Learn how to use Vault to troubleshoot your AS2 Connections.

About Troubleshooting AS2 Connections

Vault provides a number of tools to help you troubleshoot your AS2 Connections, as described in the following sections.


Your Admin must configure your Vault as described in Enable AS2 Connection Troubleshooting Tools.

Create a Test Transmission for an AS2 Connection

When creating a new AS2 Connection to an Agency or Partner, sending a Test Transmission can help you confirm that the connection is working correctly before sending your first real Case Transmission.

Complete these steps to create and send a Test Transmission for an AS2 Connection:

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Transmissions.
  2. Select Create Transmission > Test Transmission.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Transmission Profile: Select the relevant AS2 Gateway type Transmission Profile. The selected Transmission Profile must also have an active AS2 Connection.
    • File: Select your relevant test E2B file.
    • Transmission Date: Select a transmission date.
    • Sender (User): Select a sender user.
    • Organization: Select the relevant Organization.
    • E2B Message ID: Enter the UUID in your test E2B file.
  4. Select Save.
  5. In the new Test Transmission record page, select the Submit to Gateway action.
    The Test Transmission moves to the Sending ICSR state.


If the Destination sends back an MDN and then a valid ACK message, the Test Transmission record moves to the appropriate E2B ACK lifecycle state. This indicates that the AS2 Connection is valid and ready to receive real Case Transmissions.

Obtain Rejected Inbound IPs for an AS2 Connection

If your Vault is not receiving messages from an AS2 Connection for a Partner, you can view the list of rejected inbound IPs for the Connection. This shows which IPs Vault is blocking because they are not in the Connection Allowed List for that Connection.

Complete the following steps to obtain the list of rejected inbound IPs for a Connection:

  1. Go to Admin > Connections.
  2. Select the applicable AS2 Connection.
  3. From the All Actions menu, select Send Rejected Inbound IPs Notification.
    For this action to appear, the connection must be in the Registered or Registered - Out of Sync state.

Once Vault alerts you that the new notification is ready, go to the notification area in the upper right of any Vault page and locate the Rejected Inbound IPs for Connection: <connection> notification. The notification includes the Last Transaction Date and IP Address of the five (5) most recently blocked unique inbound IP addresses. The notification shows only the most recent transaction date for each unique IP address.

You can use the information in notifications to confirm with the Partner which of the IPs being blocked are valid. You can then add the valid IPs to the Connections Allowed List for the Partner’s AS2 Connection and resynchronize the Connection. For more information, see the Add Connection Allowed IPs and Synchronize the Connection sections of Configure Custom AS2 Connections.