Learn how to configure the Intake Settings page to enable multiple Case promotion features.
In Admin > Settings, the Intake Settings page has multiple configuration options that can enable features such as:
- Duplicate Detection
- Copying patient details to a new Case
- Case Compare
- Merging an Inbox Item to an In-flight Case
- Allowing Case promotion to proceed with mismatching Case Identifiers
Enable Duplicate Search Options
The following duplicate search settings are enabled in your Vault by default.
Perform Deep Duplicate Search on Spontaneous / Study Cases allows Vault to perform an extensive search for potential matches for Spontaneous and Study Cases. You can edit the maximum number of potential match results that are returned. The default number for Spontaneous Cases is 100 while the default for Study Cases is 20.
Note: If you clear these checkboxes, Vault still performs Deep Duplicate Search on Spontaneous and Study Cases. These settings will be updated in a future release.
Perform Deep Duplicate Search on Inbox Items allows Vault to perform an extensive search for potential matches on open Inbox Items.
Index Migrated Cases allows migrated Cases to be displayed on the Potential Matches page.
See Duplicate Detection to learn more.
Enable Initial Case Options
In the Initial Case Options section, you must select the Allow Copy Patient Information checkbox to enable the New Case - Copy Patient Info () option on the Inbox Item to Case Compare page. When a user selects this option during Inbox Item promotion, a new Case is created and populated with the patient’s details.
See Copy Patient Information from Existing Case to learn more.
Enable Follow-Up Options
In the Follow-Up Options section, you must select the Allow Follow-Up from Inbox Item checkbox to enable the Create Follow-Up option on the Inbox Item to Case Compare page.
You can also select the Allow follow-up with any matching UID checkbox to allow users to promote an Inbox Item when the Worldwide UID (WWUID) does not match but matches another UID, such as an External System UID or a Case Identifier. For example, the Inbox Item WWUID does not match the WWUID on the Initial Case, but the Inbox Item Case Identifier matches the Initial Case WWUID. If the Inbox Item contains a WWUID value but the matching Case does not, Vault will snapshot the WWUID value to the Case upon promoting to Follow-up.
Add or remove states as needed in the Prohibited States field to prevent users from creating a Follow-up Case from a Case that is in a prohibited state.
Enable Merge to In-Flight Case
In the Allow Merge Into Active Case section, you must select the Allow Merge into Active Case checkbox to display the Merge to Current button on the Inbox Item to Case Compare page.
See Merge to In-Flight Case to learn more.
Add or remove states as needed in the Prohibited States field to prevent users from merging Inbox Item information into an In-flight Case that is in a prohibited state.
Note: You cannot remove the Approved, Closed, and Superseded states from this field.
The Require user performing merge to have edit access to case checkbox requires any user who is performing the merge to have edit access to the In-flight Case in its current state.
Enable Mark as Follow-Up
In the Allow Mark Follow-up section, you must select the Allow Mark Follow-Up checkbox to display the Mark as Follow-Up option on the Inbox Item to Case Compare page.
See Complete the Inbox Item to Case Compare Page to learn more about the Mark as Follow-Up option.
Add or remove states as needed in the Prohibited States field to prevent users from linking an Inbox Item to an existing Case that is in a prohibited state.
Next Configuration Steps
See Enable Merge to In-Flight Case to add the appropriate Prohibited States for each configuration option and perform additional configurations to enable merging an Inbox Item into an In-flight Case.