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Add product, registration, and substance details in your company Product library

Note Beginning with 24R2 in August 2024, this site will no longer be available. The new Vault Safety Help site is the official site for all Vault Safety Help content. For the latest information, visit the new site.

About Product Administration

Configure a Product with product, registration, and substance details for each product on which your organization monitors and reports. Optionally, create Product Families for an Organization to group Products with the same Substance. Product Families can include Datasheets, which are applied to all Products in the family without a specified Datasheet. This provides an easy way to manage large groups of Products.

Product setup is a prerequisite for adding Study Products and Combination Products.

Your company Product library is a key component in many Vault Safety features, which includes the following functionalities:

Functionality Relationship
E2B Import During an E2B import, the system attempts to match products in the E2B file to products configured in the Product library.
ICSR Report Generation When the system generates ICSRs (including E2B, FDA 3500A, and CIOMS I reports) certain fields are mapped from the Product library. These fields are identified in their descriptions below.
Aggregate Reports Products added to an aggregate report Reporting Family are used to filter Cases to include in report tabulations.
Reporting Rules The system looks at local Product Registrations for Case Products to generate Submissions according to reporting rules in your vault.
Watchlists You can set up Watchlists to monitor Cases with certain Products. Case Products must be suspect or interacting to trigger watchlists.
Automatic Expectedness and Listedness Set up Products and Product Datasheets for Vault Safety to automatically determine whether an adverse event is expected or unexpected.

Create Products

Add a Product for each company product for which you will process Cases in Vault Safety.

To support organization and maintenance of your Product library, products can be grouped in Product Families. All Products with a Product Family must have the same Substance and be linked to the same Organization.

Snapshotting: When you add a Case Product linked to a record in the company Product library, the system snapshots pre-configured product fields to the Case Product.

Add a Product Family

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Product Families.
  2. On the Product Families page, select Create.
  3. Complete the fields on the Create Product Family page.
  4. Select Save.

Product Family Fields

Field Description
Enter a name for the Product Family.
Select the Organization to which the Product Family belongs.
Family Datasheet
Add a Datasheet that applies to all Products within the Product Family that do not have a specified Datasheet. If the Product Family Datasheet changes, those updates are automatically applied to those Products.
Therapeutic Area
Select the Therapeutic Area for the Product Family.


When a Product Family record is saved, a Products section appears. You can create new Products that will be included in the Product Family by selecting Create on this page. If Products are set up separately and linked to a Product Family, they are automatically listed in the Products section.

Add a Product

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Products.
  2. On the Products page, select Create.
  3. In the Create Product window, select the product type, and then select Continue.
    • If the Product has multiple Product Type registrations to meet agency requirements, select Product. If not, select from the other options.

    Note When you select a product type registered in the FDA's jurisdiction, the product type determines how the system automatically generates submissions to the FDA. See FDA Report Formats for more information.

  4. Complete the fields on the Create Product page.
  5. Select Save.

Product Fields

Field Description

Select the Organization to which the product belongs.

When adding a Case Product, the Case must be associated with this organization to allow users to select this product.

Product Name

Enter the primary name of the product. Vault Safety references the product using the name that you enter in this field.

When a Case Product references this Product record, the system uses this field to generate the Case Product Name.

Product Family
Select the Product Family to which the Product belongs.

Enter the abbreviated name for the product.

This field is for reference only.

Generic Name

Enter the generic name for the product.

For Device-type products, this field is used in report generation for FDA E2B (R2), FDA VAERS E2B (R3), and FDA MedWatch 3500A report formats.

Vaccine Type

If the product is a vaccine, select the vaccine type.

When a Vaccine-type Case Product references this Product record, the system snapshots this field to the Case Product.

International Birthdate

Enter the date when a regulatory authority first granted marketing authorization for the product.

This field is used in report generation for the FDA MedWatch 3500A format (G.5 Pre-1938).

