Controlled Vocabularies contain standard ICH-based terminologies used to describe or code information in a Vault Safety Case.
About Controlled Vocabularies
Controlled Vocabularies impact how users can enter data in Vault Safety and how information is recorded and transferred in accordance with E2B and ICH standards.
Vault Safety comes with standard and preconfigured Controlled Vocabularies that have varying levels of configurability.
Controlled Vocabularies that have E2B mapping defaults have the highest level of protection to ensure data can easily flow in and out of Vault during E2B import and exports, followed by Controlled Vocabularies related to feature functionality.
For standard system-managed Controlled Vocabularies, you can only edit the Name. All other fields are protected. However, you can add custom Controlled Vocabularies, which can be completely customized by administrators.
Once a custom Controlled Vocabulary is in use, Vault protects it from deletion to maintain data integrity. If a custom Controlled Vocabulary becomes obsolete, you can deprecate it.
Note: You can tell the difference between standard and custom Controlled Vocabularies by looking at the API Name. Standard Controlled Vocabularies have API Names ending with __v
Configure Controlled Vocabularies
- Go to Business Admin > Objects > Controlled Vocabularies.
- On the Controlled Vocabularies page, perform one of the following actions:
- To add a new Controlled Vocabulary, select Create.
- To edit an existing Controlled Vocabulary, open the record, and then select Edit.
- Complete the Create Controlled Vocabulary window.
- Save the page.
Common Controlled Vocabulary Fields
The following table describes the default Controlled Vocabularies fields that appear on all Controlled Vocabulary object types. Certain fields appear only for certain Controlled Vocabulary types, which are described along with the types below.
Field Name | Description |
Type | The Controlled Vocabulary object type. The default Controlled Vocabulary types are described below. |
Name | The label for the Controlled Vocabulary record. You can edit this field for standard system-provided Controlled Vocabularies. |
E2B Default Value | Set this field to Yes for a Controlled Vocabulary with an associated E2B default code that Vault Safety should map to during an E2B import. E2B Case Import Data Mapping describes how Vault Safety imports E2B data to a Case. You cannot edit this field for records with an API Name ending in |
E2B Code | The E2B Code specifies the E2B value that a Controlled Vocabulary maps to for E2B export. You should always populate this field to ensure your E2B exports contain the valid mapping for your custom Controlled Vocabularies. E2B Generation Data Mapping describes how Vault Safety exports Case data to an E2B file. For records with an API Name ending in Note: Vault’s Controlled Vocabularies only capture E2B R3 codes. Vault will automatically detect and convert captured E2B R3 codes to the E2B R2 format when you generate an E2B R2 transmission. |
API Name | Vault name for the record. You can tell whether a record is standard or custom from the API name. If the name ends with You cannot edit this field for records with an API Name ending in |
Status | The Status field determines whether a Controlled Vocabulary is active, deprecated, or inactive. Inactive records are not available for use. Deprecating records prevents future use of the term, while still allowing users to look back at the historic usage of the term. You cannot modify this field in the edit view. You can only edit the Status through a user action on the Controlled Vocabulary. For records with an API Name ending in |
Deprecated Controlled Vocabularies
Deprecated Controlled Vocabularies are Controlled Vocabularies that a user no longer wants to support or use in Vault Safety. When you deprecate a Controlled Vocabulary, you prevent future use of the term by any user, while still allowing users to look back at the historic usage of the term.
Import Cases With Deprecated Controlled Vocabularies
When an E2B case contains terms that match deprecated Controlled Vocabularies in Vault Safety, you can import the Case from another system into Vault Safety. Once you import the Case with deprecated Controlled Vocabularies, you can still view the deprecated terms.
If you promote an Inbox Item or add a Follow-up Case with deprecated Controlled Vocabularies, these deprecated terms are copied over.
Note: While editing an Inbox Item or Case, if you replace a deprecated Controlled Vocabulary by selecting a new term in the picklist, the deprecated term will no longer appear in the picklist.
Deprecate a Controlled Vocabulary
Admins can deprecate custom Controlled Vocabularies in the Active or Inactive state. System-managed Controlled Vocabularies cannot be deprecated.
- Go to Business Admin > Objects > Controlled Vocabularies.
- Hover over the Controlled Vocabulary record to which you want to deprecate.
- Select the All Actions menu that appears next to the term, and then select Change State to Deprecated.
