Learn how to configure your Vault’s field masking for fields configured with Reasons Omitted.

About the Feature

With the 24R3 release, Vault Safety introduces configurable nullFlavor field masking. This feature extends functionality on existing fields with configurable masking. Previously, during E2B generation, Vault Safety always masked fields with nullFlavors. When configured, users can now exclude nullFlavors from patient content protection when generating masked reports, so Vault populates the nullFlavor values.

To align with your business rules, you can configure whether Null Flavors is an available option in the Exception to Patient Content Protection field for users generating masked reports. After you have configured this feature, for more information on exceptions to patient content protection, see Generate Masked Safety Reports.


Before configuring this feature in your Vault, you must enable Masked Content Distributions.

Configure Exceptions to Patient Content Protection

To configure nullFlavor masking, manage the Exceptions to Patient Content Protection picklist field’s dependencies for the following objects:

  • Reporting Family
  • Transmission
  • Transmission Output Template