Configure the Safety General Settings to enable deleting Localized records on a Case.

About the Feature

This feature allows users to delete localized child and grandchild records when deleting the Global Case children, instead of having to navigate to the respective Localized Case to perform these actions.

This feature was added to Vault Safety in 22R2.0.2. You must contact Veeva Support to enable this feature. In 22R3 (December 2022), this enhancement will require only configuration enablement.


In addition to contacting Veeva Support to enable this feature, an Admin must have set the Deletion Rule for Case Assessment to Cascade delete children records.

Cascade Delete Children Records

See Configuring Vault Objects: Object Record Deletion & Relationships for information on configurable object Deletion Rules.

Configure Safety General Settings to Allow Localized Record Deletion

Use the following image to enable the Allow localized record deletion from Case option:

Safety General Settings Allow localized record deletion from Case