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the product. Partial dates are supported and the minimum precision required is the year.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product. For Device-type products, this field is used in report generation for FDA E2B (R2) (B.4.k.2.4.FDA.1).


Select the organization that manufactures the product, if it is different from the one selected in the Organization field.

For Device-type products, this field is used in report generation for FDA E2B (R2), FDA VAERS E2B (R3), and FDA MedWatch 3500A report formats.

Core Datasheet

Select the Core Datasheet for the product family.

Datasheets are used to automatically detect expectedness for an adverse event and the suspect or interacting Case Products.

Non-Company Product
If selected, the system will consider Marketing→Investigational and Marketing→Marketing (Cross-Agency) cross reporting scenarios for the Product.
API Name

Enter a unique identifier that can be used with the Safety Rule "Product" parameter to define a specific Product for a reporting rule.

To learn more, see Reporting Rule Parameter Reference.

Market Segment

Select a Market Segment from the picklist.

This field does not appear on page layouts by default. Depending on your organization’s security configuration, it may be added by your Admin.

Add Product Registration Details

Add Product Registrations for each country the product is registered in.

The system looks at the Product Registration Countries for Case Products to generate Submissions according to reporting rules in your vault. Understand Reporting Rules provides more information.

Snapshotting: When you select the Product Registration on a Case Product, upon saving the record, the system snapshots fields from the Product Registration to the Case Product.

Add a Product Registration

Add product registration details for each country the product is registered in.

  1. Go to the Product record.
    Find Product records on the Business Admin > Objects > Products page.
  2. Under Registrations, select Create.
  3. Complete the Create Product Registration page.
  4. Select Save.

Product Registration Fields

Field Description

The system automatically populates this field with a reference link to the Organization on the parent Product record.

If the Registration Applicant/Holder field is blank, the system snapshots this field to the Registration Holder field on Case Products.

The system automatically populates this field with a reference link to the Product parent record.
Registration Name
(Required) Enter a name for the Product Registration. Vault Safety references the registration using the name that you enter in this field.
Product Type
The system automatically populates this field with the product type of the Product parent record.
Combination Type

If the product is a combination product, select the combination type.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product and is used in report generation for the FDA VAERS E2B (R3) format.

Registration Number

Enter the product authorization or application number for the country where the product is marketed.

For U.S. Registrations, ensure that the value you enter in this field adheres to the FDA E2B format requirements for element B.4.k.4.1 (Authorisation / Application Number).

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product and is used in report generation for E2B, FDA MedWatch 3500A, and PADER formats.

Registration Date

Enter the date when the product was registered.

This field is for reference only.

Registration Type

Select the registration type.

This field is used in report generation for FDA MedWatch 3500A and PADER formats.

This field is needed to correctly match Transmission Profile Scope records for any Organization with multiple Transmission Profiles for the same destination Agency.


Select the country where the product is registered and authorized.

The system snapshots this field to the Registration Country field on a Case Product and is used in report generation for E2B formats.

Route of Administration

Select the route of administration TermID code.

This field is for reference only.

Compounding Type

If the product is a compounded product, select the compounding type.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product and is used in report generation for E2B formats.


Based on the Country selected on the Product Registration, the system automatically populates this field with the Agency assigned jurisdiction over that country.

If configured, reporting rules generate Submissions to this Agency when a Case Product references this Product Registration.

Transmission Profile

To specify the Transmission Profile the system should use when automatically generating Submissions for this registration, select the Transmission Profile. We recommend setting this field when you have a Transmission Profile corresponding to this reporting destination and report type.

Local Datasheet

Select the Local Datasheet for this product registration. A Local Datasheet is specific to a country or region, listing expected adverse events that apply to that product registration.

Datasheets are used to automatically detect expectedness for an adverse event and the suspect or interacting Case Products.

Registration Applicant/Holder

The system snapshots this field to the Registration Holder field on Case Products. If this field is blank, the value in the Organization field is snapshot instead.


This field may also be named Reporting Organization depending on your Admin's configuration.

