Learn how to track your Pharmacovigilance Agreements (PVAs) and their related obligations and activities.

About Pharmacovigilance Agreements

Vault SafetyDocs supports the centralized management of Pharmacovigilance Agreements (PVAs), sometimes known as Safety Data Exchange Agreements (SDEAs). These agreements define the obligations and actions agreed upon between two (2) or more organizations that share safety data such as Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs), periodic reporting, literature monitoring, and signal detection.

The following are some situations where PVAs may be required:

  • When non-sponsor organizations receive safety data on behalf of sponsor organizations
  • When partner organizations are co-licensed to manufacture or market products
  • When partner organizations are Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs) in different markets

The PVA management features available in Vault SafetyDocs make it easy to manage PVAs between partner organizations, helping you to maintain regulatory compliance by allowing you to:


Your Admin must configure all the steps for this feature before it can be used. See Enable PVA Management for more information.

PVA Scheduling

To simplify managing recurring PVA obligations, Vault SafetyDocs offers automated PVA scheduling, supporting on-time reporting and reducing manual workload.

When creating a Scheduled-type PVA Obligation record, you select a predefined schedule, enabling Vault to automate the creation of PVA Activity records and report documents at the appropriate intervals. Whenever the schedule runs, Vault:

  • Creates the obligation’s child PVA Activity records.
  • (Optional) Runs the associated report (Source Vault Report), uploads it to your Library in the specified format (Source Report Format), and associates it to the related PVA Activity record. New PVA Activity records appear in the assigned user’s Vault, allowing them to download and circulate the report to the relevant parties to satisfy the PVA obligation.

To manage PVA schedules, you can:

Schedule PVA Obligations

You can schedule PVA Obligations from either a PV Agreement or PVA Obligation record.

For each PVA Activity record created using this action, Vault sets the fields as follows:

Field Description
PV Agreement The PV Agreement record linked to the parent PVA Obligation record
Obligation The parent PVA Obligation record driving the Schedule that created the PVA Activity record
Due Date The date the PVA Activity needs to be completed, based on the Scheduled Event run date and the Schedule record's Activity Creation Days Prior value
Activity Type The Obligation Direction field value on the parent PVA Obligation record

Schedule PVA Obligations for PV Agreements

To schedule activities for all Scheduled-type PVA Obligations on a PV Agreement record:

  1. Navigate to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select the desired PV Agreement record.
  3. From the All Actions menu, select Schedule PVA Obligations.


For each Scheduled-type PVA Obligation child record on the originating PV Agreement record, Vault creates a PVA Activity record at the intervals defined by the PVA Obligation’s Schedule record. Vault determines which date to create each PVA Activity record using the following priority order:

  • The PVA Obligation record’s Start Date value
  • The originating PV Agreement record’s Effective Date value
  • The date you run the Schedule PVA Obligations action

When the PVA Obligation record’s Start Date field is blank, Vault populates the date the Schedule PVA Obligations action was run.

Schedule a PVA Obligation from a PVA Obligation Record

To schedule activities for a single PVA Obligation record:

  1. Navigate to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select the desired PV Agreement record.
  3. Navigate to the Obligations page and select the desired PVA Obligation record.
  4. From the All Actions menu, select Schedule PVA Obligation.


Vault creates PVA Activity records on the originating PVA Obligation record at the intervals defined by the PVA Obligation’s Schedule record. Vault determines which date to create each PVA Activity record using the following priority order:

  • The PVA Obligation record’s Start Date value
  • The date you run the Schedule PVA Obligation action

When the PVA Obligation record’s Start Date field is blank, Vault populates the date the Schedule PVA Obligation action was run.

Cancel Scheduled Obligations

You can prevent a schedule from creating any future PVA Activity records from a PV Agreement or PVA Obligation record.

Cancel PVA Obligations from a PV Agreement Record

To cancel activities for all PVA Obligations on a PV Agreement record:

  1. Navigate to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select the desired PV Agreement record.
  3. From the All Actions menu, select Cancel Scheduled Obligations.


