page

Adding the Localization field to the Case Compare page allows the system to create a Domestic Case upon Follow-Up promotion for Inbox Items with a Local Localization value.

  1. In Admin > Configuration > Pages > Case Compare Page.
  2. In the Layouts section, select Case Compare Followup.
  3. Go to the Details section, and add the Localization field.
  4. Save the page.