20R3 Known Issues and Limitations

Learn about the known issues and limitations introduced in Vault Safety 20R3.

Note Beginning with 23R3 content and for all subsequent releases, Vault Release Notes is the official site for Vault Safety release notes.

You may encounter the following known issues or limitations in certain environments or configurations. Where possible, workaround instructions are provided to solve the issue.

We actively investigate all known issues and will be providing fixes and updated information in future releases.

Vault Safety Known Issues

Matching Case Not Listed as Potential Match in Duplicate Check Results


In Vault Safety 20R3, there is an issue with duplicate detection where Cases are not listed as potential matches when the only matching fields are ID fields (Worldwide UID, UID, External System UID).

Warning Notification is Not Displayed for EMA Unit in E2B R2 Export Error


In Vault Safety 20R3, there is an issue where a warning notification does not appear when exporting an E2B R2 file from a Case with invalid data entered on the Case Product Dosage section.

Transmission Record Does Not Move to Error State when the Intake API Job is Unsuccessful


In Vault Safety.AI 20R3, there is an issue where the Transmission Record remains in the Active state instead of moving to the Error state when the Intake API is unsuccessful.

Watchlist Tag is Updated with Constituent Product’s Watchlist when Combination Product Does Not Have a Watchlist


In Vault Safety 20R3, there is an issue where the Case Watchlist tag is updated with a contituent product’s watchlist tag when the constituent product has an associated Watchlist, but the Combination Product does not.

RTF Attachments Considered Invalid Format During EMA E2B R3 Report Generation


In Vault Safety 20R3, there is an issue where an .rtf formatted file uploaded to a Case is considered invalid during EMA E2B R3 file generation.


Convert the file to .docx format and retransmit with that file format.

Gateway Submissions with Validation Errors Get Stuck in Sending ICSR State


In Vault Safety 20R3, there is an issue where gateway transmissions with validation errors become stuck in the Sending ICSR state. When the Submit to Gateway action is run, Vault Safety regenerates the .xml file and validates the E2B xml. If there are any validation errors, the record state changes to Validation Error before the file is submitted to the gateway. Since submissions can only happen from the Ready for Submission, Ready, and Pending states, the record becomes stuck in the Sending ICSR state with the file never submitted.


  1. Fix all validation errors.
  2. Retry the gateway transmission.

If the transmission does not send, you can download the file and complete the submission through EVWeb.

Vault Safety.AI Known Issues

Transmission Record Does Not Move to Error State when the Intake API Job is Unsuccessful


In Vault Safety.AI 20R3, there is an issue where the Transmission Record remains in the Active state instead of moving to the Error state when the Intake API is unsuccessful.

Exception on Creating Inbox Item Having a Form Attached to It (Intermittent)


In Vault Safety.AI 20R3, there is an issue where an Inbox item cannot be created when a JSON document or form is attached to it.

Cannot Generate Transmission Document from Promotion Transmission


In Vault Safety.AI 20R3, there is an issue where users are unable to generate a transmission document on a Promoted Transmission record. However, when an AER is promoted to a Case, the transmission documents can be generated.

Server Error Message when Saving a Product After Undelete Action


In Vault Safety.AI 20R3, there is an issue where a server error message is displayed when users attempt to save a product after performing a delete product action and then performing an undelete product action immediately afterwards.


Refresh the page to clear the server error message.