Search for and code external products from the Korea Drug Dictionary for submissions to the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
Note: Depending on your Admin’s configuration, object, field, and section labels, lifecycle states, and workflows may differ from the general information on this page. Refer to your organization’s business processes for guidance.
About the Korea Drug Dictionary
Vault supports the MFDS-compliant Korea Drug Dictionary for domestic Case and Localized Case processing for Korea, allowing you to add MFDS codes for External Product types of Case Products. Veeva updates Vault’s Korea Drug Dictionary twice per year, in line with the WHODrug Link Korea schedule. New versions are automatically available in your Vault. You cannot utilize a previous version.
Your Admin must enable the Korea Drug Dictionary in your Vault.
Browse and Code MFDS Products
In the Case Products section of a domestic Case or Localized Case for Korea, you can search the Korea Drug Dictionary to add an External Product:
- From the Case Products section, access the Product Browser.
- In the top-right corner of the Product Coding Browser window, select Launch Korea Drug.
- In the Korea Drug Browser window, you can do the following to filter the search results:
- In the search bar, update the search term and select the search (
) icon.
- Filter by certain columns:
- Click the filter () icon in a column header.
- Select the applicable values.
- Select Apply.
- Optional: Select Clear Filter to remove the filter for that column.
- Select Clear All Filters to remove all filters.
- Select a column header to sort results by that column.
- Select Previous Page (<) and Next Page (>) icons to navigate through the pages of results.
- In the search bar, update the search term and select the search (
- Select the row for the applicable drug to code.
- Select Confirm.
When you save the changes to the record after selecting a product code, Vault adds the selected product, MFDS Standard Drug code, and manufacturer to the Korea Drug field. For Localized Case Products, Vault also populates the Local MPID and Registration Holder/Applicant fields. To remove the code, edit the record and select Clear Selection.
Korea Drug Browser Columns
When searching for products in the Korea Drug Browser, Vault displays the following columns:
- Product Name (제품명)
- English Product Name (제품영문명)
- Company Name (업체명)
- English Company Name (업체영문명)
- Local MPID (품목기준코드)
- Cancel (취소/취하)
- Cancellation Date (취소/취하일자)
- Permission Date (허가일)
- Item Classification (전문의약품)
- Finished Product (완제/원료구분)
- Additives (첨가제 )
- Main Ingredient / Main Raw Material (주성분/주원료)
- English name of main ingredient (주성분영문명)
- Standard Code (표준코드)
- ATC Code (ATC코드)