Learn about the standard agencies for which Vault Safety supports submissions.
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR submissions to the FDA, with links to articles for more information.
FDA Reporting Rules
FDA submissions are evaluated with the FDA ICSR Reporting Rule Set. Studies and suspect or interacting Case Products with registrations in a country within the FDA’s jurisdiction trigger reporting rules to evaluate submissions to the FDA.
FDA Jurisdiction
The FDA is assigned jurisdiction over the following countries in standard Safety Vaults:
- American Samoa
- Micronesia (Federated States of)
- Guam
- Marshall Islands (the)
- Northern Mariana Islands (the)
- Puerto Rico
- Palau
- United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
- United States of America
- Virgin Islands (U.S.)
However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the FDA. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the FDA.
FDA AS2 Connection
Configure FDA ESG endpoints for electronic communications with the FDA. Configure FDA AS2 Connection provides instructions.
FDA Transmission Profiles
There are multiple Transmission Profiles for the FDA:
Transmission Profile | Usage |
CBER | Configure this Transmission Profile for ICSR Transmissions to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
CDER | Configure this Transmission Profile for ICSR Transmissions to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
GWTEST | Configure this Transmission Profile for test Transmissions with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
CBER VAERS | Configure this Transmission Profile for VAERS ICSR Transmissions to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
FDA Study | The FDA is entering a transition period and will be accepting both FDA MedWatch and FDA E2B(R3) formats. Follow your organization's procedures for determining how to submit premarket Cases to the FDA. Previously, this Transmission Profile was available to generate and manage manual Submissions for ICSRs in a clinical study using the FDA MedWatch 3500A form. |
CBER Study1 | Configure this Transmission Profile for study data Transmissions to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
CDER Study1 | Configure this Transmission Profile for study data Transmissions to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) with the FDA AS2 Connection. |
CDER IND Exempt1 | Configure this Transmission Profile for study data Transmissions for marketed products that are exempt from Investigational New Drugs (IND) requirements. |
1. To be available for use, your Admin must activate these Transmission Profiles. |
The following tables describe how Vault Safety maps FDA gateway responses to Vault Safety response labels (ACK 1–4) and Transmission lifecycle states.
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | MDN (Sync MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 2 | Final ACK |
ACK 3 | n/a | n/a |
ACK 4 | n/a | n/a |
See Troubleshoot FDA Gateway Submissions for help resolving FDA E2B(R2) issues.
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | Handshake | No state change |
ACK 2 | MDN (Async MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 3 | ACK 2 | No state change |
ACK 4 | Final ACK |
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR submissions to the EMA, with links to articles for more information.
EMA Reporting Rules
EMA submissions are evaluated with the EMA ICSR Reporting Rule Set. Studies and suspect or interacting Case Products with registrations in a country within the EMA’s jurisdiction trigger reporting rules to evaluate submissions to the EMA.
EMA Jurisdiction
The EMA is assigned jurisdiction over the following countries in standard Safety Vaults:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Europe
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands (the)
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the EMA. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the EMA.
EMA Report Format
Submissions to the EMA generate reports in the EMA E2B(R3) format.
EMA AS2 Connection
Vault Safety supports electronic reporting to EudraVigilance for electronic communications with the EMA. Configure EMA AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
EMA Transmission Profiles
There are two Transmission Profiles for the EMA:
Transmission Profile | Usage |
EVCTMPROD | Configure this Transmission Profile for Submissions to the EudraVigilance Clinical Trial Module (EVCTM). |
EVHUMAN | Configure this Transmission Profile for Submissions to the EudraVigilance Post-Authorisation Module (EVPM). |
The following table describes how Vault Safety maps EMA gateway responses to Vault Safety response labels (ACK 1–4) and Transmission lifecycle states:
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | Handshake | No state change |
ACK 2 | MDN (Async MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 3 | Final ACK |
ACK 4 | n/a | n/a |
See Troubleshoot EMA Gateway Submissions for help resolving EMA E2B(R3) issues.
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR submissions to the MHRA, with links to articles for more information.
MHRA Reporting Rules
Submissions are evaluated using the MHRA Rule Set, which is based off of the EMA ICSR Reporting Rule Set. Studies and suspect or interacting Case Products with registrations in the United Kingdom (Great Britain) trigger reporting rules to evaluate Submissions to the MHRA.
MHRA Jurisdiction
The EMA is assigned jurisdiction over the United Kingdom (Great Britain) in standard Safety Vaults.
However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the MHRA. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the MHRA.
MHRA Report Format
Submissions to the MHRA generate reports in the EMA E2B(R3) format.
MHRA AS2 Connection
Vault Safety supports electronic communication with the United Kingdom Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK MHRA). Configure MHRA AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
MHRA Transmission Profile
Set up the MHRA Transmission Profile for electronic Submissions.
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR Submissions to the PMDA, with links to articles for more information.
PMDA Reporting Rules
PMDA submissions are evaluated with the PMDA ICSR Reporting Rule Set. Studies and suspect or interacting Case Products with registrations in Japan trigger reporting rules to evaluate submissions to the PMDA.
PMDA Jurisdiction
The PMDA is assigned jurisdiction over Japan in standard Safety Vaults.
However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the PMDA. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the PMDA.
