Configure field mapping from the multi-Case CSV or multi-CSV ZIP file to the target fields.

About Multi-Case Tabular Data Import

Intake users can import a multi-Case tabular CSV file or a multi-CSV ZIP file to Inbox Items, which includes up to 1,000 Cases, using pre-defined mapping. For more information, see Import an Inbox Item: About Multi-Case Tabular Data Import.

This article demonstrates how to configure Tabular Data Formats, Import Field Mappings, and Import Code Mappings to map the imported data to a target Vault Safety field.


Your Admin must enable Safety Inbox Loader Multi-Case Tabular Data Import.

Create Tabular Data Formats

Tabular Data Formats include the type of field mapping the system uses to import multi-Case data to Vault Safety fields and the list of source files being imported.

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Tabular Data Formats.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the following information:
    • Format: Enter a name for this Tabular Data Format.
    • Encoding: Select an encoding type for the Tabular Data Format. If creating a Tabular Data Format for VAERS, select ISO-8859-1.
    • Country: Select a country for the Tabular Data Format.
  4. Save the page.

Create Tabular Source Files

Tabular Source Files specify the files being imported during multi-CSV ZIP import. You can create and update these files on the Tabular Data Format object.

  1. Create Tabular Source Files by expanding the section on the respective Tabular Data Format record or by going to Business Admin > Objects > Tabular Source Files and selecting Create.
  2. Complete the following information:
    • Name: Enter the name of the source file.
    • Standard Format: If importing VAERS Symptoms, select the option. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    • Target Object Name: Enter the name of the object to which the source file is mapping. For example, case_product__v.
  3. Save the page.

Create Field Import Mappings

Field Import Mappings specify how imported tabular data maps to field and object records in Vault Safety. You can create and update Field Import Mapping on the Tabular Data Format object.

  1. Create Import Field Mappings by expanding the section on the respective Tabular Data Format record and selecting Create.
  2. Complete the following information:
    • Source Column Header: Enter the name of the column header in the CSV file. You cannot enter a separator (for example, a comma or semicolon).
    • Tabular Data Format: Select the Tabular Data Format this field mapping belongs to. If you created this Import Field Mapping record directly from a Tabular Data Format, this field is automatically populated.
    • Target Field Name: Enter the field name of the Vault Safety field. For example, event_reported__v.
    • Target Object Name: Enter the name of the object to which the target field belongs. For example, case_adverse_event__v.
  3. Save the page.
  4. Repeat these steps for as many column headers as needed.

Create Import Code Mappings

Import Code Mappings map the source values to the Vault Safety coded values for a given Import Field Mapping.

To create Import Code Mappings, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Import Field Mappings.
  2. Select a Field Mapping.
  3. Expand the Code Mapping section and select Create.
  4. Complete the following information:
    • Source Value: Enter the code value. For example, for the Report Type field, enter 1 for Spontaneous.
    • Code Mapping Type: Select one of the following options from the picklist:
      • Controlled Vocabulary
      • Dose Form
      • Route of Administration
      • Unit of Measurement
      • Reason Omitted
      • Seriousness
  5. Depending on your Code Mapping Type selection in step 5, go to the corresponding field and select an option from the dropdown.
  6. Save the page.

Consider the following system validations:

  • An object field must be selected based on the Code Mapping Type. For example, if you selected Controlled Vocabulary as the type, you must populate the Controlled Vocabulary field.
  • The Source Value must be mapped to only one (1) object field. In other words, only one (1) of the object fields should be populated on the Import Code Mapping page, for example, Dose Form.
  • The Source Value cannot be mapped to multiple target object values for a given Import Field Mapping.