Learn how to enable partial-date support for Dose-Level Expiration Date in your Vault.

About the Feature

Vault Safety now supports partial date entry at the Case Product Dosage-level for Expiration Date (see the Dosages Section under Enter Case Data).

Depending on the configuration of your Vault, enablement may not be required. The new expiration_date_idate__v field is added to the Case Product Dosage section control automatically, however, you may need to grant permissions to the field.

Provide the Edit Permission for the Case Product Dosage Object

  1. In the Admin area, go to Users & Groups > Permission Sets.
  2. Open the relevant permission set, for example Case Entry Actions.
  3. If the Edit permission is not checked in the All Objects row, go to the Case Product Dosage row and give the Edit permission for the Expiration Date (expiration_date_idate__v) field.
  4. Apply this to all relevant permission sets that should have Edit access.