Vault cancels all future events by:

  • Preventing the Schedule from creating any future PVA Activity records
  • Setting the Schedule Recurrence records to the Cancelled state
  • Setting the End Date value to today for all Cancelled-state PVA Obligation records
  • Deleting any Scheduled Event records

Cancel PVA Obligations from a PVA Obligation Record

To cancel activities for a single PVA Obligation record:

  1. Navigate to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select the desired PV Agreement record.
  3. Navigate to the Obligations page and select the desired PVA Obligation record.
  4. From the All Actions menu, select Cancel Scheduled Obligation.


Vault cancels all future events by:

  • Setting the Schedule Recurrence records to the Cancelled state
  • Setting the End Date value to today for all Cancelled-state PVA Obligation records
  • Deleting any Scheduled Event records

Update Obligation Dates

To update the obligation dates for all PVA Activities on a PVA Obligation record:

  1. Navigate to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select the desired PV Agreement record.
  3. Navigate to the Obligations page and select the desired PVA Obligation record.
  4. Navigate to the Activities page and select the desired PVA Activity record.
  5. From the All Actions menu, select Update all Activity Dates.
  6. Use the calendar to select a date or enter the date manually.
  7. Select Save.


Vault updates the Due Date field value to the specified date for the following records:

  • The originating PVA Activity record
  • All future scheduled PVA Activities linked to the parent PVA Obligation record
  • Any existing PVA Activities on the parent PVA Obligation record, provided the PVA Activity record is in one of the following states:
    • New
    • In Progress
    • Received from Partner
    • Sent to Partner
    • Inactive

Upload PVA Documents

When uploading PVA documents using the standard document creation process, use one of the Pharmacovigilance Agreements document types:

  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Master Agreement
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Documentation > PVA Core
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Documentation > PVA Module
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Documentation > PVA Appendix
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Documentation > PVA Summary
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Activities > PVA Distribution
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Activities > PVA Correspondence
  • Pharmacovigilance Agreements > Agreement Reconciliation

Create a PVA Relationship

A PVA Relationship is a compilation of all PVAs made with a specific partner organization across the duration of the partnership.

You can create a record for each partner organization and link it to the PVAs made with them. This helps you keep track of all data exchange obligations that have been agreed upon, as well as their related Activities and reconciliations. Such records are useful for maintaining compliance and managing current and future collaboration.

Complete the following steps to create a PVA Relationship:

  1. Go to PVAs > PVA Relationships.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the fields on the Create PVA Relationship page.
  4. Select Save.
Field Description
Name Enter a name for the PVA Relationship.
Description Enter a description for the PVA Relationship.
This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Partner Select a partner from the picklist.

Create a PV Agreement

For each agreement you make with a partner organization, you can create a PV Agreement in Vault to track important details such as the period over which the agreement will last, the agreement’s scope, and the person who is responsible for managing the agreement.

Each PV Agreement is linked to a PVA Relationship within Vault SafetyDocs to keep track of all the agreements made with partner organizations.

Within each PV Agreement, you can also complete the following actions:

  • List the products, studies, and countries covered by the PVA
  • Store contact information of involved parties
  • Record the obligations or contract terms of the PVA and track relevant Activities and Action Items
  • Record whether these obligations were met and Activities were completed
  • Link related documents

Complete the following steps to create a PV Agreement:

  1. Go to PVAs > PV Agreements.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the fields on the Create PV Agreement page.
  4. Select Save.
Field Description
Agreement Title Enter the title of the agreement.
This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Relationship Select the relevant PVA relationship from the dropdown list or select Create to add a new one.
Agreement Effective Date Enter the start date for the agreement.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Agreement End Date Enter the end date for the agreement.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Agreement Notes Enter relevant details about the agreement.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.
PVA Scope Select Global or Local from the picklist, depending on the scope of the agreement.
Agreement Owner Select the user who is responsible for the agreement.
Originating Email

Select a From Email Person object type.

Vault uses the email of the selected Person to populate the From field when sending a PV Agreement email.