The Controlled Vocabulary is deprecated and is identified with a deprecated badge:
This term is unavailable for future use but users can still look back and view any pre-existing references to the deprecated Controlled Vocabulary.
View Deprecated Controlled Vocabularies
To view the list of deprecated terms, you can go to the Controlled Vocabularies page, and filter by Lifecycle State to find terms in the Deprecated state.
Admins can still edit Inbox Items and Cases that use deprecated terms if needed.
Controlled Vocabulary Types
Vault Safety includes the following Controlled Vocabularies out-of-box.
Anatomical Site
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines what options users can select in the Anatomical Approach Site when entering dosage information for a vaccine on a Case Product Dosage record. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to FDA VAERS E2B(R3) data element FDA.G.k.4.r.12 Vaccine Anatomical Approach Site.
Age Group
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Age Group field for entering patient information on a Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R3): D.2.3 Patient Age Group (as per reporter)
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-2, D.2.3 Patient Age Group (as per reporter)
When a Case doesn’t include the Patient’s Date of Birth and Age at Onset, Vault maps adverse events to the Age Range for Expected and Unexpected MedDRA Criteria on Datasheets using the Patient’s Age Group. In this scenario, the Patient Age Group must fall entirely within the Age Range on the Datasheet.
Action Taken
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Action Taken field. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R3): G.k.8 Action(s) Taken with Drug
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-4, G.k.8 Action(s) Taken with Drug
This Controlled Vocabulary also impacts how Vault populates the dechallenge fields on the CIOMS I and FDA 3500A forms. If you configure custom Action Taken records, ensure the E2B code is mapped properly. For more information, see how Vault populates the dechallenge fields on the CIOMS I and FDA 3500A forms.
Case Assessment Method
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options appear in the Method of Assessment field on Case Assessments. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to the following data elements:
- ICH E2B(R3): G.k.9.i.2.r.2 Method of Assessment
- EMA E2B(R3): G.k.9.i.2.r.2.EU.1 EU Method of Assessment
- MFDS E2B(R3):
- G.k.9.i.2.r.2.KR.1 KR Method of Assessment
- G.k.9.i.2.r.3.KR.1 WHO-UMC Result of Assessment
- G.k.9.i.2.r.3.KR.2 KRCT Result of Assessment
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-4, G.k.9.i.2.r.2 Method of Assessment
The Method of Assessment field is unique to the Case Assessment Method Controlled Vocabulary. This field does not control any functionality, but shows the mapping to the deprecated Case Assessment Method field and is for reference purposes only.
You cannot edit this field for records with an API Name ending in __v
Case Assessment Result
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Assessment Result field on a Case Assessment. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to the following reports and data elements:
Report | Data Element |
G.k.9.i.2.r.3 Result of Assessment |
G.k.9.i.2.r.3.EU.1 Result of Assessment |
B.4.k.18.4 Result of Assessment |
Detail Form 2-4, G.k.9.i.2.r.3 Result of Assessment |
Vault uses this Controlled Vocabulary type to determine whether Case Causality was established to be related to the Suspect Product, which impacts the following Vault Safety features:
- Classifying adverse events in PADER line listings
- Auto-calculating Case-level relatedness
The Assessment Result and Causality Established fields are unique to the Case Assessment Result Controlled Vocabulary. The following table describes these fields:
Field Name | Description |
Assessment Result | Based on the value in the Assessment Result field of the Case, Vault maps the value in the E2B Code field of the corresponding Case Assessment Result Controlled Vocabulary. You cannot edit this field for records with an API Name ending in |
Causality Established | This field controls whether a Controlled Vocabulary record indicates relatedness (causality) between a suspect product and adverse event. You can select one of the following options:
This setting is used for PADER aggregate reporting to classify adverse events in non-15 day reports and line listings. Generate PADER Aggregate Reports describes how PADER reports are generated. This setting is also used to determine Case-level relatedness and automatically populate the Relatedness field. For records with an API Name ending in |
Case Assessment Source
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Source Type field on a Case Assessment. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- EMA E2B(R3): G.k.9.i.2.r.2.EU.1 EU Method of Assessment
- ICH E2B(R3): G.k.9.i.2.r.1 Source of Assessment
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-4, G.k.9.i.2.r.1 Source of Assessment
For custom Case Assessment Sources that should be considered a company source, set the E2B Code to 2
(sponsor) or 4
(MAH). All other codes are considered from the source reporter.
