Learn how to enable online questionnaires for Follow-up Cases.

About the Feature

The 24R2 release introduces support for follow-up online questionnaires. Using Follow-up Questionnaire Rules and criteria, Vault automatically generates correspondences and questionnaires to send to the right Case Contacts. Vault also pre-populates answers on the questionnaire to reduce recipient effort.

This feature leverages Vault Checklist functionality and requires setting up Questionnaire Checklist Designs. After performing the configuration on this page, see Set Up Follow-Up Online Questionnaires for more information.

For more information on how to trigger Case questionnaire generation, see Send a Follow-Up Online Questionnaire to Case Contacts.

Add Questionnaires Sub-Tab to Transmissions Tab

To add the Questionnaires sub-tab to the Transmissions tab:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Tabs.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the following information:
    • Label: Questionnaires
    • Name: questionnaires
    • Tab Type: Object
    • Object: Transmissions
    • Object Type: Questionnaires
    • Creation Options: Prevent record creation
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Reorder.
  6. Drag and drop the Questionnaires sub-tab under the Transmissions tab.
  7. Select Save.

Create User for PAL Follow-Up Questionnaire Respondent

To create a public access link (PAL) user:

  1. Go to Admin > Users & Groups.
  2. Select Create.
  3. On the Create User page, complete the following information:
    • In the Domain User section, select the Domain User field to create an applicable domain user.
    • In the General Info section:
      • First Name: PAL Follow-up
      • Last Name: Enter as needed.
      • Populate the User Name, Email, Language, and Timezone fields as applicable.
    • In the Licensing section:
      • Security Profile: PAL Follow-up Questionnaire Respondent
    • In the Application Licensing section:
      • Populate Safety Management and Safety Docs fields as applicable.
  4. Select Save.

Create Application Managed User

To create an Application Managed User record:

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Application Managed Users.
  2. Select Create.
  3. On the Create Application Managed User page, complete the following information:
    • Application User Management Type: PAL Follow-up Questionnaire Respondent
    • User: Select a user from the dropdown menu or use the Advanced Search icon to use filters and refine your search.
  4. Select Save.

Configure Layouts

Configure the following object layouts:

Create the Questionnaire Layout

To create the Questionnaire object type layout on the Transmission object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission > Layouts.
  2. Select Create.
    An Add Layout window appears.
  3. In the window, complete the following information:
    • Object Type: Questionnaire
    • Layout Label: Questionnaire Detail Page Layout
    • Layout Name: questionnaire_detail_page_layout
  4. Select Done.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the Details section, add the following fields:
    • Case
    • Case Identifier
    • Name
    • Correspondence Method
    • Follow-up Questionnaire Rule
    • Ready to Send
    • Recipient (Case Contact)
    • From
    • Reply-To
    • Transmission Date
    • Due Date
  7. After the Details section, use the table below to insert related object sections and then save the page:
Related Object Section Section Label Section Name Default Columns
Transmission Checklist Questionnaire Checklists transmission_checklists
  • Access Group
  • Checklist Design
  • Lifecycle State
Transmission Message Email Events email_events
  • Event Type
  • Event Time
  • Recipient

Update Transmission Object Layout Rules

Create the Hide Email Addresses layout rule and update the Email Layout Rule on the Transmission object.

To create the Hide Email Address layout rule:

  1. On the Questionnaire Detail Page Layout, select Layout Rules.
  2. Create a layout rule with the following information:
    • Label: Hide Email Addresses
    • IF this Layout Rule Expression is TRUE: correspondence_method__v != 'email__v'
    • Apply the following display effects:
      • Hide > Sections > Email Events
      • Hide > Fields > Reply-To, From
  3. Select Save.

In the Validation Rules tab of the Transmission object, if the Email Layout Rule (email__c) is active, delete it and add it to the Correspondence object type only:

  1. In the Transmission object, go to the Validation Rules tab.
  2. Delete the Email Layout Rule.
  3. Go to the Object Types tab and select the Correspondence object type.
  4. In the Type Validation Rules section, select Create.
  5. On the Create Type Validation Rule page, complete the following information:
    • Label: Email Correspondence
    • Error Message: “You must provide destination and reply-to email for email correspondence”
    • Error Location: Destination Email, Reply-To
    • Validation Expression: If(correspondence_method__v = 'email__v', (Not(IsBlank(destination_email__v)) && Not(IsBlank(replyto__vr.email__sys))), True)
  6. Select Save.

Create the From Email Person Layout

To create the From Email Person object type layout on the Person object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Person > Layouts.
  2. Select Create.
    An Add Layout window appears.
  3. In the window, complete the following information:
    • Object Type: From Email Person
    • Layout Label: From Email Person Detail Page Layout
    • Layout Name: from_email_person_detail_page_layout
  4. Select Done.
  5. Select Save.

