Learn how to create Workbench Dashboards for data analysis across Workbench Reports.

About Workbench Dashboards

Workbench Dashboards can display data for one (1) or more Workbench Reports that depend on the same Principal View. Using tabs, you can visualize datasets in groups. You can customize Workbench Dashboards and apply dashboard filters to refine Safety Workbench data for analysis.

After running the Workbench Dashboard the first time, it will run automatically upon loading the page. While it is not recommended, if you change the dashboard’s Principal View, Vault clears the filters for all users and you must run the dashboard again to display data.

Create Workbench Dashboards

A Workbench Dashboard can include up to 12 tabs, each with up to nine (9) components. A component is similar to a Workbench Report and displays data. The tab you are currently viewing is the active tab. You can switch between tabs to compare data.

To create a Workbench Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Workbench > Dashboards.
  2. Select Create.
  3. In the Create New Workbench Dashboard window:
    1. Enter a Name and an optional description.
    2. Select Continue.
      Vault creates a dashboard with a Default tab.
  4. Add up to nine (9) components to display in each dashboard tab:
    1. Select Add Component.
    2. In the Add New Component window, complete the following information:
      1. Enter a Name.
      2. Select a View. If a component already exists on the dashboard, the drop-down displays only views that share the same Principal View. This Principal View defines the available dashboard filters.
      3. Select a Tab. This field defaults to the tab you are currently editing, but you can move the component by selecting a different tab.
      4. In the Layout, select Select Fields.
      5. In the Select Fields to Display window, select the fields to display for this component. Reorder and remove fields as necessary and then select Confirm.
    3. Select Continue.
    4. Optional: Add additional components as needed.
  5. Add tabs as needed:
    1. Select the Plus (+) icon next to the tabs row and enter a name for the tab.
    2. Optional: To rename existing tabs, hover over the tab name to select the Actions menu and then select Rename. You can also double-click the tab name.
    3. Optional: To delete tabs, hover over the tab name to select the Actions menu and then select Delete. You cannot delete tabs that have components.
    4. Optional: To reorder tabs, drag and drop them.
      If you do not have access to dashboard tabs, contact your Admin to grant you the necessary permissions.
  6. Select Save to save the Workbench Dashboard or Save & Run to save the Workbench Dashboard and run all the added components in the active tab. Saving the Workbench Dashboard saves any changes made to all tabs.

To learn more about customizing a dashboard, see the Customize Dashboards section.

For each table chart component, Vault supports a maximum of 500 rows.

About Workbench Dashboard Filters

To add filters to a Workbench Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to Workbench > Dashboards.
  2. Select a Workbench Dashboard record.
  3. Expand the filters panel by selecting the Filters (saf-workbench-filter-icon) icon.

If the Workbench Dashboard contains any required filters configured by your Admin, Vault expands the filters panel to display these filters by default. The available dashboard filters depend on the dashboard’s Principal View.

Case Series

Before you add filters to a Workbench Dashboard, you can apply a Case series. A Case series is a static set of Case versions. Applying a Case series to a dashboard returns data related only to this set of Cases. Workbench Dashboards support Workbench Case Series, which is used by Safety Workbench users, and Signal Case Series, which is used by Safety Signal users.

To apply a Workbench Case Series, under the Report Case Series filter section, select an option from the drop-down or select the Advanced Search (binoculars-icon) icon to use filters and refine your search.

To apply a Signal Case Series, under the Signal Case Series filter section, select a Statistical Data ID from the first drop-down or select the Advanced Search icon to use filters and refine your search. Then, in the drop-down below, select a Signal Case Series Key field. The Signal Case Series Key fields that appear are configured by your Admin. Hover over Additional Information to learn more about the Statistical Data record you selected. If you cannot use the Signal Case Series filter, contact your Admin.

Learn what happens after you apply Case series filters.

Add Filters

To add filters to the Workbench Dashboard:

  1. Under the Available Filters filter section, select a filter using the drop-down.
  2. Optional: To reorder filters, select Advanced Search. In the Select Additional Filters to Display window, reorder filters as needed and select OK.
  3. Select a condition.
  4. Under the condition, select a filter value. You can add only one (1) filter for a filter value.
  5. Optional: To remove a filter, select the x (saf-remove-x-icon) icon next to the attribute you want to remove. You cannot remove required filters.
  6. After you add filters and a Case series, if applicable, select Apply to run the dashboard with your specified filters.

The filter panel applies the same filters across all tabs of the Workbench Dashboard. When you select Apply, Vault runs components for the active tab. When you navigate to other tabs, Vault automatically runs those tabs if you have applied new filters. Switching between tabs will refresh components only if you have applied new filters.

Learn what happens after you apply dashboard filters.

After You Apply Filters

Vault executes the Workbench Dashboard and all components using your specified filters. Any filters you apply to a Workbench Dashboard apply simultaneously to all components. In addition to the dashboard filters, for each component, Vault applies the filters defined on the component’s view, if any exist.

After you apply your filters, Vault saves your filters for the next time you access this dashboard.

If you applied Case series to this dashboard, Vault returns data that is related to only the Case versions in this static list. Additionally, for Signal Case Series, Vault returns data related to only the Case versions for the selected Statistical Data and Signal Case Series Key, for example, New Fatal Count. Depending on the dashboard parameters, the results may include additional Case Products and Case Adverse Events, which you can filter out by applying filters on Product Family and MedDRA Preferred Terms (PT) matching the Statistical Data record.

When you select Clear All Filters, Vault clears any operators (for optional filters) and filter values you set, with the exception of Case series filters. To remove a Case series filter, select the x icon beside it.

Customize Dashboards

In edit mode, you can customize a Workbench Dashboard in the following ways:

  • Beside a component, select the Edit (saf-edit-icon) icon to:
    • Rename the component
    • Edit the fields for which you want to generate data.
    • Move the component to a different tab.
  • Select the Delete (saf-delete-trash-icon) icon to delete the component from the dashboard.
  • Resize a component by selecting the arrow in the bottom right and dragging the component to the desired size.
  • Organize the dashboard by dragging and dropping the components to rearrange them. Vault allows you to display up to three (3) components in a row.

How to Copy Dashboards

When you copy a Workbench Dashboard, Vault copies all tabs and components to the new dashboard.

To copy a dashboard:

  1. From the Dashboards tab or from inside a specific dashboard, select the All Actions menu for the dashboard you want to copy and select Copy Record.
  2. In the Make a Copy window, enter a Name and (optional) Description for the new dashboard.
  3. Select Continue.

After you have copied the dashboard, make any necessary edits to the new dashboard. When finished, select Save or Save & Run.