Learn about Inbox Items and the lifecycle states in the Safety Intake process.

About Inbox Items

You can view all Inbox Items in your Vault on the Inbox tab, which displays all Inbox Items on an object record list page. From here, you can review and sort existing records in a detailed table, manually create new records, and perform intake.


To support Inbox Items in your Vault, your Admin must enable Inbox Items.

You must have delete permissions to delete data in the Products, Medical Events, and Reporter-type Case Contacts sections.

Create Inbox Items

You can create Inbox Items in many different ways:

Generated Inbox Items include field values populated from the structured data from which the Inbox Item was imported. See Inbox Item Field Reference for more information.

Seriousness & Priority Calculation

Vault calculates Seriousness and Priority based on the Inbox Item’s top-ranked adverse event according to the following order:

Seriousness Priority Order
Results in death P1 1
Life threatening P1 2
Caused / prolonged hospitalisation P2 3
Disabling / incapacitating P2 4
Congenital anomaly / birth defect P2 5
Other medically important condition P2 6
[Blank]* P3 7

*Vault assigns P3 priority to Inbox Items without seriousness criteria and at least one (1) associated adverse event.

When you update the Priority value without changing any other adverse event information, Vault retains the manually updated Priority value. However, if you update, add, or delete the Event, Vault recalculates the Priority upon saving the Inbox Item.

Sort and Filter the Inbox

You can sort and filter the Inbox to quickly review data and identify Inbox Items that require your immediate attention.


You can sort and filter the records on this page by any standard field on the Inbox Item object to help find and review the applicable records. For example, you can sort by the New Info Date column to view late Inbox Items or filter by Seriousness to view all Inbox Items with adverse events that resulted in death.

Click any column header to sort the records listed on the page by that option. You can customize the records grid to change the columns displayed on the Inbox page.


Click the Edit () icon in the Filters section on the left side of the page to create reusable options. You can select different options within these filters to refine your search even more. You can delete this filter option by selecting the X (x-filter-icon) icon in the filter’s header.

Custom Views

Custom views allow you to save or bookmark your current search results, filters, and other view settings. You can return to this view with a single click. You can create multiple custom views and return to them at any time.

Inbox Item Audit Trail

You can view an audit trail to see the full history of all workflow tasks performed on an Inbox Item.

What is Logged in Audit Trail

  • When an Inbox Item is created
  • When a user performs any of the following for an Inbox Item section:
    • Edit
    • Save
    • Delete
    • Undo (Undelete)
  • When a user runs the Create Case action

Inbox Item States

After you create an Inbox Item, you can perform actions that change the Inbox Item record state from the All Actions or Workflow State Change (Workflow State Change) menu. The following table summarizes the default Inbox Item object states:

State Description
New This state is for new Inbox Item that have not yet been promoted to a Case.
Import Error This state indicates import into an Inbox Item failed. The user who initiated the import can view the error message in the import notification.
Missing Information This state is for Inbox Items that are determined to be missing information and cannot be promoted to a Case.
Verification This state is for Inbox Items that are ready for verification. For more information, see Import an Inbox Item.
Marked as Follow-Up This state is for Inbox Items that have been associated with a Case but have not been included in that version. They can be merged into the active version or promoted to a new version. For more information about marking an Inbox Item as a Follow-Up, see Promote to Case
Marked as Follow-Up (Not Current)

This state indicates the Inbox Item is associated with a Case, but it is not the most current Inbox Item. Another Inbox Item containing more recent data is also associated with the Case. For more information, see Import an Inbox Item.

If your Admin has enabled the Automated Classification of Inbox Item Significance feature, this state only occurs for Inbox Items generated from the Safety-EDC Connection

Processing This state indicates an Inbox Item is in the process of being auto-promoted to an Initial or Follow-Up Case. For more information, see Automated Case Promotion.
Promoted This state is for Inbox Items that have been successfully promoted to a Case. For more information, see Promote to Case.
Duplicate This state is for Inbox Items that are detected to be a duplicate prior to Case promotion. In this state, Inbox Items are closed to prevent further processing or Case promotion. For more information on duplicate Case detection, see Promote to Case.

This state is for Follow-up Inbox Items that were not promoted because a more recent and significant Inbox Item related to the same initial Case was promoted instead. For more information about significance, see Import an Inbox Item.

If your Admin has enabled the Automated Classification of Inbox Item Significance feature, this state only occurs for Inbox Items generated from the Safety-EDC Connection

Rejected This state is for Inbox Items that are rejected during intake. In this state, Inbox Items are closed to prevent further processing or Case promotion.
Promotion Failed This state is for Inbox Items that have failed automated Case promotion due to not meeting the conditions for being marked as a Follow-up Case or created as a Follow-up Case. For more information, see Automated Case Promotion.