For more details on using custom domains and emails for PV Agreements, see Distribute PVA Documents via Email.

For each PVA, complete a PVA Creation workflow to track all the steps involved in authoring, reviewing, and approving the agreement.


Once you save the PV agreement, the following sections appear.

Covered Products Section

Complete the following steps to add the Products covered in the PVA:

  1. In the Covered Products section, select Add. The Search: Product window appears.
  2. Use the search bar and filters to select one or more Products from the list.
  3. Select OK.

If you do not see your desired Products in the list, contact your Admin to add new Products to your Vault.

Covered Studies Section

Complete the following steps to add the Studies covered in the PVA:

  1. In the Covered Studies section, select Add. The Search: Study window appears.
  2. Use the search bar and filters to select one or more Studies from the list.
  3. Select OK.

If you do not see your desired Studies in the list, contact your Admin to add new Studies to your Vault.

Agreement Countries Section

Complete the following steps to add the Countries involved in the PVA:

  1. In the Agreement Countries section, select Add. The Search: Countries window appears.
  2. Use the search bar and filters to select one or more Countries from the list.
  3. Select OK.

Contacts Section

In the Contacts section, create a record for each contact person involved in the PVA. This helps discuss reconciliation terms and manage future collaboration.

Select Create and complete the following fields.

Field Description
Vault User The Vault User profile of the contact.
Select a User from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Person The person behind the User selected in the Vault User field.
Select a Person from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Contract Party Select whether the contact is related to the Sponsor or Partner from the picklist.
Communication Method Select the preferred communication method for this contact from the picklist.
The available options include the following:
  • Email
  • Manual
  • Vault Task

Action Items Section

In the Action Items section, create a record for each Action Item.

Action Items are the tasks that need to be undertaken in order to create and fulfill a PVA, such as authorship, monitoring, or general management of its Activities. Action Items can be defined as needed and are not necessarily linked to an obligation or Activity within the agreement. Recording the details, status, and person responsible for each Action Item is useful for tracking and compliance purposes.

Select Create and complete the following fields to create an Action Item:

Field Description
Name Vault automatically populates this field based on the details from the record.
Description Enter a description for the Action Item.
This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Assigned To The individual to whom the Action Item is assigned.
Select a User from the picklist.
Due Date Enter the date on which the Action Item is due for completion.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Completion Date When the Action Item has been completed, enter the date on which it was completed.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
PV Agreement Vault automatically populates this field based on the details from the record.
Agreement Contact The partner contact related to the Action Item.
Select a PVA Contact from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
(Optional) Related PVA Obligation The specific PVA clause related to the Action Item.
Select an obligation from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
(Optional) Related PVA Activity The specific Activity within the PVA clause related to the Action Item.
Select an Activity from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search. Alternatively, select Create to create an Activity.
Activity Type If your Action Item is linked to an Activity, choose the type of Activity from the picklist. The available options are:
  • Inbound: Tasks that are completed by partner organizations to be sent to your organization.
  • Outbound: Tasks that are completed by your organization to be sent to partner organizations.
Message Subject When you send related documents to partners via email, this value will be the email's subject. For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Email.
This field supports up to 500 characters.
Message Body When you send related documents to partners via email, this value will be the email's body. For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Email.
This field supports up to 2,000 characters.
Partner Access Select Access Granted to allow the user in the Agreement Contact field to access this Action Item and any related documents when the Agreement Contact is a Vault User.
For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Vault Task.

Obligations Section

The Obligations section of a PV Agreement record allows you to create PVA Obligation records for each obligation outlined in the PVA.

Obligations, sometimes called “clauses” or “commitments,” are the contract terms formally defined within the PVA regarding the exchange of safety information. Each obligation is categorized according to the type of safety data being shared. Recording the exact wording, category, and related contacts of each obligation can help distinguish between and keep track of each commitment that needs to be fulfilled to meet the PVA’s terms.