This Controlled Vocabulary type impacts how Vault populates the Case Relatedness field. Case Relatedness provides more information.
The Source Type field is unique to the Case Assessment Source Controlled Vocabulary.
This field does not control any functionality. This field shows the mapping to the deprecated Case Assessment Source field and is for reference purposes only.
You cannot edit this field for records with an API Name ending in __v
Combination Product Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Combination Type field for entering registration information while adding a product to the Product Library.
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the Completeness field for entering data about the case completeness on each reporting Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to PMDA E2B(R3) data element J2.7.1
Device Follow-Up Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Device Follow-Up Type field for entering information about the follow-up reason for Follow-Up Cases concerning a combination product with a device constituent. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data elements B.4.k.20.FDA.18.1a–d
The FDA Concept Code field is available for this Controlled Vocabulary type.
For custom Device Follow-Up Type or Device Usage Type Controlled Vocabularies, enter the FDA concept code for electronic Medical Device Reporting (eMDR).
Development Phase
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the Development Phase field to determine which options users can select in that field for entering study information. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- PMDA E2B(R3): J2.13.r.3 Development Phase
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-1, J2.13.r.3 Development Phase
Device Usage Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Device Usage Type field for entering information on a device-type Case Product. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element B.4.k.20.FDA.15
The FDA Concept Code field is available for this Controlled Vocabulary type.
For custom Device Follow-Up Type or Device Usage Type Controlled Vocabularies, enter the FDA concept code for electronic Medical Device Reporting (eMDR).
Drug Role
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Drug Role field for entering product information on the Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element G.k.1
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Ethnicity field for entering patient information on the Case.
This Controlled Vocabulary maps to FDA VAERS E2B(R3) data element FDA.D.12 Patient Ethnicity.
Facility Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Facility Type field on Facility-type Case Contact records.
This Controlled Vocabulary maps to FDA VAERS E2B(R3) data element FDA.G.k.4.r.14.8 Vaccination Facility Type.
First Sender
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the First Sender field on the Transmission object. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element A.1.10.2
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Gender field for entering patient information on the Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to FDA MedWatch 3500A (August 2024 Version) box A3b. Gender.
Highlighted Term
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Highlighted Term field when entering information on a Case Adverse Event. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element B.2.i.3
Literature Classification
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the Literature Classification field on the document for classifying the literature document. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to PMDA E2B(R3) data element J2.17.r
Localized Case Assessment Result
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines the available values in the Localized Assessment Result field on Localized Case Assessment Results and maps to:
- MFDS E2B(R3) data element G.k.9.i.2.r.3.KR.1 WHO-UMC Result of Assessment
- NMPA E2B(R3) data element G.k.9.i.2.r.CN.2 Assessment Results 评估结果
Localized Case Assessment Source
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines the available values in the Localized Assessment Source field on Localized Case Assessment Results and maps to NMPA E2B(R3) data element G.k.9.i.2.r.CN.1 Initial Report/Marketing Licensee Evaluation Source 初始报告人/上市许可持有人评估来源.
Military Status Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the Military Status field for entering data about the patient on a Case.
This Controlled Vocabulary maps to FDA VAERS E2B (R3) data element FDA.D.14 Patient Military Status.
MFDS Health Professional Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the MFDS Health Professional Type field on a Localized Organization. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to MFDS E2B(R3) data element C.3.1.KR.1.
MFDS Other Health Professional Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the MFDS Other Health Professional Type field on a Localized Case Contact. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to MFDS E2B(R3) data element C.2.r.4.KR.1.
MFDS Other Study Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the MFDS Other Study Type field on a Localized Study and/or Localized Case for study cases. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to MFDS E2B(R3) data element C.5.4.KR.1.
NMPA Report Source
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the NMPA Report Source field on a Localized Case Contact for a reporter. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to NMPA E2B(R3) data element C.1.CN.1.
NMPA Report Classification
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the NMPA Report Classification field on a Localized Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to NMPA E2B(R3) data element C.1.CN2.
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the NMPA Patient Race field on a Localized Case Contact. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to NMPA E2B(R3) data element D.CN.2.
