Learn about the different sections of Workbench Reports and how to create them.

About Workbench Reports

Workbench Reports supports ad-hoc and periodic reporting for organizations that process a large number of cases.

In a Workbench Report, you can select a safety view to predefine the available report data and specify the parameters Vault will use to generate a report. Safety views define each individual record in a report, for example, a document, a product, or a specific instance of a workflow. Safety views also determine what fields are available as filters, report columns, and more.

To create a Workbench Report, navigate to the Workbench > Ad-Hoc Reports tab and select Create.

The following sections in this article describe the different sections of a Workbench Report and how to complete them.

Safety Workbench allows you to generate, run, and download multiple Workbench Reports at once. If this option is relevant to your organization’s business processes, see Manage Workbench Report Sets.


Use the Properties section to define the name of the Workbench Report and the safety view this report will use.

Vault uses the selected safety view to structure the Workbench Report, for example, preconfigured filters and layout.

Case Series

When configured by your Admin, the Properties section displays the Case Series field. Workbench Case Series allows you to use the output of another report as the filter criteria for a given report. A Workbench Case Series stores a set of Case versions and ensures that the data set is static. Whereas when you filter on Cases using Workbench Report filters, the Cases being filtered may vary over time. An example scenario for using Case series would be when you want to generate a CIOMS II line listing using the results of an aggregate or ad-hoc report.

When you run a Workbench Report using a safety view with Case series enabled, Vault stores this Case series data as a Workbench Case Series record. When you run the Workbench Report again, Vault updates the list of Case versions in the record. You can download the Case series in CSV format, which provides a single column of Case version IDs that match the output of the Workbench Report. For additional information about these Cases, run a Workbench Report using this Case series.

To filter a Workbench Report by Case Series:

  1. Navigate to Workbench > Ad Hoc Reports > [report].
  2. In the Properties section Case Series field, use the drop-down or the Advanced Search (saf-binoculars-icon) icon to select a Case series.
  3. Select Save.


Vault applies report parameters and any Admin-defined filters to the Case versions in the Workbench Case Series instead of to the Cases defined by the safety view’s parameters.

You can also apply Case series to Workbench Dashboards.


In the Properties section, Vault uses categories to separate ad-hoc and aggregate reports. When creating or editing a Workbench Report, Vault sets the Report Category field to Ad Hoc. You cannot edit this value. Workbench Report Definitions may be categorized as either Ad Hoc or Aggregate, and reports generated from those definitions will inherit the appropriate value. You can assign a Report Subcategory value to further categorize the Workbench Report. The options include PADER, SAR, and other custom values your Admin may have configured.


Use the Filters section to add filters for the Workbench Report to narrow the scope of your report.

For more information about Workbench Report filters and how to define them, see Use Workbench Report Filters.


Use the Layout section to specify the tabular structure of the report data. This section determines the organization of data in the supported format after report generation.

For more information about the Layout section, see Set Up the Workbench Report Layout.

Advanced Options

Use the Advanced Options section to perform the following actions:

  • Download a sample template for the report to learn how to use tokens to insert report data.
  • Upload an Excel template file with a customized tabular structure for the Workbench Report. This Excel template formats the specified tabular structure in the Layout section.
  • Specify a Timezone. When generating a report output, filters adhere to the specified timezone for all users collaborating on this Workbench Report. If this field is blank, filters adhere to the Vault timezone of the user who ran the Workbench Report. Vault uses the Vault Date Format to format date and time field values.

For more information about the Advanced Options section, see Use Custom Templates for Workbench Reports.

Last Run Report

The Last Run Report section appears after saving the report. You can download a report that was previously generated or re-run and download a newly generated report. This section does not appear when editing a report.


The following table describes the fields in this section:

Field Description
Date The day and time the Workbench Report was last run.
User The user who last ran the Workbench Report.
Last ETL Update Data transfer from Vault Safety to Vault Safety Workbench occurs daily. This field defines the cut-off day and time for the transfer of Safety data that was reported on. As you can download a Workbench Report days or weeks after it was last run, this field indicates how recent the report's data is.
Download As The specified download format. Select one (1) of the options to download the report. The supported formats include:
  • xlsx
  • csv
  • Case Series
    When configured by your Admin on a safety view that returns Cases, the Download As section displays the Case Series format. Each time you run this Workbench Report, Vault generates this file.
Vault Library The link to the generated Workbench Report Vault Library document, if it exists.

To download the PDF file of the document, select the Download Viewable Rendition (download icon) icon.

For more information, see Upload Workbench Reports to the Vault Library.

Workbench Report Actions

After setting up the Workbench Report, there are a few actions you can use to run it. For more information on the Workbench Report actions, see Run, Download & Copy Workbench Reports.