Learn about auto-coding and browsing for Products on Inbox Items and Cases.


When selecting a Product on an Inbox Item or Case, Vault Safety displays Products in a dropdown list. For larger Product libraries, this selection method can be inefficient and time-consuming. For enhanced Product selection, your Admin must configure:

Depending on your business processes, your Admin may also configure:

About Product Auto-Coding

To perform auto-coding, Vault attempts to match your entry in the reported Product field with an active Product in the Product library. To auto-code, matches must be exact between the reported Product term and the value in the Product library. Vault tries to match:

  • Product: The Product Name on Products
  • Product Registration: The Registration Name on Product Registrations
  • Trade Name: The Trade Name on Product Registrations
  • Product Alias: The Alias on Product Aliases
  • Localized Product: The Name on Localized Products (for Localized Cases only)

When matching against the above fields, Vault also compares the Country Obtained value on the Inbox Item or Case Product to the Country on the Product Registration to find the best match. When Vault finds an auto-code match, it populates the Company Product, Registration, and Trade Name fields if the information is configured. You can hover over the populated Company Product value to display related product details, such as the Product Type, Product Family, Generic Name, and Core Datasheet. When Company Product coding is complete and you save the Case Product, Vault assigns the Product Type to the Case Product record based on the configuration in the Product library.

Auto-Code finds a match

If Vault cannot find an exact match for Product, Product Registration, Trade Name, Product Alias, or Localized Product, Vault attempts to find the closest match and populates the Company Product field. A message indicates if a better match may be found by using the Product Browser. In this scenario, partial auto-coding has occurred. If Vault does not find any match, Vault displays No match found. If Vault finds a match, but the Product is deprecated, Vault displays No Match Found. A better match may be found in the product browser.

In the case of partial auto-coding, no matches, or deprecated Products, you can use the Product Browser to search the Product library. From the Product Browser, you can also access product browsers to code External Products using the following dictionaries:

Auto-Code a Product

You can auto-code active Products on Inbox Items and Cases.

Auto-Code Inbox Item Products

To auto-code Products on Inbox Items:

  1. Go to the Inbox Item.
  2. In the Products section, enter a term in the reported Product field.
  3. Select Auto-code.

Auto-Code Case Products

To auto-code Products on Cases:

  1. Go to the Case.
  2. In the Products section, select Create.
  3. In the Create Case Product dialog, select Company Product.
  4. In the Details section, enter a term in the reported Product field.
  5. Select Auto-code.

Localized Product Auto-Coding

You can auto-code active Products on Inbox Items and Cases when the Localization is set to a non-global value. If the text you enter in the reported Product field matches a Localized Product Name:

  • The English Product field appears and displays the name of the global Product.
  • The Company Product field is set to the associated global Product Name.
  • Vault populates the Registration and Trade Name fields if those details are configured in the Product library.

About Product Browsing

When adding Company Products to Inbox Items and Cases, search the Product library by selecting the Advanced Search (binoculars icon) icon next to the reported Product field. This opens the Product Browser, which has filtering and column sorting options to support faster searches. If you entered text in the reported Product field, Vault displays the term below the Search bar for your reference and uses that term for the initial search. If you populated the Country Obtained field, results are filtered accordingly. Results are filtered to display active Products, but you can display deprecated Products.

The Product Browser searches using the following fields:

  • Trade Name
  • Localized Product Name (for Localized Cases)
  • Product Name
  • Substance(s)
  • Generic name
  • Strength + Unit
  • MPID
  • Product Family (if enabled by your Admin)
  • Registration Number
  • Registration Name

You can narrow your search by filtering on the following fields:

  • Country
  • Product Type
  • Lifecycle State
  • Dose Form
  • Registration Type
  • Agency

The Product Browser returns all Products and Product Registrations that match the search text.

To code a Product, select the row and then select Confirm.

Browse Deprecated Products

When you open the Product Browser, results include Products and Product Registrations in the Active lifecycle state only. To browse Products and Product Registrations in the Deprecated lifecycle state:

  1. In the Lifecycle State column, select the Filter icon.
  2. From the picklist, select Deprecated.
  3. Select Apply.

To browse Products and Product Registrations in all lifecycle states, from the Filter icon in the Lifecycle State column, select Clear Filter.

The Lifecycle State column displays the lifecycle state of the Product Registration when available. Otherwise, it displays the lifecycle state of the Product.

When you code a deprecated Product, a Deprecated tag appears beside the applicable field on the Inbox Item or Case.

Launch External Product Browsers

When creating a new Case Product using the Product Browser from a Case, you can launch product browsers to search for and code External Product types of Case Products using the following dictionaries:

In the external product browsers, Vault displays the reported Product value below the Search bar and uses the term to perform the initial search. If you do not want to code an External Product, you can return to the Product Browser by selecting Back to Product Browser in the top-left corner of the dialog or return to the Create Case Product page by closing the browser.