Learn how to apply filters on safety views.

About Safety View Filters

You can add filters on safety views for a more specific data output. Filters are mainly added on Filter Views.

You can only add safety view filters if the View Columns section is populated in the associated Principal View. The fields you can filter on the safety view depend on the fields specified in the View Columns for the Principal View.

For more information about Principal Views, Filter Views and Signal Views, see Configure Safety Views in Safety Signal.

You can also apply filters to Signal Calculation Run records, which can be used for ad-hoc reporting.

How to Add Filters

To add filters to the safety view:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > Workbench Views and select a view.
  2. In the Filters section of the safety view, select a field from the dropdown.
  3. Select an operator.
  4. Enter or select a field value, if applicable.
  5. Set the Available on report, Editable, and Required checkboxes as needed. For more information about these options, see the section below.
  6. (Optional) Add more filters by selecting the Plus (+) icon to the right.
  7. (Optional) Delete a filter by selecting the Minus (-) icon.

Each Signal View and Filter View must be dependent on one (1) unique Principal View, as the Principal View determines the available filter fields you can select for this Signal and Filter View. Although a Signal View may not always include a Principal View in the Dependent Views section, a Signal View must ultimately be associated with one (1) unique Principal View through other dependent views. If you cannot select a field to filter on, ensure the current view is dependent on one (1) unique Principal View.

Set the Available on Report, Editable & Required Checkboxes

After adding a safety view filter, there are additional configuration options available:


Available on Report

Select the Available on report checkbox beside a filter to automatically make the filter available on any Signal Calculation Runs using this safety view.

If you select only the Available on report checkbox for a filter, users cannot edit any of the filter’s components on the Signal Calculation Run.

These filters display in their own filter group, named after the respective safety view.


Select the Editable checkbox so that users can edit the field operator and value on the Signal Calculation Run. Users cannot edit the filtered field.

You can only select the Editable checkbox if you first select the Available on report checkbox.


Select the Required checkbox to ensure that if the filter operator and value are blank on the Signal Calculation Run, Vault will return a validation error when users save the Signal Calculation Run. Users cannot edit the filtered field.

You can only select the Required checkbox if you first select the Available on report and Editable checkboxes.


The following sections describe operator behavior for filters. The operators available depend on the field type.

The supported filter field types are:

  • Picklist
  • Object
  • Text
  • Date and DateTime
  • Yes/No
  • Number


Returned results include only those where all filter values are in the field.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Patient Initials (operator) equals (value) AD

Is Not Equal To

Returned results include only those where the field does not contain any of the filter values.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Patient Initials (operator) is not equal to (value) AD

Is Blank

Returned results include only those where the field contains no field value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Study Arm (operator) is blank

Is Not Blank

Returned results include only those where the field contains a field value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Study Arm (operator) is not blank


For the picklist and object field types only. For multi-select picklists, the in operator returns results that include at least one (1) of the filter values.

Example Filter: (Field) Case > Lifecycle State (operator) in (value) Open In Progress Complete

Is After

For the Date and DateTime field types only, returned results include those that succeed the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Event Onset (Normalized) (operator) is after (value) 01 Apr 2024

Is Before

For the Date and DateTime field types only, returned results include those that precede the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Event Onset (Normalized) (operator) is before (value) 01 Apr 2024

Is Greater Than

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are larger than the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is greater than (value) 18

Is Less Than

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are smaller than the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is less than (value) 18

Is Greater Than or Equal To

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are larger than or equal to the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is greater than or equal to (value) 18

Is Less Than or Equal To

For the Number field type only, returned results include those that are smaller than or equal to the filter value.

Example filter: (Field) Case > Age (operator) is less than or equal to (value) 18

Advanced Logic

For information about adding advanced logic, see Using Report Filters.

The advanced logic option becomes available in the following scenarios:

  • There are at least two (2) filters in the group.
  • The filters are set as Available on report only.
  • The filters are set as Available on report, Editable, and Required.

Advanced logic numbers appear next to the filters, as displayed in the following image:


While advanced logic is turned on, you can add filters but cannot edit them. Vault copies the Available on report, Editable, and Required settings from the previous filter to the newly added filter. To edit the filters, you can turn advanced logic off.