Create the Questionnaire Checklist Design Layout

To create the Questionnaire Checklist Design layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Checklist Design > Layouts.
  2. Select Create.
  3. In the Add Layout window, complete the following information:
    • Object Type: Questionnaire Checklist Design
    • Layout Label: Questionnaire Checklist Design Detail Page Layout
  4. Select Done.
  5. In the Details section, add the following fields:
    • Checklist Type
    • Translated Checklist
    • Ad Hoc Questions Allowed
    • Ad Hoc Sections Allowed
    • Version Description
  6. After the Details section, use the table below to insert related object sections and edit default columns:
Related Object Section Section Label Section Name Default Columns
Follow-up Rule Design > Follow-up Questionnaire Rule Follow-up Questionnaire Rules followup_questionnaire_rules
  • Reply To
  • Total Attempts
  • Days Between Attempts
  • Enable Auto-Send
  • From
Design Watchlist > Watchlist Watchlists watchlists
  • Product
  • Watchlist Tag
  • Study
  • Study Product
Design Country > Country Countries countries
  • Code (2-letter)
  • Code (3-letter)
Checklist Design Translation Checklist Design Translations checklist_design_translations
  • Language
  • Checklist Design
Section Designs Section Designs section_designs
  • Order
Question Designs Questions questions
  • Question Text
  • Required Response
  • Library Question
  • Section Design
Question Field Mapping Question Field Mappings question_field_mappings
  • Question Design
  • Object Name
  • Field Name

(Optional) Enable Ad Hoc Questions and Sections

If enabled, respondents can add ad hoc questions and sections to checklist instances. You must set the relevant fields and follow the steps below to grant permissions:

  1. Go to Admin > Users & Groups > Permission Sets > [Permission Set] > Objects.
  2. Select Transmission Checklist.
  3. In the Object Permissions section, grant Edit permissions to the Questionnaire Checklist object type and select Save.
  4. In the Object Field Permissions section, grant Read permissions to all fields and select Save.
  5. Go back to the Objects tab and select Transmission Response.
  6. In the Object Permissions section, grant Create and Delete permissions to the Transmission Response object types as needed and select Save.
  7. In the Object Field Permissions section, grant Edit access as needed and select Save.

Update the Follow-Up Questionnaire Rule Layout

To update the Follow-up Questionnaire Rule layout, go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Follow-up Questionnaire Rule > Layouts > Follow-up Questionnaire Rule Detail Page Layout. After the Details section, use the following table to insert related object sections and edit default columns:

Related Object Section Section Label Section Name Default Columns
Follow-up Rule Criteria Follow-up Rule Criteria followup_rule_criteria
  • Object Name
  • Field Name
  • Value
Follow-up Rule Design > Checklist Design Questionnaire Checklist Designs checklist_designs
  • Version
  • Lifecycle State
  • Ad Hoc Questions Allowed
  • Ad Hoc Sections Allowed

Update the Follow-Up Rule Criteria Layout

Update the Follow-up Rule Criteria layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Follow-up Rule Criteria > Layouts > Follow-up Rule Criteria Detail Page Layout.
  2. In the Details section, add the following fields:
    • Follow-up Questionnaire Rule
    • Object Name
    • Field Name
    • Value
  3. Select Save.

Update the Case Layout

To access generated Questionnaire Transmission records in each Case, add or update the Correspondences section depending on your existing setup:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Case > Layouts > Case Page Layout.
  2. If you do not have the Scheduled Follow-Up Emails feature enabled, insert a related object section with the following information:
    • Related Object: Transmission
    • Section Label: Questionnaires
    • Section Name: questionnaires
    • Creation Option: Create record in pop-up dialog
    • Criteria VQL: object_type__vr.api_name__v CONTAINS ('questionnaire__v')
    • Select Apply on Create
  3. Select Done.
  4. If you have the Scheduled Follow-Up Emails feature enabled, in the existing Correspondences section, update the Criteria VQL: object_type__vr.api_name__v CONTAINS ('correspondence__v', 'questionnaire__v')
  5. Select Done.
  6. Select Save.

(Optional) Update the Case Number Layout

To access Questionnaires generated for all Case versions of the same Case, add the Case Number field to the Questionnaire object type on the Transmission object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission > Object Types.
  2. Select the All Actions menu > Edit Object Type Fields.
  3. Under the Questionnaire object type, select the Case Number checkbox.
  4. Select Save.

Next, insert the Questionnaires section on the Case Number layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Case Number > Layouts > Case Number Detail Page Layout.
  2. Insert a related object section with the following information:
    • Related Object: Transmission
    • Section Label: Questionnaires
    • Section Name: questionnaires
    • Creation Option: Prevent record creation
    • Criteria VQL: object_type__vr.api_name__v CONTAINS ('questionnaire__v')
  3. Select Done.
  4. Select Save.

Remove Criteria VQL from a Transmission Object Field

Sending online questionnaires to Case Contacts is not restricted to the Reporter object type. Update the Recipient (Case Contact) field:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission > Fields > Recipient (Case Contact).
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Clear the Criteria VQL field.
  4. Select Save.

