Learn how to enable Transmission Output Templates in your Vault.

About Transmission Output Templates

Introduced in 24R2, Vault Safety supports configurable generation of multiple Transmissions when specific Reporting Rules are met. This addresses the Submission requirement where, when a foreign Clinical Trial Case is reported in China, the case must be submitted to the Center for Drug Evaluation of the NMPA as well as to China’s National Health Commission. This feature can support additional use cases including, for example, multi-partner Submissions.

See Manage Transmission Output Templates for more information about creating and configuring Transmission Output Templates.

Add Transmission Output Template Layout

Complete the following steps to add a Transmission Output Template layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Output Template > Layouts.
  2. In the Transmission Output Template Detail Page Layout, insert a Detail Form section with the following properties:
    • Section Label: System
    • Section Name: system
    • Section Layout: Detail Form - Two Columns
  3. Configure the layout as shown below:
    • Details section fields:
      • Name
      • API Name
      • Transmission Type
      • Transmission Profile
      • Auto-Submit
      • Due in Days
      • Local Expedited Criteria
      • Patient Content Protection
      • Study Content Protection
      • Exceptions to Patient Content Protection
    • System section fields:
      • Created By
      • Created Date
      • Last Modified By
      • Last Modified Date
      • Lifecycle
      • Lifecycle State
      • Status
  4. Select Save.