Learn how to configure your Vault to specify Aggregate Report Destination types and generate compiled ZIP files of aggregate reports.

About the Feature

In 24R2, Vault SafetyDocs supports new object types to specify whether an Aggregate Report Destination is a Health Authority Submission or a Partner Distribution. Additionally, users can now generate ZIP files of authored aggregate reports to download for easy distribution.

For information on specifying Aggregate Report Destination object types and generating final ZIP files, see Author Aggregate Reports.

Update Fields

Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Aggregate Report Destination > Fields and make the updates outlined in the following sections.

Update the Health Authority Field

Complete the following steps to update the label of the Health Authority field to reflect its purpose more accurately:

  1. On the Fields page, select Health Authority.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. In the Label field, enter “Destination Organization”.
  4. Select Save.

Update the Name Field

Complete the following steps to update the Name field to align with the new label of the Health Authority field:

  1. On the Fields page, select Name.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Update the Help Content field as necessary to reflect the changed label.
  4. In the Value Format field, enter {health_authority__vr.name__v}-{####}.
  5. Select Save.

Configure Object Types

The following sections outline how to update the Aggregate Report Destination object’s object types.

Update Default Object Type

Complete the following steps to update this object’s default object type:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Aggregate Report Destination > Details.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. In the Default Object Type field, select Health Authority Submission.
  4. Select Save.

Make Base Object Type Inactive

Complete the following steps to make the Base object type inactive:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Aggregate Report Destination > Object Types.
  2. Select Base Aggregate Report Destination.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. In the Status field, select Inactive.
  5. Select Save.

Add Field VQL

Complete the following steps to add Criteria VQL to the Destination Organization field on the applicable object types:

  1. On the Object Types tab, select Health Authority Submission.
  2. Select the Destination Organization field.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. In the Criteria VQL field, enter object_type__vr.api_name__v = 'agency__v'.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Return to the Object Types tab and select Partner Distribution.
  7. Select Edit.
  8. In the Criteria VQL field, enter object_type__vr.api_name__v = 'partner__v'.
  9. Select Save.

Delete Field from Partner Distribution Object Type

On the Partner Distribution page, select the Applicable Market field, and then select Delete. In the Deleting “Applicable Market” dialog, select Continue.

Configure Action

Complete the following steps to configure the Generate Final Aggregate Report ZIP action on the Aggregate Report Destination object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Aggregate Report Destination > Actions.
  2. Select Create.
  3. In the Create Action dialog, select Generate Final Aggregate Report ZIP.
  4. Select Save.

Configure the Aggregate Report Destination Layout

Complete the following steps to configure this layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Aggregate Report Destination > Layouts > Aggregate Report Destination Detail Page Layout.
  2. In the Details section, add the following fields:
    • Aggregate Report Destination Type
    • Masked
    • PV Agreement
    • PVA Activity Type
  3. Select Save.

Configure Object Lifecycle

Go to Admin > Configuration > Object Lifecycles > Aggregate Report Destination Lifecycle and complete the steps outlined in the following sections.

Update User Action on the Submitted State

Complete the following steps to update a user action on the Submitted state so that only Health Authority Submission type Destinations can reach the HA Received state:

  1. In the States section, select Submitted.
  2. In the User Actions section, select Edit.
  3. Update the Always Change State to: HA Received user action to the following:
    • Perform with conditions >
      • If > Aggregate Report Destination Type > equals > Health Authority Submission
    • Allow the following actions:
      • Change State to > HA Received
        • Action Label: “Change State to HA Received”
      • Change State to > Deferred
        • Action Label: “Change State to Deferred”
  4. Select Save.

Add User Action on the Complete State

Complete the following steps to add the Generate Final Aggregate Report ZIP action on the Complete state:

  1. In the States section, select Complete.
  2. In the User Actions section, select Edit.
  3. Select Create Rule and create the following rule:
    • Always >
    • Allow the following actions:
      • Generate Final Aggregate Report ZIP
      • Action Label: “Generate Final Aggregate Report ZIP”
  4. Select Save.

Update Permission Sets

Go to Admin > Users & Groups > Permission Sets and complete the steps in the following sections to update various permission sets in your Vault:

Administration Actions

Complete the following steps to update this permission set:

  1. Go to the Administration Actions permission set.
  2. In the Objects tab, select Edit.
  3. Select the applicable checkboxes to grant Read permissions on all object types of the Aggregate Report Destination object.
  4. Select Save.

Aggregate Report Writer

Complete the following steps to update this permission set:

  1. Go to the Aggregate Report Writer permission set.
  2. In the Objects tab, select Edit.
  3. Select the applicable checkboxes to grant Read, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions on all object types of the Aggregate Report Destination object.
  4. Select Save.

Safety Operations Actions

Complete the following steps to update this permission set:

  1. Go to the Safety Operations Actions permission set.
  2. In the Objects tab, select Edit.
  3. Select the applicable checkboxes to grant Read, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions on all object types of the Aggregate Report Destination object.
  4. Select Save.