Each PVA Obligation record is defined as either manual or scheduled, depending on the object type you select when you create the record. Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records allow Vault to automatically create the following artifacts on a schedule of your choosing:

From the Obligations section, select Create and complete the following fields to create a PVA Obligation record:

Field Description
Clause Title Enter the name of the clause within which the obligation is outlined.
This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Obligation Category Select the Obligation Category from the picklist:
  • Case Processing
  • ICSR Reporting
  • Literature
  • Periodic Reporting
  • PSMF Management
  • Signal Management
  • Risk Management
This list of available options is present in your Vault by default. Your Admin can configure additional categories.
Sponsor Contact Select a Sponsor Contact from the picklist or select the Advanced Search (binoculars-icon) icon to use filters and refine your search.
Partner Contact Select a Partner Contact from the picklist or select the Advanced Search icon to use filters and refine your search.
Clause Wording Enter the clause wording that describes the obligation.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.
Task Instructions Enter the instructions for the task required to meet the obligation. Vault uses this field value to automatically populate the Task Instructions field of any PVA Activity record linked to the obligation.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.
Obligation Direction Select an Obligation Direction from the picklist to define whether the obligation is received from a partner (Inbound) or sent to a partner (Outbound).
Start Date Enter the date the obligation comes into effect. If this field is blank, Vault populates the date when Vault schedules the PVA Obligation.
End Date This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
(Required) Enter the date the obligation ends.
Schedule This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
(Required) Select the Schedule that the obligation follows. Vault uses this value to define how often to auto-create the related PVA Activity records and report documents for the obligation.
Activity Creation Days Prior This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
(Required) Enter a numerical value between one (1) and 30 to define how many days in advance of the Due Date Vault should create a PVA Activity. This allows you to determine how much warning different obligations should have.
Source Vault Report This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
Select a Report from the picklist or select the Advanced Search icon to use filters and refine your search. Vault uses this report to auto-generate a document whenever the selected Schedule runs (generates PVA Activity records).
Source Report Format This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
Vault uses this value to define the format in which the Source Vault Report is created. Select a report format from the available options:
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • Excel Template
Source Report Prompt This field appears only on Scheduled-type PVA Obligation records.
If your report has additional parameters, this is the string of characters identifying the specific parameters related to the document you want to generate.
From the report's URL, copy the string of characters after the question mark (?) until the end of the URL and paste it into this field.
If your report uses filters, you can include tokens in the Source Report Prompt field to represent the filtered fields.

Tokens for Source Report Prompts

If the report selected in the Source Vault Report field uses filters, the Source Report Prompt field allows you to configure a dynamic report using tokens that represent the filtered fields. Every time Vault generates a document from the report, Vault updates token values with the latest related field values, eliminating the need to manually update report filters every time you run the report.

Vault supports the following tokens in the Source Report Prompt field:

Token Source Field
${Activity.DueDate} The Due Date field on the PVA Activity object
${Agreement} The ID field on the PV Agreement object
${Obligation} The ID field on the PVA Obligation object
${Relationship} The ID field on the PVA Relationship object
${Relationship.Partner} The Partner field on the PVA Relationship object

Activities Section

In the Activities section, create a record for each Activity.

Activities are the tasks that need to be undertaken in order to meet the obligations outlined within a PVA. Unlike Action Items, each Activity is specifically linked to an obligation. Recording the details, status, and people responsible for each Activity can help you keep track of the fulfillment status of each obligation.

Select Create and complete the following fields to create an Activity:

Field Description
PVA Obligation The specific PVA Obligation for which the Activity needs to be completed.
Select an obligation from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Obligation Title The title of the relevant obligation within the PVA.
Vault automatically populates this field based on the PVA Obligation field. This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Due Date Enter the date on which the Activity is due for completion.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Completion Date When the Activity has been completed, enter the date on which it was completed.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Sponsor Responsible User The individual from the sponsor organization who is responsible for the Activity.
Select a user from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Partner Responsible Contact The partner contact who is responsible for the Activity.
Select a user from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Task Instructions Vault automatically populates this field based on the related obligation.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.
Activity Comments Enter any additional comments related to the Activity.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.
Activity Type Choose the type of Activity from the picklist. The available options are:
  • Inbound: Tasks that are completed by partner organizations to be sent to your organization.
  • Outbound: Tasks that are completed by your organization to be sent to partner organizations.
Delivery Method Select the preferred delivery method for this Activity from the picklist.
The available options include the following:
  • Email
  • Manual
  • Vault Task
Message Subject When you send related documents to partners via email, this value will be the email's subject. For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Email.
This field supports up to 500 characters.
Message Body When you send related documents to partners via email, this value will be the email's body. For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Email.
This field supports up to 2,000 characters.
Partner Access Select Access Granted to allow the user in the Partner Responsible Contact field to access this Activity and any related documents when the Partner Responsible Contact is a Vault User.
For more information, see Distribute PVA Documents via Vault Task.

For each Activity, complete a PVA Activity workflow to keep track of all the tasks involved.

Reconciliations Section

In the Reconciliations section, record whether each obligation was met according to the terms of the PVA.

Each reconciliation links to a specific obligation and related Activity within the PVA, and allows you to record whether this Activity was completed on time, late, or not completed at all. You can also give reasons for any delays or cancellations. These records are useful for establishing compliance to the PVA and also help inform decisions for future collaboration.

Select Create and complete the following fields to create a Reconciliation:

Field Description
Obligation The specific PVA clause related to the reconciliation.
Select an obligation from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Obligation Name The title of the relevant obligation within the PVA.
Vault automatically populates this field based on the Obligation field.
Activity The specific Activity within the PVA clause related to the reconciliation.
Select an Activity from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Description Enter a description for the reconciliation.
This field supports up to 1,500 characters.
Assigned To The individual to whom the related Activity is assigned.
Select a User from the picklist or select the binoculars icon to use filters and refine your search.
Due Date Enter the date on which the related Activity is due for completion.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Completion Date When the related Activity has been completed, enter the date on which it was completed.
Use the calendar to select the date or enter the date manually.
Evaluation Based on the Activity's completion status, select the appropriate evaluation from the picklist.
Reason Enter any comments about the Activity's completion.
This field supports up to 5,000 characters.

Agreement Documents Section

In the Agreement Documents section, link agreements and other relevant documents that have been uploaded to the library.

Select Add to search for a document and add it to the record. If your desired document does not appear in the search, select Create and complete the steps to upload a new document.

Signatures Section

As part of the PVA Approval workflow, users are prompted to provide eSignatures for document approval. These signatures are then automatically populated in the Signatures section on the PV Agreement.

PVA Workflows

Vault SafetyDocs supports the use of several workflows to keep track of the steps involved in PV Agreement management. The following sections describe the default workflows. Your Admin may configure your Vault with alternate steps based on your organization’s processes.

For more information, see Using Object Workflows.

PVA Creation Workflow

PVA Creation workflows can be used to follow each step in the PVA creation process, including document authoring, review, and approval. PVA Creation workflows include the following document workflows:

PVA Authoring Workflow

PVA Authoring workflows follow all the steps involved in drafting a PVA and sending it for review.

PVA Review Workflow

PVA Review workflows follow all the steps involved in reviewing a PVA and sending it for approval.

PVA Approval Workflow

PVA Approval workflows follow all the steps involved in approving a PVA.

PVA Activity Inbound Workflow

Inbound Activities are tasks completed by partner organizations and sent to you in order to meet a PVA obligation. PVA Activity Inbound workflows are aligned with all the steps you would perform to verify the completion of the Activity.

PVA Activity Outbound Workflow

Outbound Activities are tasks completed by your organization and sent to partner organizations in order to meet a PVA obligation. PVA Activity Outbound workflows are aligned with all the steps you would perform to complete the Activity and send it for approval.

PVA Close-Out Workflow

If a PVA needs to be terminated or if it has simply reached the end of its term, you can use a PVA Close-Out workflow to track all the steps involved in the close out process.