If you have a Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) that manages your ICSR reporting obligations for this registration, select the Organization. Selecting an Organization in this field creates an MAH Distribution List, and thereby a reporting obligation, for this registration.

Note Removing the last remaining MAH/Reporting Organization from an MAH Distribution List will also delete the MAH Distribution list.

Warning Use caution when setting this field. Reporting Obligations are for Distributions only and override agency submission rules. Do not select an Agency such as the FDA or EMA.

Registered As

Select the product type for this registration from the following options:

  • Drug
  • Biologic
  • Device
  • Vaccine
  • Nutritional
  • Cosmetic
  • OTC Drug
  • OTC Device
  • Combination Product

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product Registered As field.

When generating E2B Transmissions for this registration, the system snapshots this field, then uses that value to determine whether Device-type Combination Product Constituents are exported.

See Exclude Device Constituents from E2B Exports for more information.

When generating an FDA 3500A form for a non-Combination Company Product, this field determines which section of the form is populated, as follows:

  • If the Registered As field is set to Device or OTC Device, populate the Suspect Medical Device sections.
  • If the Registered As field is not set to Device or OTC Device, populate the Suspect Product(s) section.
  • If the Company Product has multiple FDA registrations (one device, and one non-device, for example), populate the Suspect Product(s) section.
  • If the Company Product has no FDA registration, populate the Suspect Product(s) section.

For information on how the product type for a registration is used when evaluating reporting rules, see the Product Registration Type rule parameter.

This field does not appear on page layouts by default, but can be added to Transmission page layouts by your Admin. Depending on your Admin's configuration, this field may be called Transmission Product Type.

Default Registration
Designates the registration as the most current or commonly used registration for the selected country.
If the registration is the most commonly used for the selected country, select the checkbox. During data entry, in the Case Product Registration field, this registration is prioritized in the picklist, though all active Product Registrations remain available for use.
(strength_number__v | strength_unit__v)
Enter the strength of the product.
In the first field, enter a numeric value. In the second field, select a unit of measurement from the picklist or enter a custom unit.

Enter the Medicinal Product Identifier (MPID) for the product.

Note You can specify only one type of product identifier. Do not specify a MPID if you have entered a PhPID.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product and is used in report generation for E2B (R3) and CIOMS I formats.


Enter the Pharmaceutical Product Identifier (PhPID).

Note You can specify only one type of product identifier. Do not specify a PhPID if you have entered a MPID.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product and is used in report generation for E2B (R3) and CIOMS I formats.

National Drug Code

Enter the US National Drug Code (NDC) or unique identifier for the product.

This field is used in report generation for the FDA MedWatch 3500A format.

Product Code

Enter the device Product Code.

The system snapshots this field to Device-type Case products, and it is used in report generation for FDA E2B(R2), FDA VAERS E2B(R3), and FDA MedWatch 3500A report formats.

Local Product Code
Enter the region-specific Medicinal Product Identification (MPID) code. This field is used for Localized Cases.
Trade Name
The system snapshots this field to Device-type Case products, and it is used in report generation for FDA E2B(R2) (B.4.k.20.FDA.1).

PMDA Fields

Use the PMDA section on a Product Registration to set up information for a Japanese Product Registration. Add a Japan Product Registration provides information on the PMDA fields.

Add Substances

Configure substance information to snapshot information to Cases for E2B export as follows:

  • E2B(R3): Section G.k.2.3.r Substance / Specified Substance Identifier and Strength
  • E2B(R2): Data element B.4.k.2.2 Substance / Specified Substance Name

PSUR aggregate reports can leverage Substances to filter Cases to include in the report tabulations. Other aggregate reports do not leverage Substances.

Your Admin may need to configure your Vault to access this feature. See Enable Substances for more information.

Snapshotting: When a Case contains a Case Product linked to a company Product with pre-configured Substances, the system snapshots each Substance to create Case Product Substance records.

