For Vaults configured to isolate blinded clinical trial information, you can unblind all Cases under a completed Study at once.

About Bulk Unblind Isolated Blinded Product Information

When a blinded clinical trial for a study without study arms ends, you can unblind all Cases at once as part of the end-of-study reconciliation. When you unblind Cases in bulk, Vault removes blind protection for previously unblinded Cases and populates Study Product information for blinded closed clinical trial Cases. Depending on your Admin’s configuration of suspect products, Vault unblinds Study Products with a Drug Role of Suspect, Interacting, and Drug Not Administered.

Vault preserves all Case processing information by generating separate blinded and unblinded records for all global and localized records. Vault updates the applicable Study record and creates follow-up Cases for closed Cases that were not unblinded before the bulk unblind process. Vault records updates in the applicable audit log. Vault does not modify in-progress Cases as part of unblinding.

This feature is available for Vaults configured to isolate blinded clinical trial information. For Vaults without this configuration, see Bulk Unblind a Study for information on how to unblind all study Cases at once.

Procedure Overview

To unblind all Cases under a completed Study at once:

  1. Prepare CSV files for:
    • Study participants
    • Treatment group and blinded product placeholders
  2. Complete bulk unblinding
  3. Review the summary report


To use this feature:

Study Updates

After bulk unblinding all blinded closed clinical trial Cases, Vault updates the source Study:

  • Sets the Blinded field to No.
  • Sets the lifecycle state to End of Study Reconciliation.
  • Adds a bulk unblind summary report to the Attachment section.

Follow-Up Case Creation

After running bulk unblinding, Vault creates a follow-up version of all closed Cases that were not previously unblinded. For each blinded record on the Case, Vault copies the values and creates a separate unblinded record, setting the Blinding Type to Unblinded. Each unblinded record references its associated blinded record. For more information about these dual records, see Isolate Blinded Clinical Trial Information.

Created follow-up Cases are in the End of Study Unblinding state. Vault updates information on these Cases as follows:

  • Vault appends text entered in the Narrative Text field on the Bulk Unblinding page to the Narrative document.
  • Vault maps text entered in the Unblinding Reason field on the Bulk Unblinding page to the Unblinded Reason field on the Case.
  • When the Randomization Number field on the Case is blank, Vault maps the Randomization Number from the CSV file. If needed, Vault truncates the value to 59 characters and appends .
  • Vault updates the New Info Date and Unblinded Date fields to the date of bulk unblinding, based on the initiating user’s timezone.
  • Vault sets the Unblinded By field on the Case to Sponsor.
  • If the Study Type field is blank, Vault maps the Study Type value from the associated Study.
  • Vault evaluates the latest information to update the Case Expectedness, Listedness (Core), and Relatedness fields.

Vault moves previous Case versions to the Superseded state and does not update their data.

Product Information on Unblinded Records

Vault populates unblinded information on blinded Case Product records as follows:

  • For Case Products with Study Product Placeholders for clinical trial Study Products with any Study Product Role except Standard of Care, Vault maps the Study Product data:
    • Vault maps the Name of the Study Product to the Product (Coded) field.
    • If the Product (Reported) field is blank or populated with the blinded name, Vault also maps the Name of the Study Product to this field.
  • If you choose to add dosage information during bulk unblinding, Vault maps Dosage information from the unblinded Study Product record to the Dosages section of the Case Product.
  • If you choose to add indication information during bulk unblinding, Vault maps Indication information from the Study to the Indications section of the Case Product.
    • For Indication only, Vault maps this information to the blinded record as well.

Vault moves blinded Case Product records to the Unblinded state and sets the Blinded field to No.

Case Assessments on Unblinded Records

Vault populates unblinded information on blinded Case Assessment and related records as follows:

  • Vault generates Case Assessment Expectedness records for each unblinded Study Product. Vault does not generate Case Assessment Expectedness records for blinded Study Products unless your Admin has configured Datasheet Expectedness for Blinded Study Products.
  • Vault generates Case Assessment Result records for each source type, copying values from the blinded record.
  • If the Blinding Type field is blank on a Study Product record, Vault generates both blinded and unblinded records.

Localized Cases

If the initial Case has a related domestic Localized Case, Vault creates a follow-up domestic Localized Case that includes all of the new records from the generated global follow-up Case. For unblinded products with PMDA registrations, Vault also generates Case Product Registration, Localized Case Assessment, and Localized Case Assessment Result records. If dosage and indication details were mapped to the global Case, Vault also populates them on the domestic Localized Case.

If the initial Case has related foreign Localized Cases, Vault creates follow-up foreign Localized Cases. However, Vault maps information from the related global follow-up Case upon Transmission generation.

Prepare the CSV Files

Before you begin unblinding, you must upload two (2) CSV files to the Bulk Unblinding page:

  • A list of each patient in the study and the treatment group they were in.
  • A list of the treatment groups and blinded names for the Study Products.

When preparing the files, consider that:

  • The file type must be CSV.
  • A file can contain up to 20,000 rows.
  • Column headers must have the required names and order.
  • Commas (,) in cell values are not supported. This is a known limitation that will be addressed in a future release.

Prepare a CSV File of Study Participants

Each combination of either investigational_mrn and treatment_group or patient_initials and treatment_group must be unique. Use the following column header names and order:

Column Character Limit Description
patient_initials 60

Each row must specify at least one (1) patient identifier from a Case. This can be patient_initials or investigational_mrn. When both values are included and do not match, Vault considers investigational_mrn.