Disable DAC on the Transmission Checklist Object

When Dynamic Access Control (DAC) is set on the Transmission Checklist object, this interferes with Case Access Groups. Update the Transmission Checklist object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Transmission Checklist.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. In the Options section, clear the following checkboxes:
    • Enable Custom Sharing Rules
    • Enable Matching Sharing Rules
  4. Select Save.

(Optional) Update the Case Contact Language Field

To obtain language information for non-reporter Case Contacts, update the Reporter Language field label and enable this field for other Case Contact object types:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Case Contact > Fields > Reporter Language.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Update the Label field to “Language”.
  4. Update the Help Content field to “The language used by the case contact for communication”.
  5. Select Save.
  6. In the Case Contact object, go to the Object Types tab.
  7. Select the Actions menu > Edit Object Type Fields.
  8. For the Health Care Professional and Patient Contact object types, enable the Language checkbox.
  9. Select Save.

Create a Lifecycle Stage Group for the Questionnaire Object Type

To create a lifecycle stage group for the Questionnaire object type:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Lifecycle Stage Groups.
  2. Select Create.
    A Create Lifecycle Stage Group window appears.
  3. In the dropdown, select Object Stage Group and then Continue.
  4. On the Create Lifecycle Stage Group page, complete the following information:
    • Stage Group Label: Questionnaire Stages
    • Object Lifecycle: Transmission Lifecycle
    • Object Type: Questionnaire
  5. Select Save.
  6. Use the table below to create the applicable stages and add states.
    • To create a stage, select Create beside the Stages section.
    • To add a state to a stage, select the stage and then select Add beside the States section.
Stage States
  • Active
  • Ready
  • Opened
  • Sent
  • Completed

Add Actions to the Checklist Design Lifecycle

This section describes adding user actions and entry actions to the Approved and Draft states on the Checklist Design lifecycle.

Add a User Action to the Checklist Design Lifecycle Approved State

To add the Create New Version user action to the Approved state:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Object Lifecycles > Checklist Design Lifecycle.
  2. In the States section, select Approved.
  3. Create the following user action:
    • Always > Create New Version > Create New Version
  4. Select Save.

Add an Entry Action to the Checklist Design Lifecycle Approved State

To add the Make previous checklist design version superseded entry action to the Approved state:

  1. In the Checklist Design lifecycle Approved state, create the following entry action:
    • Always > Make previous checklist design version superseded
  2. Select Save.

Add User Actions to the Checklist Design Lifecycle Draft State

To add user actions to the Draft state:

  1. In the Checklist Design lifecycle, go to the Draft state.
  2. Create the following user actions:
    • Allow > Export Translations > Export Translations
    • Allow > Import Translations > Import Translations
    • Allow > Preview Design > Preview Design
  3. Select Save.

Add Actions to the Case Lifecycle

This section describes adding a user action and entry action to generate correspondences and online questionnaires for a Follow-up Case.

Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires User Action

Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action to the Case object and then add this user action to a Case lifecycle state, depending on your business needs. This ensures Case Processors can manually generate a Correspondence record and questionnaires.

Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires Action to the Case Object

To add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action to the Case object:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Objects > Case > Actions.
  2. Select Create.
    A Create Action window appears.
  3. In the dropdown, select the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action and then Continue.
  4. On the Create Action page, select Save.

Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires User Action to a Case Lifecycle State

To add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires user action to a Case lifecycle state:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Object Lifecycles > Case Lifecycle.
  2. Select the applicable state.
  3. In the User Actions section, select Edit.
  4. Add and configure the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires user action depending on your business process.

(Optional) Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires Entry Action to a Case Lifecycle State

Add the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires entry action so that Vault automatically generates a Correspondence record and questionnaires when the Case reaches a certain lifecycle state, depending on your business needs:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Object Lifecycles > Case Lifecycle.
  2. Select the applicable state.
  3. Create the following entry action:
    • Always > Create Correspondence and Questionnaires
  4. Select Save.

Update Permissions

Grant View permission for the Questionnaires sub-tab and Execute permission for the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action.

To update permissions, go to Admin > Users & Groups > Permission Sets > [Permission Set].

Grant View Permissions for Questionnaires Sub-Tab

Update View permissions for the Questionnaires sub-tab:

  1. In the applicable permission set, go to the Tabs tab and select Edit.
  2. For the Questionnaires sub-tab, select the View checkbox.
  3. Select Save.

Grant Execute Permissions for Create Correspondence and Questionnaires Action

Grant Execute permissions for the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action depending on your business process:

  1. In the applicable permission set, go to the Objects tab.
  2. Select Case.
  3. In the Object Action Permissions section, select Edit.
  4. For the Create Correspondence and Questionnaires action, select the Execute checkbox.
  5. Select Save.