Learn how to configure your Safety Vault to enable sender-based email attachment handling.

About the Feature

You can configure your Vault to generate Inbox Items from emails sent to a specified inbound email address based on the Attachment Handling Method specified for the sender’s associated Transmission Profile. When applicable, Vault automatically imports E2B data from email attachments.

Once you have completed the enablement instructions on this page, see Configure Email to Vault Safety Inbox Item to configure this feature.

Modify the Inbox Email Object Type Fields

Follow the steps below to modify fields for the Inbox Email type of the Transmission Profile object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Profile > Object Types > Inbound Email.
  2. Select the Organization field.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. In the Criteria VQL field, enter: object_type__vr.api_name__v = 'sponsor__v'.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Profile > Object Types > Inbound Email.
  7. Select the Destination field.
  8. Select Edit.
  9. In the Default Value field, enter: organization__v.
  10. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Profile > Object Types > Inbound Email.
  11. Select the Origin field.
  12. Select Edit.
  13. In the Default Value field, enter: organization__v.

Create the Inbox Email Object Type Layout

Follow the steps below to create a new Transmission Profile object layout for the Inbox Email object type:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Profile > Layouts.
  2. Select Create. The Add Layout window appears.
  3. For Object Type, select Inbound Email.
  4. Select Done.
  5. Insert a Related Object section.
  6. In the Related Object field, select Transmission Profile Email > Person. We suggest labeling this section “Inbound Emails”.
  7. Select Done.
  8. When you are done creating the layout, select Save.

Create Transmission Profiles

Vault can automatically generate Inbox Items based on the specified Attachment Handling Method of a sender’s Transmission Profile:

  • Separate: One (1) Inbox Item per attachment, prepopulated with E2B data imported from the XML or ZIP attachment.
  • Single-File Import: One (1) Inbox Item per email, prepopulated with E2B data imported from the XML or ZIP attachment.
  • Manual: One (1) blank Inbox Item per email.

To support sender-based Inbox Item generation from email attachments, you must create Inbound Email types of Transmission Profiles. For more information about how to create Transmission Profiles and add Email Persons for senders, see Manage Transmission Profiles.

(Optional) Enable Automated Case Promotion

You can enable automated Case promotion for Inbox Items generated from inbound email attachments. To do this, enable Automated Case Promotion for Inbound Email types of Transmission Profiles.