Learn how to add Workbench Report filters.

About Workbench Report Filters

When you run a Workbench Report, Vault uses the report filters to parse through records defined by the safety view and generate the output.

Navigate to Workbench > Ad Hoc Reports > [report] and expand the Filters section to make updates.

The main components of a filter are:

  • The filter field
  • The operator
  • The filter value


There are two (2) types of Workbench Report filters:


How to Add Filters

You can add filters on the Workbench Report in addition to any inherited filters. To add a filter to the report:

  1. In the Filters section of the Workbench Report, select a field from the dropdown.
  2. Select an operator from the dropdown.
  3. Select a field value, if applicable.
  4. (Optional) Add more filters by selecting the Plus (+) icon to the right.
  5. (Optional) Delete a filter by selecting the Minus (-) icon.

The fields you can select in the Filters section depend on the safety view you selected in the Properties section.

If you cannot select a field to filter on, contact your Admin as there may be a misconfiguration on the selected view.

For more information on Workbench Views and Principal Views, and understanding Workbench Report filtering logic, see Configure Safety Views in Safety Workbench.


The following sections describe operator behavior for filters. The operators available depend on the field type.

The supported filter field types are:

  • Picklist
  • Object
  • Text
  • Date and DateTime
  • Yes/No
  • Number


Returned results include only those where all filter values are in the field.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Patient Initials (operator) equals (value) AD

Is Not Equal To

Returned results include only those where the field does not contain any of the filter values.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Patient Initials (operator) is not equal to (value) AD

Is Blank

Returned results include only those where the field contains no field value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Study Arm (operator) is blank

Is Not Blank

Returned results include only those where the field contains a field value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Study Arm (operator) is not blank


For the picklist and object field types only. For multi-select picklists, the in operator returns results that include at least one (1) of the filter values.

Example Filter: (Field) Case > Lifecycle State (operator) in (value) Open In Progress Complete

Is After

For the Date and DateTime field types only, returned results include those that succeed the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Event Onset (Normalized) (operator) is after (value) 01 Apr 2024

Is Before

For the Date and DateTime field types only, returned results include those that precede the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Event Onset (Normalized) (operator) is before (value) 01 Apr 2024

Is Greater Than

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are larger than the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is greater than (value) 18

Is Less Than

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are smaller than the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is less than (value) 18

Is Greater Than or Equal To

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are larger than or equal to the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is greater than or equal to (value) 18

Is Less Than or Equal To

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are smaller than or equal to the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is less than or equal to (value) 18

Advanced Logic

Vault assigns advanced logic numbers to each filter, as displayed in the following image:


While advanced logic is turned on, you can only remove the last filter. To remove other filters, select Remove to turn advanced logic off.

For more information about adding advanced logic, see Using Report Filters. Vault’s advanced logic limitations do not apply to the Safety Workbench application. Instead, consider the following advanced logic criteria:

  • All open brackets must have a close bracket.
  • All advanced logic numbers must be present in the Advanced Logic section.
  • Only one (1) operator (AND or OR) is allowed within a single bracket level, for example, (1 OR (2 AND 3)).

Inherited Filters

Your Admin’s configuration affects filters on Workbench Reports in the following ways:

  • Workbench Reports can inherit filters from the selected safety views based on your Admin’s configuration.
  • Depending on your Admin’s configuration, you may be able to edit the filter’s operator and value on the Workbench Report. However, you cannot edit the field.
  • The selected safety view may be associated with several other dependent views. Filters on these dependent views may also be available on the Workbench Report if your Admin sets them as such.

The following information applies to inherited filters on Workbench Reports:

  • Inherited filters appear in groups and are separated by safety view. For example, the image below displays two (2) filter groups, each pertaining to a different safety view:
    • All Cases x All Events
    • All Cases x All Events > Latest Version
  • You cannot add or remove filters in a filter group inherited from safety views.
  • Advanced logic is unavailable for inherited filters. For more information, see Add Safety View Filters in Safety Workbench.