Learn more about the Reporting Family Configuration Scenarios feature and how to enable it in your Vault.

About Reporting Family Configuration Scenarios

With this feature, Vault Business Admins can configure Partner Distribution Lists to include the following:

  • All Products stored in the Vault.
  • All Studies stored in the Vault.
  • All Products within a designated Product Family.
  • All Products coded to a specific Product Registration.
  • Products which contain a specific Substance or multiple Substances.

Previously, this functionality was limited to specific Products and Studies. This feature provides Business Admins with greater Reporting Family configurability, especially in scenarios where additional Products, Studies, Substances, or Product Family members are configured in Production.

See Manage Partner Distribution Lists for more information about creating and configuring Partner Distribution Lists.

Add Layouts

Complete these steps to add a Product Family layout to the Reporting Family Member object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Reporting Family Member > Layouts.
  2. Select Create.
  3. In the Add Layout window, in the Object Type field, select Product Family.
  4. Select Done.
  5. In the Reporting Family Member Detail Page Layout, insert a Detail Form section with the following properties:
    • Section Label: System
    • Section Name: system
    • Section Layout: Detail Form - Two Columns
  6. Configure the layout as shown below:
    • Details section fields:
      • Reporting Family
      • Product Family
    • System section fields:
      • Created By
      • Created Date
      • Last Modified By
      • Last Modified Date
      • Lifecycle
      • Lifecycle State
      • Reporting Family Member Type
      • Status
        Reporting Family Member Layout
  7. Select Save.

Update Layouts

Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects and ensure the following layouts contain the respective fields:

Object Layout Section > Field
Reporting Family (reporting_family__v) Partner Distribution Detail Page Layout Details > All Products
Details > All Studies
Details > Distribution Substance Lookup Method
Reporting Family Member (reporting_family_member__v) Product Registration Detail Page Layout Details > Coded Product Registration Only

Update VQL for Products for Distribution Section

Complete these steps to add Product Family to the list of available options in the Products for Distribution section:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Reporting Family > Layouts > Partner Distribution Detail Page Layout.
  2. In the Products for Distribution section, select the Edit (Edit) icon.
  3. Update the Criteria VQL field to the following:
    object_type__vr.api_name__v CONTAINS ('product__v', 'product_registration__v', 'product_family__v')
  4. Select Done.
  5. Select Save.

Add the Substances for Distribution Section

Complete these steps to add Substances to the list of available options in the Substances for Distribution section:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Reporting Family > Layouts > Partner Distribution Detail Page Layout.
  2. Insert a Related Object section with the following settings:
    Related Object: Reporting Family Member
    Section Label: Substances for Distribution
    Section Name: ​​partner_distribution_substance
    Criteria VQL: object_type__vr.api_name__v = 'substance__v'
    Apply on Create: Select this checkbox
  3. Select Done.
  4. Select Save.