Learn about keyboard shortcuts that help you work quickly in Vault Safety. These shortcuts are available for all of Vault’s supported browsers, but not on mobile devices.

Inbox Item and Case Record Navigation

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Select Next Inbox Item or Case K K When viewing an Inbox Item or Case, displays the detail view of the next Inbox Item or Case in the All or Recent list view.
Select Previous Inbox Item or Case J J When viewing an Inbox Item or Case, displays the detail view of the previous Inbox Item or Case in the All or Recent list view.

Inbox Item and Case Field Navigation

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Select Next Field TAB TAB Switches to the next editable field on the Inbox Item or Case. You must be in the Edit mode and have the cursor on one of the fields.
Select Previous Field Shift + TAB Shift + TAB Switches to the previous editable field on the Inbox Item or Case. You must be in the Edit mode and have the cursor on one of the fields.

Inbox Item and Case Actions

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Recalculate Due Date Alt + D Opt + D Recalculates the due date of a Case.

General Field Interaction

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Select Picklist Option Up Arrow / Down Arrow, Enter Up Arrow / Down Arrow, Enter In any field with a picklist, pressing the Up Arrow or Down Arrow highlights one list item at a time. Pressing Enter populates the list item.
Select Radio Button or Checkbox TAB, Spacebar TAB, Spacebar On any page with radio buttons or checkboxes, the TAB button switches to the next option. Pressing the spacebar selects the radio button or checkbox.

Literature Article Interaction

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Toggle Highlights Alt + H Opt + H Toggles term highlighting on and off for the Abstract field.
Toggle Translation Alt + T Opt + T Toggles the Abstract field's language setting between English and the Abstract Language field value.

MedDRA Coding

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Code MedDRA Terms TAB, Enter TAB, Enter

After entering the reported term in any MedDRA auto-code field, populates the MedDRA code and term from the active MedDRA dictionary or preconfigured MedDRA synonyms list.

If the reported term is blank, opens the MedDRA Browser.

Close MedDRA Browser ESC ESC Closes the MedDRA Browser.

Source Document Interaction

Action Windows Shortcut Mac OS Shortcut Notes
Copy from Document C C To copy text from a source document in View or Annotate mode, hold down the C key and select the text with your cursor, then release the C key and mouse button to copy.

Vault Platform Keyboard Shortcuts

For more keyboard shortcuts you can use when working with documents in your Vault, see Vault Keyboard Shortcuts.