Learn how to run, download, and copy Workbench Reports.

Run Workbench Reports

To see the available actions on a Workbench Report, navigate to Workbench > Ad Hoc Reports > [report].

You can run a report using several actions:

  • Run: While in view mode, you can select Run, which runs the report synchronously with other Vault activities.
  • Run in Background: This action also appears in view mode. To trigger this action, select the drop-down next to Run. Once you trigger this action, the report runs asynchronously. For more information about running the report in the background, see Creating Reports; the Vault limitations do not apply to Safety Workbench.
  • Run + Save: In edit mode, you have the option to Run + Save. This action saves your report changes and automatically runs the report synchronously.

Post-Run Vault Notification

After the report finishes running, you will receive a Vault notification with a link to the report. Vault also updates the Last Run Report section.

If the report does not run successfully, the Vault notification informs you of any errors and the generation time. If a new report fails to generate, the original report is still available for you to access and download in the Last Run Report section.

Download Workbench Reports

After a report successfully completes, you can download a report in the supported formats from the Last Run Report section Download As field.

The newly generated report replaces the previously generated report. Generated reports can be downloaded for up to a year by any user with access to the report.

The downloaded report is presented according to the report’s Layout section or a custom Excel template. The report data is collected using Workbench Report filters, including any inherited filters, as configured by your Admin.

If downloading the report in Excel format, the file displays any full-width columns (fields) in subsequent rows below the regular columns (fields).

If downloading the report in CSV format, any full-width columns (fields) are displayed as columns after all other regular columns (fields).

Copy Workbench Reports

You can copy an existing report:

  1. From the Workbench Report’s Actions menu, select Copy Record.
  2. On the Create Workbench Report page, complete the following:
    • (Optional) Enter a new Name for the report.
    • (Optional) Select a Workbench View from the list.
    • Update any other relevant fields.
  3. Select Save.


Vault creates the new Workbench Report and redirects you to the Workbench Reports page.