Learn how to configure your Vault to code Product-Event Combinations to MedDRA queries.

About the Feature

Vault SafetyDocs now offers greater flexibility in Signal Management by allowing you to code Product-Event Combinations to Standard MedDRA Queries (SMQ) and Custom MedDRA Queries (CMQ). For more information, see Signal Management and Enable Signal Management.

Support for this feature was added in 24R2, which includes the necessary configuration by default. Vaults deployed before 24R2 must have the configuration upgrades described on this page to enable this feature.

Configure Layouts

Layouts are managed through Admin > Configuration > Objects > [Object] > Layouts.

Product-Event Combination Layout

Complete the following steps to update this layout:

  1. On the Product-Event Combination object, go to Layouts > Product-Event Combination Detail Page Layout.
  2. In the Details section, add the MedDRA Query field.
  3. In the System section, delete the Primary MedDRA term field.
  4. Select Save.

Product-Event Disposition Layout

Complete the following steps to update this layout:

  1. On the Product-Event Disposition object, go to Layouts > Product-Event Disposition Detail Page Layout.
  2. In the Details section, select Add and add the MedDRA Query field.
  3. Select Save.