Note We recommend that you link a Substance at the Product level instead of adding a Substance to a Study Product. You should only add a Substance at the Study Product level when you need the Strength fields to appear. If a Study Product Substance exists, it will supersede any Product Substances on the Case.

Add a Substance to a Product

  1. On the Product page, expand Substances, and then select Add.
    Your Admin may need to configure your Vault to add the Substance section to the Product page.
  2. Use any of the following methods to add a Substance:
    • Select existing Substances from the library, and then select OK.
      In the Search: Substance window, use filters to refine your search.
    • Select Create. On the Create Substance page, enter the substance details, and then select Save.

    You can also add a Product to a Substance by going to Business Admin > Objects > Substances. Create or select a Substance, and then expand Products.

  3. Select OK.

Product Substance Fields

Field Description
Substance Name

(Required) Enter the name of the substance. Vault Safety references the substance using the name that you enter in this field.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product Substance and is used in report generation for E2B(R2) and E2B(R3) formats.

This field supports up to 128 characters. If your Admin has configured your Vault for 250-character Substance Names, this field may be unavailable and have a different field name.

Substance Name

(Required) Enter the name of the substance. Vault Safety references the substance using the name that you enter in this field.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product Substance and is used in report generation for E2B(R2) and E2B(R3) formats.

This field supports up to 250 characters. Your Admin must enable this field in your Vault.

(Required) Select the organization or use the binoculars icon to search for the organization associated with the substance.
Substance ID

Enter the unique identifier for the substance.

This field is for reference only.

Term ID

Enter the substance TermID.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product Substance and is used in report generation for E2B(R3) formats.

Term ID Version

Enter the version date or number for the TermID.

The system snapshots this field to the Case Product Substance and is used in report generation for E2B(R3) formats.


Enter a description for the substance.

This field is for reference only.

Create Product and Substance Aliases

During E2B import, the system attempts to match the Case Product with the relevant Product in the Business Admin library.

You can set up Product matching using Product and Substance Aliases. If the system can not find a match for the Case Product using non-Study matching, it will attempt to use aliases you set up in the Business Admin library.

Add a Product Alias

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Product Aliases.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the following information:
    • Product: (Required) Select the Product the alias is associated with.
    • Alias: (Required) Enter the alias name.
  4. Select Save.


You have saved the alias in the Product Aliases library. Now, the system can match any Case Product with this alias to the associated Product in the Business Admin library. The Generic and Localized Product Names are automatically added from the Product record as Product aliases.

Note You can also add Substance aliases to the Product Aliases library. You might consider this for cases where users mistakenly enter a Substance Name as the Product.

Add a Substance Alias

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Substance Aliases.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Complete the following information:
    • Substance: (Required) Select the Substance the alias is associated with.
    • Alias: (Required) Enter the alias name.
  4. Select Save.


You have saved the alias in the Substance Aliases library. Now, the system can match any Case Product with this Substance alias to the associated Substance in the Business Admin library and, subsequently, to the associated Product in the library.

The Localized Substance Name is added as an alias automatically.

Bulk Import Product and Substance Aliases Using Vault Loader

You can use Vault Loader to load Product and Substance Aliases in bulk from a Company Product in the Vault Library. Note that you must repeat the instructions below to upload two different CSV input files for Product Aliases and Substance Aliases.

The procedure for bulk importing Product and Substance aliases is as follows:

  1. Prepare the CSV Input File
  2. Load Aliases into Your Vault

Prepare the CSV Input File

  • Prepare the Import File for Product Aliases
    1. Use Vault Loader to extract the Product Aliases fields. Keep only the Field Names, which will serve as the column headers for the import file. See Vault’s Preparing CSV Input Files for more information.
    2. Use Vault Loader to extract the following Product (product__v) fields:
      • Product Name (name__v)
      • Organization (organization__v)
      • Generic Name (generic_name__v)
    3. Copy the extracted fields from step 2 into the import file under the respective column. The following table displays the field mapping between the extracted file and the import file columns:
      Product Name name__v product__v
      Organization organization__v organization__v
      Generic Name generic_name__v alias__v
    4. Use Vault Loader to extract the following Localized Product (localized_product__v) fields.
      • Name (name__v)
      • Product (product__v)
      • Organization (organization__v)
    5. Copy the extracted fields from step 4 into the import file under the respective column. The following table displays the field mapping between the extracted file and the import file columns:
      Name name__v alias__v
      Product product__v product__v
      Organization organization__v organization__v
    6. In the import file, perform the following steps:
      1. Capitalize the fields under the Alias (alias__v) column.
      2. Go through the aliases and remove any duplicates.
  • Prepare the Import File for Substance Aliases
    1. Use Vault Loader to extract the Substance Aliases fields. Keep only the Field Names, which will serve as the column headers for the import file. See Vault’s Preparing CSV Input Files for more information.
    2. Use Vault Loader to extract the following Substance (substance__v) fields:
      • Substance Name (name__v)
      • Organization (organization__v)
    3. Copy the extracted fields from step 2 into the import file under the respective column. The following table displays the field mapping between the extracted file and the import file columns:
      Substance Name name__v substance__v
      Organization organization__v organization__v
    4. Use Vault Loader to extract the following Localized Substance (localized_substance__v) fields.
      • Name (name__v)
      • Substance (substance__v)
      • Organization (organization__v)
    5. Copy the extracted fields from step 4 into the import file under the respective column. The following table displays the field mapping between the extracted file and the import file columns:
      Name name__v alias__v
      Substance substance__v substance__v
      Organization organization__v organization__v
    6. In the import file, perform the following steps:
      1. Capitalize the fields under the Alias (alias__v) column.
      2. Go through the aliases and remove any duplicates.

Load Aliases into Your Vault

Vault Help provides instructions on using Vault Loader to upload object records to your vault. Follow the steps in Loading Object Records with your respective CSV input file.

Note the following when completing the steps:

  • In the Action Type dropdown menu, select “Upsert”.
  • In the Key Field dropdown menu, select “Alias”.

Note When using Vault Loader to upload Products to your Vault, if the Generic Name for a Product exists on another Product, a new Product record is created with the Product Name and Generic Name fields populated, but the Product Alias is not created.

Create Inactive Ingredients

Add an Inactive Ingredient record for each Inactive Ingredient for which you will process Cases in Vault Safety.

Add Inactive Ingredients

  1. Go to Business Admin > Objects > Inactive Ingredients.
  2. On the Inactive Ingredients page, select Create.
  3. Complete the fields on the Inactive Ingredients page.
  4. Select Save.

Inactive Ingredient Fields

Field Description
Enter a name for the Inactive Ingredient record.
Select the Organization to which the Inactive Ingredient belongs.
Inactive Ingredient Name
Enter the name of the Inactive Ingredient

Add Inactive Ingredient Registrations

Add Inactive Ingredient Registrations for each country the Inactive Ingredient is registered in. Inactive Ingredient Registrations are linked and automatically added to Product Registration and Inactive Ingredient records.

  1. Go to the Inactive Ingredient or Product Registration record page.

    Find Inactive Ingredient records on the Business Admin > Objects > Inactive Ingredients page.
    Find Product Registration records on the Business Admin > Objects > Product page, under Product Registrations.

  2. Under Inactive Ingredient Registrations, select Create.
  3. Complete the fields on the Inactive Ingredient Registrations page.
  4. Select Save.

Inactive Ingredient Registration Fields

Field Description
Enter a name for the Inactive Ingredient Registration record.
This is populated with the Organization name from the parent record.
Inactive Ingredient
Select the Inactive Ingredient. If you access this page through the Inactive Ingredient record, this field is automatically populated.
Product Registration
Select the associated Product Registration. If you access this page through the Product Registration record, this field is automatically populated.

Manage Organizations
Manage Combination Products