Learn how to generate Inbox Items from emails for manual intake and when applicable, automatically import E2B data from email attachments based on the sender’s Transmission Profile.

About Email to Inbox Item

Vault generates Inbox Items from emails sent to a specified inbound email address based on the Attachment Handling Method specified for the sender’s associated Transmission Profile:

  • Separate: Vault generates one (1) Inbox Item per attachment, automatically prepopulated with E2B data imported from the XML or ZIP attachment.
  • Single-File Import: Vault generates one (1) Inbox Item per email, automatically prepopulated with E2B data imported from the XML or ZIP attachment.
  • Manual: Vault generates one (1) blank Inbox Item per email for manual intake.

Vault generates one (1) blank Inbox Item per email for manual intake in the following scenarios:

  • The sender is not associated with a Transmission Profile.
  • The Attachment Handling Method of a sender’s Transmission Profile is unspecified.
  • The Attachment Handling Method of a sender’s Transmission Profile is Single-File Import but the email attachment is not a valid E2B XML or ZIP format.

Automatic Field Population

Vault populates certain fields based on the sender’s email.

Inbound Transmission Fields

Vault populates the Sender (Person) and Sender (User) fields on the Inbound Transmission of the Inbox Item. If a Vault Person has the same email address as the sender and belongs to an Access Group, Vault populates the Sender (Person) field on the Inbound Transmission. If multiple Vault Persons meet this criteria, Vault uses the record with the latest created date. If no Vault Person meets this criteria, Vault looks for a User with the same email address as the sender. If such a User exists, Vault sets the Sender (User) field on the Inbound Transmission. If multiple Users meet this criteria, Vault uses the record with the latest created date.

Inbox Item Fields

When configured by your Admin, Vault populates the Country and Report Type fields on generated Inbox Items based on the sender’s associated Transmission Profile.


Vault sends a notification to all users with the Intake role, which alerts them of the success or failure of Inbox Item generation.


To allow Inbox Item generation from emails, your Admin must complete the following:

Automatic Inbox Items from Emails

You can receive emails directly in your Vault and generate Inbox Items from an email source with E2B data automatically populated based on the Attachment Handling Method of the sender’s Transmission Profile.


When the Attachment Handling Method of the sender’s Transmission Profile is Separate, Vault creates one (1) Vault document for the email source classified as Non Re-Transmittable Document, linked to all Inbox Items generated from the email. For each email attachment, Vault also creates:

  • One (1) Vault document classified as Adverse Event Report, linked to the Inbox Item generated from the email
  • One (1) Inbox Item with Intake Method set as Email
    • For all supported single- and multi-E2B XML and ZIP file attachments, Vault automatically imports the data into the generated Inbox Item and sets the Intake Format field to E2B
    • For unsupported attachments, Vault generates a blank Inbox Item for manual intake and sets the Intake Format field to Document.

Single-File Import

When the Attachment Handling Method of the sender’s Transmission Profile is Single-File Import, Vault creates the following for the first XML attachment:

  • One (1) Vault document classified as Adverse Event Report, linked to the Inbox Item generated from the email
  • One (1) Inbox Item with Intake Method set as Email
    • For all supported single- and multi-E2B XML and ZIP file attachments, Vault automatically imports the data into the generated Inbox Item and sets the Intake Format field to E2B
    • For unsupported attachments, Vault generates a blank Inbox Item for manual intake and sets the Intake Format field to Document

Manual Intake from Emails

You can receive emails directly in your Vault and generate Inbox Items from an email source for manual Inbox Item intake. For information about manually entering Inbox Item data, see Inbox Item Field Reference.

When the Attachment Handling Method of the sender’s Transmission Profile is Manual or blank, or if the sender is not associated with a Transmission Profile, Vault creates:

  • One (1) classified as Adverse Event Report Vault document for the email source
  • One (1) classified as Attachment Vault document for each email attachment
  • One (1) blank Inbox Item containing the email file Vault document and the attachment


Vault enforces a size limitation for inbound emails, including attachments.