OTC Drug Channel
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the OTC Drug Channel field for entering data about from where the reported OTC drug obtained. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- PMDA E2B(R3): J2.6.k Obtaining channels for OTC drugs
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-1, J2.6.k Obtaining channels for OTC drugs
OTC Drug Classification
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the OTC Drug Classification field for entering data about the classification of OTC drugs. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- PMDA E2B(R3): J2.5.k Classification of OTC drugs
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-1, J2.5.k Classification of OTC drugs
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Outcome field when entering information on a Case Adverse Event. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R2): B.2.i.8 Outcome of reaction/event at the time of last observation
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-2, E.i.7 Outcome of Reaction / Event at the Time of Last Observation
PMDA Reporting Category
This Controlled Vocabulary type maps to the PMDA Reporting Category field for entering data about the reporting category for PMDA. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to PMDA E2B(R3) data element J2.1a
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Qualification field for entering the Case Contact, and which options indicate a qualified health care professional (HCP). This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R3): C.2.r.4 Qualification
- E2B(R2): A.2.1.4 Qualification
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-1, C.2.r.4 Qualification
The Qualified HCP and Reason Omitted fields are specific to the Qualification Controlled Vocabulary. The following table describes these fields:
Field Name | Description |
Qualified HCP | This field determines whether an occupation qualifies as a health care professional for the source reporter. This field determines how the HCP Confirmed field is populated on the Case Adverse Event and how Case Assessment Results are generated. Enter a Case Assessment provides more details. |
Reason Omitted | Set this field to Yes for a Controlled Vocabulary that should allow users to enter data in the Reasons Omitted field. |
Reaction Recurrence
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Reaction Recurrence field when entering a Case Assessment. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element B.4.k.17.1
Registration Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Registration Type field for entering registration information while adding a product to the Product Library.
The Registration Category field is specific to the Registration Type Controlled Vocabulary.
You can categorize a Registration Type as either Investigational or Marketing. The Registration Category is considered during cross reporting evaluation.
This Controlled Vocabulary maps to Detail Form 2-1, data element J2.4.k License Category of New Drug of the PMDA MHLW Paper Form.
Remedial Action
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Remedial Action field for entering information about device-type Cases. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data elements B.4.k.20.FDA.14.1a–i
Report Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Report Type field for entering how an adverse event was reported on an Inbox Item or Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element A.1.4
Vault Safety has logic to determine whether reports are considered solicited or non-solicited. By default, Cases with a report type of Study are considered solicited. Other report types are considered non-solicited or spontaneous.
The Solicited Report and Literature fields are specific to the Report Type Controlled Vocabulary. The following table describes these fields:
Field Name | Description |
Solicited Report | When set to Yes, indicates a solicited report type. PADER aggregate reports no longer use this field to determine which report types are solicited. See PADER Table Data Mapping for details on how Vault determines solicited Cases for PADER. |
Literature | When set to Yes, indicates a report type from a literature source. |
Sender Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Sender Type field for adding an Organization. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element A.3.1.1
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Sex field for entering patient information on the Case. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B data element B.1.5
- FDA MedWatch 3500A (August 2024 Version) box A3a. Sex
- FDA MedWatch 3500A (October 2015 Version) box A3. Sex
Study Type
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Study Type (product_usage_reason__v
) field for entering study information on a Case.
The Study Type Controlled Vocabulary also determines how Study Cases are classified in aggregate reports. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R3): C.5.4 Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s) Were Observed
- E2B(R2): A.2.3.3 Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s) Were Observed
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Detail Form 2-1, C.5.4 Study Type Where Reaction(s) / Event(s) Were Observed
Test Result
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Result (Code) field for entering Case Test Results. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to E2B data element F.r.3.1
Transmission Reason
This Controlled Vocabulary type determines which options users can select in the Reason field on the Transmission object. This Controlled Vocabulary maps to:
- E2B(R3): C.1.11.1 Report Nullification/Amendment
- E2B(R2): A.1.13 Report Nullification / Amendment
- PMDA MHLW Paper Form: Cover Form 1, C.1.11.1 Report Nullification / Amendment
Deactivate a Controlled Vocabulary
To deactivate a Controlled Vocabulary, an administrator must enable the user action to modify the object state. Enable Controlled Vocabulary User Actions provides more information.
Admins can deactivate Controlled Vocabularies using the user action. Access the user action on the Controlled Vocabulary from the All Actions menu.
Note: If you try to import a Case containing terms that match inactive Controlled Vocabularies in Vault Safety, the import will fail. For this reason, we recommend that you deprecate Controlled Vocabularies instead of deactivating them.