Learn how to update your Vault’s configuration to enable promoting an Inbox Item to multiple Cases.

About the Feature

This feature was added to Vault Safety in 22R1 and allows users to promote an Inbox Item to multiple Cases at once.

In the 22R3 Vault Safety Template, the conditions for the Promote to Multiple Cases user action were updated. Vaults created in 22R3 or later include this configuration by default. See the Add the User Action to the Inbox Item Lifecycle section for more detail.

See Promote an Inbox Item to Multiple Cases for more information about this feature.

Create the Promote to Multiple Cases Action

  1. Go to Configuration > Objects > Inbox Item.
  2. Go to the Actions tab and select Create.
  3. Select Promote to Multiple Cases from the Select Action dropdown menu.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. Make sure the fields match the following information:
    • Label: Promote to Multiple Cases
    • Status: Active
    • Name: promote_to_multiple_cases__c
  6. Save the page.

Add the User Action to the Inbox Item Lifecycle

Complete the following steps to add the user action and prevent users from promoting an Inbox Item to multiple Cases unless a Product is specified.

  1. Go to Configuration > Object Lifecycles > Inbox Item Lifecycle.
  2. In the States section, open the New state.
  3. In the User Actions section, select Edit.
  4. Select Create Rule and then add the Promote to Multiple Cases user action as follows:
    • Perform with conditions > If Identifiable Company Product > equals > Yes
    • Allow the following actions: Promote to Multiple Cases
    • Action Label: Promote to Multiple Cases
  5. Save the page.

Update Atomic Security for User Roles

You can configure atomic security to allow certain users to run the Promote to Multiple Cases action, depending on your needs. We recommend the following configuration to only allow users with the ICSR Approver role to run this action:

  1. In the States section, select New.
  2. In the Atomic Security: Actions section, select Edit.
  3. Configure atomic security for the Promote to Multiple Cases action using the following image:
  4. Save the page.