This value matches to the Patient Initials field on the Case object.

investigational_mrn 20

Each row must specify at least one (1) patient identifier from a Case. This can be patient_initials or investigational_mrn. When both values are included and do not match, Vault considers investigational_mrn.

This value matches to the MRN - Investigation field on the Case object.

study -

(Required) Identifies the Study for which Cases will be unblinded. The value must match either the name or number of a Study on a Case.

This value matches to either of the following fields:

  • Case > Study > Name
  • Case > Study Number
treatment_group -

(Required) Identifies the treatment group the patient was assigned.

randomization_number 200

(Optional) Identifies the patient's randomization number from the clinical trial randomization system.

Vault maps this value to the Randomization Number field of the follow-up Case created after unblinding.

CSV Sample

We recommend reviewing this sample CSV file:

FL,pt004,STU-004,Active Comparator,324dsgasd235
EW,pt005,STU-004,Active Comparator,fhhybg57674

Prepare a Treatment Group and Blinded Product Placeholders CSV File

Each row must be unique. Use the following column header names and order:

Column Character Limit Description
treatment_group -

(Required) Identifies the treatment group the patient was assigned.

study_product -

(Required) Identifies the Study Product being unblinded. The value must match either the name or number of a Study Product in the Study.

This value matches to either of the following fields:

  • Case > Study > Study Product > Name
  • Case > Study > Study Product > Product
study_product_placeholder 128

(Required) Identifies the Study Product Placeholder for the Study Product being unblinded. The value must match a Study Product Placeholder in the Study.

This value matches to the Case > Study > Study Product Placeholder > Name field.

CSV Sample

We recommend reviewing this sample CSV file:

Investigational,cholecap,Investigational vs. Placebo
Placebo,wonderdrug,Investigational vs. Comparator

Bulk Unblind Cases

Initiate bulk unblinding from a Study record. You cannot bulk unblind Cases across different Studies. For information on unblinding an individual Case for SUSAR reporting, see Manage Case Blinding.

  1. Navigate to the applicable Study record.
  2. From the All Actions menu, select Launch Bulk Actions.
  3. In the Upload List of Study Participants section of the Bulk Unblinding page, select Upload to upload the CSV file of study participants.
  4. In the Upload List of Treatment Group and Blinded Product Placeholders section, select Upload to upload the CSV file of the treatment group and blinded product placeholders.
  5. (Optional) In the Unblinding Options section, apply updates to the follow-up Case created after unblinding:
    1. In the Narrative Text field, enter up to 2,000 characters to append to the Narrative document.
    2. In the Unblinding Reason field, enter up to 250 characters to populate the Unblinded Reason field on the Case.
    3. In the Dosage Options field, select whether to add Dosage information from the unblinded Study Product to the Dosages section of the Case Product.
    4. In the Indication Options field, select whether to add Indication information from the Study to the Indications section of the Case Product.
  6. Select Preview Bulk Unblind. Vault populates the right-hand panel with:
  7. To apply the details from the bulk unblind preview, select Run Bulk Unblind.


When bulk unblinding completes, Vault generates a summary report of all changes. You can navigate to other pages during report generation. Vault displays a notification when all applicable Cases are unblinded.

Summary of Changes

Cases are categorized by color based on how Vault updates them after bulk unblinding:

Category Color Description
Previously Unblinded Cases Green Unblinded Cases identified by:
  • The Case Blinded field is set to No.
  • The Blind Protection field is set to On.

These Cases can be in any lifecycle state, including a Closed state.

After running bulk unblinding, Vault removes blind protection from these Cases and all related documents. If any blinded records do not already have unblinded equivalents, Vault generates the missing unblinded records.

Closed Cases to Unblind Blue Closed blinded Cases identified by:
  • The Case Blinded field is set to Yes or blank.
  • The Case is in the Approved or Closed lifecycle state.

After running bulk unblinding, Vault creates a new Case version with follow-up information added, along with domestic and foreign Localized Cases when applicable.

Inflight Cases Purple In-flight Cases identified by:
  • The Case Blinded field is set to Yes or blank.
  • The Case is in any active lifecycle state (such as Data Entry, QC, or Medical Review).

Vault does not update these Cases as a result of bulk unblinding.

Cases Without Matching Patient Red

Cases associated with the Study that did not match a patient in the CSV file.

Vault does not update these Cases as a result of bulk unblinding.

Summary Report

Vault generates a summary report of changes from bulk unblinding. When the report is ready, the Vault notification links to the report, which is also attached to the associated Study. The summary report is an XLSX file with the following tabs:

Tab Description
Input The options selected on the Bulk Unblinding screen, the user who ran the action, the date and time the action ran, and the name of the source CSV files
Summary The number of Cases in each category.
Activity Log A detailed log of each Case evaluated and changed during bulk unblinding, including the following columns:
  • case: The name of the Case
  • wwuid: The worldwide unique case identification (WWUID) number on the Case
  • action_taken: The action Vault took on the Case, such as:
    • Remove Blind Protection
    • Create follow-up and unblind
    • Blind Protection was off. No change was made
  • message: Warning or error messages, if applicable
  • patient_id: The patient identifier used to match the Case to the CSV file
  • fields_updated: A list of Vault fields modified by the bulk unblind action