PMDA Report Format
Submissions to the PMDA generate reports in the PMDA E2B(R3) and PMDA MHLW Paper Form formats.
PMDA AS2 Connection
Vault Safety supports electronic communication with the Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). Configure PMDA AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
PMDA Transmission Profile
Set up the PMDA Transmission Profile for electronic Submissions.
The following table describes how Vault Safety maps PMDA gateway responses to Vault Safety response labels (ACK 1–4) and Transmission lifecycle states:
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | MDN (Async MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 2 | Final ACK |
ACK 3 | n/a | n/a |
ACK 4 | n/a | n/a |
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR Submissions to the MFDS, with links to articles for more information.
MFDS Jurisdiction
The MFDS is assigned jurisdiction over the Republic of Korea in standard Safety Vaults. However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the MFDS. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the MFDS.
MFDS Report Format
Submissions to the MFDS generate reports in the MFDS E2B(R3) format.
MFDS AS2 Connection
Vault supports electronic communication with the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). Configure MFDS AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
MFDS Transmission Profile
Set up the MFDS Transmission Profile for electronic Submissions.
The following table describes how Vault Safety maps MFDS gateway responses to Vault Safety response labels (ACK 1–4) and Transmission lifecycle states:
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | MDN (Async MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 2 | Final ACK |
ACK 3 | n/a | n/a |
ACK 4 | n/a | n/a |
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR Submissions to the NMPA, with links to articles for more information.
NMPA Jurisdiction
The National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) is assigned jurisdiction over China in standard Safety Vaults. However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to the NMPA. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under the NMPA.
NMPA Report Format
Submissions to the NMPA generate reports in the NMPA E2B(R3) format.
NMPA AS2 Connection
Vault Safety supports electronic communication with China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Configure NMPA AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
NMPA Transmission Profile
Set up the NMPA Transmission Profile for electronic Submissions.
The following table describes how Vault Safety maps NMPA gateway responses to Vault Safety response labels (ACK 1–4) and Transmission lifecycle states:
Vault Safety Response Label | Agency Response Type | Vault Lifecycle States |
ACK 1 | MDN (Async MDN) | MDN Received |
ACK 2 | Final ACK |
ACK 3 | n/a | n/a |
ACK 4 | n/a | n/a |
Health Canada
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR Submissions to Health Canada, with links to articles for more information.
Health Canada Reporting Rules
Vault Safety does not currently have a designated rule set for Health Canada. However, you can use the FDA ICSR Reporting Rule Set as a basic starting point. Health Canada may be assigned this rule set already in certain Vaults. If you require a custom rule set, contact Veeva Managed Services for assistance.
Note: By default, back reporting is turned on for reports received from Health Canada.
Health Canada Jurisdiction
Health Canada is assigned jurisdiction over Canada in standard Safety Vaults.
However, Admins can assign jurisdiction over additional countries to Health Canada. Confirm the settings in your Vault by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and viewing the jurisdictions listed under Health Canada.
Health Canada Report Format
Submissions to Health Canada generate reports in the Health Canada E2B(R2) format.
Health Canada AS2 Connection
Vault Safety supports electronic communication with the Canada Vigilance Program (CVP). Configure Health Canada AS2 Connection provides instructions on configuring this gateway.
Note: Because Health Canada does not allow testing with 3rd party vendors, their gateway has not been vendor tested with Vault Safety. You must perform additional testing when setting up Health Canada electronic Submissions. Contact Veeva Managed Services for assistance.
Health Canada Transmission Profile
There are two Transmission Profiles for Health Canada:
Transmission Profile | Usage |
HC MHPD | For submitting postmarket reports to the Health Canada's Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD). |
HC TPD | For submitting clinical trial reports to the Health Canada's Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD). |
Other Agencies
Vault Safety comes with many inactive regulatory authority agencies out-of-box. You can view these agencies by navigating to Business Admin > Objects > Organizations and filtering by the Agency organization type. You can activate agencies or add custom Agencies.
The following sections provide an overview of how to set up ICSR Submissions to different agencies, with links to articles for more information.
Custom Reporting Rules
To automatically generate regulatory Submissions to an agency, assign a reporting rule set to the Submission Rule field on the Agency Organization.
Reporting Rule Sets describes the standard reporting rule sets that you can assign agencies.
Other Agency Jurisdictions
You can assign agencies jurisdiction over countries for which ICSR reporting is required.
If you selected a Submission Rule for the Agency, Cases with Products or Studies registered to this country will follow the reporting rule and auto-generate Transmission records as appropriate.
Custom Agency Report Formats
In addition to the formats mentioned above, you can generate:
- An ICH E2B(R2) or ICH E2B(R3) file for global Submissions.
- An EU Convention E2B(R2) file with regional data elements for international submissions, for example, Swissmedic.
Vault Safety also supports custom E2B formats using SDK to create the E2B+ file. This feature supports calling an optional external E2B builder if required. Contact your Veeva Representative for help generating custom E2B formats.
Custom Transmission Profiles
Set up Transmission Profiles for agencies to which you want to transmit electronic submissions.
Custom Agency AS2 Connections
For electronic AS2 communication with an agency, configure a Custom AS2 Connection.
Back Reporting
Vault Safety supports configurable back reporting for any reporting destination, including agencies and licensed partners. Depending on your Admin’s configuration, back reporting may be available only for certain reporting destinations.